
My subject is devoted to the u.s.a.f.

This site deals with the Air Force in general. It talks about all that one can find in the Air Force, the organization and the education they provide.


This site shows the capacity  of the Air Force units, their bases, their diciplinary codes and  all that is used to the Air Force make run .


This site contains informations on careers, formations, the currents events, on the great operations of the Air Force, where and when there are air meetings, as large events.


This site deals with planes. All the planes which the Air Force uses are indexed, and are presented under the form of photographies.


This is the site of the USAF Air Demonstration Squadron,"Thunderbirds" . It tells us when the next meetings will take place, but also, which planes they use and their capacities.


Page réalisée par Thomas, en 1ère SB1
au Lycée Blaise Pascal à Rouen, France

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