Step27 – Hawk Game racing

Creating a game

After our mega demo we thought that we could create a game. A game is much more complex than a simple demo. We decided to start to create a racing game. Our reference was « Super car » game. (see video below).

We worked on one track. Using snow, like in our mega demo. We also drawed some cars. Johnny B drawed the backgrounds arts, and we drawed cars together.

The game was never finished, because it was too much work for us.

Here is a screenshot of what it could have looked like:

Title might have been « Road’s kings » or « Highway to hell ».

Here are the tiles for background:
Download data here:

And the full first track:

I have some source code. Need to build data again to check how it run. I guess there is a moving car on the picture, but no collision.

This was the last project Johnny B worked for on Amiga. We spend many cool moments together.

Now this is time for new adventures.

Great games of that time

Super Cars 1 & 2

Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart’s Super Off Road

Demo of that time

Crionics: Neverwhere (yes Crionics love madonna 🙂 )

Step26 Step28