Infonews n°152 du 21/04/2002 

Top of the News this week : 200th anniversary of the White House,
see the websites...and don't make a mistake after the dot...;)
In the news, a last site for Earth Day tomorrow : from Time For Kids, and a
ready-made worksheet. To follow, 3 sites about Presidents, some interesting
sites for secondary school, including one about Drink and Drive and a
webquest about New York, then 2 sites of literature, two for primary
school, one to make poems, for all levels, and some programs to videotape
on BBC Prime.
Have a nice week!

The white House
Echoes From the White House (from PBS)
Site officiel : whitehouse.ORG
Site pour les plus jeunes :
In the News
Earth Day 2002 with Time for Kids
American Presidents
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and Museum (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
resources for secondary school
Study: College Drinking in 1,400 Deaths (CNNs Educational Resources - April 15)
Film Noir (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Guernica: Testimony of War (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
New York ­ A State Unit Study ( from BEST 12 Apr)
American Folklore (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Steinbeck's Call to Action (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Sharks in literature
Resources for Primary School
Play with Clifford (from CBS)
One Potato, Two Potato (from BBC)
Animal poetry : the classroom zoo (from PBS)
BBC Prime
programs to tape

The white House
Echoes From the White House (from PBS)
for the 200th anniversary of the White House, PBS offers us a site with a
virtual visit (pour les BTS qui s'intéressent aux meubles et à
l'architecture) and a page of links.
history and some vidéos.
the virtual tour, that you can compare
with this other from the official site (better photos, more text, but no
page of links.

Site officiel : whitehouse.ORG
vous y trouverez des pages sur les présidents, et des détails sur le
président actuel et sa famille.
page sur les présidents:
Note : attention aux extensions :
.org est un pastiche décapant, osé et irrespectueux;
.net change à chaque fois, et ressemble beaucoup à l'original...avec une
différence (une parodie de Bill Herrin et Chris Mincer);
.com est un site porno; est un studio d'enregistrement;
.us ne semble pas encore pris.....Avis aux amateurs!!!

Site pour les plus jeunes :
si on n'y retrouve plus le sympathique Socks de Bill Clinton, vous pourrez
faire connaissance de Spotty, Barney, India....and the cow Ofélia.
vous pourrez aussi avoir un tour simplifié, guidé par Spotty
et répondre aux quizzes d'India
découvrez aussi la Dream Team, avec Jesse Owen et la vrai Laura Ingalls (la
petite maison dans la prairie est basée sur un histoire vraie!). Pour
chacun de ces personnages, un questionnaire suit la courte biographie. Des
documents intéressants dès le collège.

In the News
Earth Day 2002 with Time for Kids
In Time For Kids for the 22nd of April, you'll find:
- sugestions for activities, and a worksheet ( utilisable dès la 5ème ou
4ème mais à enrichir pour le lycée), which is a good way of making the
students take notes as they go through :
- Earth Friendly HouseHunt : an interactive picture, more orientated
towards what a kid can do to protect the environment than the Earth Puzzles on
- Test you E-Q ( Multiple Choice Questions)
- Earth Day History
- and a page for teachers, with advices, ideas of activities and....a .pdf
worksheet ready to use to turn the visit of the site into a webquest for
lower intermediate students. For more advanced students, the questions will
be too quick and simple, you'll have to add some of your own....,6771,230483,00.html

American Presidents
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and Museum (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
This site is dedicated to the "study and understanding of
President Kennedy's life and career and the times in which he
lived; and to America's political and cultural heritage, the
process of governing and the importance of public service."
The Reference Desk serves as a "gateway to speeches,
sound files, photographs, documents and other online

Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
This privately funded presidential library in Yorba Linda,
California provides information about Richard Nixon, the
library's programs, bibliographies, and News, Reviews &
Commentary, a collection of links to Nixon-related articles
published since October 2000. See pictures and details of
current exhibits and brief descriptions of past exhibits.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
The Resources section contains texts and transcripts of
interviews, speeches, and public papers from Ronald
Reagan's 1980-1988 presidential term. Find also images and
biographical information. There are lists of White House staff
exit interviews, movies he and Nancy Reagan acted in, their
pets, things named after him, and other miscellanea. Sections
on newly released material list dozens of documents (content
not on site though).
[ three sites for crosscurricular work with history in upper secondary
school (TPE ou DNL) ]

resources for secondary school
Study: College Drinking in 1,400 Deaths (CNNs Educational Resources - April 15)
in this report, you'll find useful figures and a video about "binge
drinking" and its consequences. this can be used in a teaching unit about
Drink and Drive, or date rape., with students over 15.

Film Noir (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Explores the characteristics of the "style of American films
that evolved in the 1940s, and lasted in a classic period until
about 1960." Includes information on the first films noir and
examples of noirs featuring femmes fatale, documentary-style
footage, prison settings, children, corruption, crime, and
Raymond Chandler's fictional detective, Philip Marlowe.
Also features a list of modern films noir and a selection of the
"greatest" films noir.
[ a superbe site about those famous old films, with posters. We would have
enjoyed some extracts!!! utilisable dans le cadre des TPE, ou pour les
sections cinéma.]

Guernica: Testimony of War (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
Devoted to Pablo Picasso's Guernica, commissioned for the
Spanish Pavillion of the 1937 World's Fair. Includes a
timeline, and information on the Spanish Civil War, Franco,
and the bombing of Guernica, Spain. Also explores the
symbolism and artistic process behind the creation of the
mural. From the PBS site Treasures of the World.
[ ideal for a crosscurricular work with a Spanish teacher (TPE ou travail
inter-disciplinaire). I'm sure it would also be interesting to compare this
presentation to one presented by a Spanish art critic or historian.]

New York ­ A State Unit Study ( from BEST 12 Apr)
Easy Fun School is a site devoted to homeschooling, so it contains many
ideas of learning activities that students can perform autonomously at
home, and also explains how to organise those activities. This unit about
New York State contains ideas of activities which can be transfered to any
states (portfolios, info-desk, etc.) and a lot of useful addresses to
explore New York State.
the page will be more profitable to upper secondary school students.

American Folklore (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
This site contains "retellings of American folktales, Native
American myths and legends, Tall Tales, weather folklore
and ghost stories from each of the 50 states." Indexed
alphabetically by state, characters, region, ethnicity, tall tales,
and historical period.
[ precious material for teachers. You can find here lots of unusual texts
to study in class. For upper secondary school.]

Steinbeck's Call to Action (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 11)
This review, written in 2000, of The Grapes of Wrath, John
Steinbeck's 1939 novel of migrant farm workers and
homelessness, addresses the question "Does this book still
have a message for us 60 years later...?" Published by Real
Change, Seattle's Homeless Newspaper.
[ on the same book, our colleague Annie Gwynn has prepared these activities
for her students: ]

Sharks in literature
extract from "the old man and the sea" by Hemingway
extract from "The Narrative of A. Gordon Pym" by Edgar poe
a poem, "The Shark's Parlor" by James Dickey
[three rather long texts to study literature classes in upper secondary
school (sections L en lycée).]

Resources for Primary School
Play with Clifford (from CBS)
un petit jeu pour faire travailler need/doesn't need et un peu de
vocabulaire usuel. Vous pouvez utiliser les trois animations de Clifford et
de Cleo. Attention : il vous faut un ordinateur assez rapide, qui supporte
le Flash, et un vidéoprojecteur pour travailler avec tout le groupe, avoir
une interactivité en anglais avec les enfants et des enfants entre eux.

One Potato, Two Potato (from BBC)
sur ce site vous trouverez des chansons pour les tout petits, que vous
pourrez utiliser avec des élèves de maternelle ou de primaire. Le site vous
fournit les paroles et la partition pour la musique. Voyez par exemple
cette adaptation de "Old Mac Donald.." avec les parties du corps:
(voir "song" au milieu de la page)
note : vous pouvez aussi charger les leçons en pdf, mais les émissions ne
sont malheureusement plus disponibles.

Animal poetry : the classroom zoo (from PBS)
discover this interesting unit designed for upper secondary students, that
can also be adapted to lower intermediate students and even beginners if
you choose some easier examples, from this page for example:
then you proceed in the same way : make students study and analyse a poem,
visit websites to collect words, sentences and informations about animals,
and then create their own poem. Don't forget to value the results : make
them illustrate their poems and make a booklet you'll give to parents on
Mother's or Father's Day, organise an exhibition somewhere in the school,
or put them on the school website.

BBC Prime
programs to tape :
22/04/02 OU EU268 03:00 03:50
More cars means more roads, but what's the cost to the environment?
22/04/02 OU EWCUT 03:50 04:00
What happens to your rubbish when you throw it away?
22/04/02 OU EU208 04:00 04:25
Comparing French and English Primary education systems.
22/04/02 READY STEADY COOK 08:30 09:15
des recettes présentées en 20mn. Cette émission est régulière, et peut
intéresser tous ceux qui ont envie d'étudier des recettes en classe (les
lycée hotelier, mais aussi en primaire ou en collège...).
22/04/2002 ANIMALS ON CALL 17:45 18:15 _ 23/04/2002 10:15 10:45
comment les animaux peuvent aider des enfants malades. ( à voir avant de

And remember that you can find the programs of the Open university at :
or order the Guide for free, and benefit at the same time from some
interesting additional articles:


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
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