Infonews n°150 du 23/03/2002

A la une this week, a very clever program from PBS***, where you
can see, hear and feel what a "bad pupil" sees, hears and feels in class. A
stupendous experience! If you want to know more about those kids who learn
differently, you can take part in a chat on wednesday. You can also read
the article about the counterproductive strategies some students use to
protect themselves from failure. The week before last, I suggested a unit
about "Biographies" : you will find here two more resources you can use in
this unit. March is "Women's History Month", here are two sites you can use
to study it in secondary school, and then a site with some old posters,
interesting for their design. Then some resources for primary and secondary
school, four websites you could use for transcurricular work (IDD or TPE in
France) : don't miss NASA's animation** for lower secondary school, and
NBC's site about journalism and war* for upper secondary school! Then
you'll find some webquests, and in "internet tools" a site to understand
acronyms and a precious one* to access the pages that are no longer
online...since 1997!!!
Have a nice week!

Note : there will be no Infonews during my Easter holidays, but it will be
back as soon as I am...

Teaching practice
*** Explore Misunderstood Minds (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Misunderstood Minds Chat (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
counterproductive strategies
Student Created Biographies ( BONUS POINTS 22 March )
Guided essay
Women's History Month
Women's History Resources ( BONUS POINTS 22 March )
Notable women adventurers ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
Graphic Design from the 1920s and 1930s in Travel Ephemera ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
Resources for primary school
LA PAGE "ECOLE" du site d'anglais de l'académie de Versailles (from olivier
Vive les langues !
Les horaires du cycle central [JOURNAL OFFICIEL, from Olivier Colas)]
Resources for teachers
Web English Teacher ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
The International Phonetic Alphabet ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
Classic Reader ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
Violence within adolescent relationships (TheSchoolDaily for 22 March)
Resources for transcurricular projects
** NASA KIDS: Spring Is Here! (: NASA KIDS: 21 March)
Froguts (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Sundials on the Internet
* Journalists under fire (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Do you webquest? (from olivier Colas Source : TeachersFirst
Choose your webquest
internet Tools
* The Internet Archive Wayback Machine


Teaching practice
*** Explore Misunderstood Minds (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Explore the concept of multiple intelligences, meet the kids in the broadcast
and access an interactive feature that lets you experience what it is
like to struggle with a basic skill.
[ "Experience firsthand" is a genial idea : an interactive Flash program
makes you become this "bad pupil" who can't read, understand, or do what he
is told. You'll hear the teacher's instructions blurred by other noises,
see the text disappear from under your is really an experience
for all educators to live, and which will help them understand better
what's going on in the mind of their pupils...and realise that it isn't
that they don't want to do what you tell them to, it is that, for some
reason, they really can't.
In the "resources' part, you'll find books and websites about the subject :
a useful bibliography and "webography" for students, organised in several
chapters: general, attention, reading, writing and mathematics. ]

Misunderstood Minds Chat (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 (4:00 pm ET)
Join Rick Lavoie, Director of Schwab Learning and a nationally
recognized expert on learning differences, as he responds to questions
about how best to manage and educate misunderstood minds.
[ you can also take part in this chat and talk directly with an expert.
4:00 pm ET should be about 10:00 pm European Time.]

counterproductive strategies
Students scared of failure (TheSchoolDaily for 22 March),5744,3970458%255E2702,00.html

Research on self-handicapping and defensive pessimism by Australian
educational psychologist Andrew Martin has been named the year's top
educational thesis by the American Psychology Association reports The
[ read this interesting article about the way students acts when they
equate their worth as a person with their achievement. Something to think
about when your students fail...]

To go on with the unit I suggested in Infonews n°148 (in english) and Le
Café Pédagogique n°17 ( in french), here are
some more addresses:

Student Created Biographies ( BONUS POINTS 22 March )
The information, framework and rubrics provided in this article can help
students create their own biographical sketches of famous women and men.
[ you'll find there useful grids : on as a framework to suggest a content,
the other to assess the work. Of course, those grids are to be used as
suggestions and adapted to your own students. On this site, I've also found
a page of links from which the pupils can chose, which I added to mine. For
upper secondary school mainly, but you can adapt it to lower classes:

Guided essay
for pupils who feel unable to write (à partir de fin 5ème, 4ème). This page
offers the content for the biography of Marie Curie, the students just have
to make the sentences. This guided work can be a good starting point for
the weakest.
If you prefer have them working on someone they don't know, make them
discover Gloria Steinem, a feminist activist:

Women's History Month
Women's History Resources ( BONUS POINTS 22 March )
These excellent online resources can aid in the study and teaching of the
important role of women in history.
[ for upper secondary school. Discover the Seneca Falls Convention and the
"declaration of sentiments" and the history of the rights of women. ]

Notable women adventurers ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
on this page you'll find some more bios for Women's History month. For
upper secondary school.

Graphic Design from the 1920s and 1930s in Travel Ephemera ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
This online gallery displays an extensive personal
collection of illustrated ephemera from European,
Asian, and American "travel brochures, airline
time-tables, ocean liner time-tables, auto road maps,
luggage labels, advertising and graphic design
publications." Links to examples of Art Deco and Art
Moderne commercial art are divided by nationality
and into themes such as Automotive and Nautical.
[ pour les sections arts graphiques, publicité et design. Des affiches du
début du siècle, dans toutes les langues.]

Resources for primary school
LA PAGE "ECOLE" du site d'anglais de l'académie de Versailles (from olivier
Vous trouverez une webliographie, une bibliographie, et des tas d'autres
* Le CIEP : Mallette pédagogique
* Le document Passerelle CM2-6ème à télécharger
* Dossier sur les langues en primaire
* Educreuse (CDDP de la Creuse,
* Chansons & comptines : paroles et musique
* Directives officielles
* Les programmes à l'école à télécharger
* L'E.L.V.E. et le jeu ( Loto - Bingo, Le dessin, Collage, Activité
gestuelle, Guess who, etc.)
* Des fiches enseignants / élèves à consulter et imprimer directement.

Vive les langues !
Olivier Colas vous conseille VIVEment le site de Martine Kervran,
professeur d'anglais IUFM et
Laurent Delaume, enseignant en école primaire :
"Un mini site passerelle pour favoriser la cohésion des apprentissages de
langues étrangères à l'école primaire"
Les rubriques proposées :
Actualité des langues à l'école primaire
Imprimer des images supports
Ressources fiches pédagogiques testées en classe
Enseigner les langues avec Internet : où aller, que faire ?
Quelques références bibliographiques

Les horaires du cycle central [JOURNAL OFFICIEL, from Olivier Colas)]
De nouvelles grilles horaires pour le cycle central
ont été définies par l'arrêté du 14 janvier 2002 à télécharger (PDF, 79ko)

Resources for teachers
Web English Teacher ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
This site specializes in presenting a broad variety of
"K-12 English/Language Arts teaching resources:
lesson plans, WebQuests, videos, biography, e-texts,
criticism, jokes, puzzles, and classroom activities."
Browse using the linked sidebar or via the subject-categorized site map.
[ a very useful site, for teachers from primary school up to upper
secondary school. ]

The International Phonetic Alphabet ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
You can view the entire chart of phonetic characters
or particular parts of speech on the chart--consonants,
vowels, diacritics, and more.
[ you can also see part of the handbook and download the audio files at: ]

Classic Reader ([LIIWEEK] March 21)
Over 600 books and 900 short stories presented in
unabridged versions that one can "can read, search,
and annotate." The collection is mostly fiction, short
stories, and poetry and includes children's literature.
Browsable by author, title, or type of work. All works
are in the public domain and may be read online or
downloaded. Free registration is required for downloading and annotating.

Violence within adolescent relationships (TheSchoolDaily for 22 March)
Violence in dating relationships has increasingly become an accepted
social norm for men, women, boys and girls in South Africa. How can
aspects of popular culture support work in schools and convince
adolescent youths that it's cool not to be cruel...
[ the way they worked in South Africa could be transfered to some of our
suburbs! For upper secondary schools or vocational schools (LP).]

Resources for transcurricular projects
** NASA KIDS: Spring Is Here! (: NASA KIDS: 21 March)
NASAKIDS by Liftoff to Space Exploration
March 20th was the first day of spring north of the equator, and
the first day of fall to the south. It's all due to the tilt of the
Earth's axis. Come read more at :
[ this NASAtoon animation can be used even in primary school. You can see
animations, hear the explanation and read the transcript. this can also be
used in transcurricular projects at any level. Peut convenir pour des TPE
ou IDD avec profs de géographie et/ou physique.]

Froguts (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Take a look inside a frog without ever picking up a scalpel with this
virtual dissection activity. Make “incisions” and investigate the
frog’s circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urogenital, nervous and
skeletal systems, and browse descriptions and animation to reinforce
[ for a transdisciplinary work with biology. this site offers an
interactive dissection of a frog, with the possibility of trying again,
observing the result, and reading analysis from experts. idéal pour des TPE
en lycée, et peut-être des IDD en collège. A voir avec le programme de SVT.]

Sundials on the Internet
How to set up a dial, find latitude and longitude,
projects for making a sundial, a FAQ, and a collection
of sundial mottos makes up the Practical
information section. There are also sundial pictures,
technical information on the equation and nature of
time and the declination of a wall, articles from Clocks
magazine, sundial makers, books, and societies. An
excellent section is Sundial Trails, with routes to
follow in dozens of places around the world.
[ pour IDD ou TPE.]

* Journalists under fire (PBS Teacher Previews: March 24-31)
Take a critical look at the values, practices and performance of the
news media with this revealing and newly redesigned site. Read online
debates between prominent journalists, take an interactive quiz that
tests your knowledge of journalism and access resources for reporters.
[ on this page, you'll find a video about "how the Pentagon controls press
access in Afghanistan" and in "the media at war : press access through
time" interesting articles about the compared press coverages of the last
wars (observe the "press access" bar...!).
Note : it is a bit long to download the page, but it is worth it!
You can also access a full page of links. Des adresses utiles pour un TPE
sur la position du journaliste, la couverture médiatique des guerres aux
USA, etc.
if you want to upper secondary school students to find out informations for
a debate on the subject, for example, you can send them to:
where they will find an article about a journalist who died for a story, a
forum where American students say what they watch on tv, and a list of
message where youngsters say what they want to find in the news. All theses
informations will provide them with the vocabulary they will need to
express their ideas (and the point of view of others) during the debate in
class. ]

Do you webquest? (from olivier Colas Source : TeachersFirst
If you've never used a webquest in class ­ or have
never created one yourself, you’re missing a great instructional tool.
TeachersFirst’s Webquests 101 tutorial will show you how to design a
quest just for your students, and it will give you lots of examples of
quests from other teachers and sites. This section of TeachersFirst is
worth a visit even if you’re a webquest veteran. There are lots of new
ideas! Webquests 101 is at:

Choose your webquest
Michele Henry has created several very interesting webquest on the server
of the académie de Nancy Metz. Go to this address and make your choice from:
- Endangered species
- Let's go to New-York City!
- About the United Kingdom
- Royal Palaces
- The Death Penalty in the United States
- Dickens and Victorian Times
- Let's go on holiday!
- The CIA
- The White House and Washington, D. C.
Several colleagues have tested them, and found that their students wanted
to come after school to finish!!!

internet Tools
Acronyms, Text, Abbreviations, Slang, Messaging, Jargon
Fascinating database of acronyms, text, abbreviations,
slang, messaging codes, and jargon in the computer
arena and elsewhere. Includes popular and technical
definitions of such terms as ABEND, ABIOS, 2D4,
LOL, CFN, 2XS, and hundreds of other short-hand
symbols used on the Internet. Also includes options to
send inquiries, explanations, errors and wanted items,
and a section to browse the database by category, for
example, business, drink, music, etc.
[ this site might be useful when you wonder what

* The Internet Archive Wayback Machine
...a growing collection of extinct Web sites and earlier editions of
current ones;
try typing in the URL of one that you used to visit regulary.
[ this is the website we all need! your favourite lesson is no longer
online? Go there, and you'll find it again. I managed to find there the
games I had lost on the site "plastic bag" which seems to have decided to
stop featuring games for kids.
I went to then i entered this address:
and I got what i used last year :
- the Earth Mission puzzle
- the Grime fighters
- the hamburger games
(for upper secondary school...)
and when you get to the page, remember to download it to your disk for
further use! ]


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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