Infonews n°162 du 28/09/2002

"A la une" this week, the film "Bowling for Columbine" which is
coming out on october 9th, and some suggestions to work on Violence in
schools and the use of firearms in the US. "In the news", the last
discovery about AIDS and the bad effects of ecstasy, and the last gossips
about John Major. Then some websites to explore environment and endangered
species, racism, the relation between television and society, nutrition and
fabric vocabulary, two addresses for primary school, a parallele between
schools and factory management, a security kit for the internet, and a
project suggested by Brigitte Parry from EUropean Network to organise
special events on March the 21st: do take part with several teachers from
all over Europe!

A la une
Bowling for Columbine
In the news
A new protein against HIV/AIDS
Ecstasy damages the brain, causes Parkinson
John Major as a Casanova!
Resources for secondary school
Ranger Rick's Kid Zone (from Blue Web'n Update: September 27)
Jim Crow Laws
Exploring the Relationship between Television and Society throughout
History (from NYT)
Fabric (from English-to-go )
Be a smart mouth (PEN Weekly NewsBlast for September 27)
Resources for primary school
Primlangues ( lu dans l'expresso du Café Pédagogique)
site du CRDP de Bordeaux (from Clau Hepburn)
Teaching practice
Remodel public schools into knowledge factories
A European Spring Day for Youth
Internet tools
Netday Internet Security Kit

A la une
Bowling for Columbine
The film is coming out in France on october 9th. See it before you take
your students to see it. It seems to be not only about what happened in
Columbine school, but also a more general reflection about arm violence in
the US. As the article in the Guardian say:
" It is a topical and, for Cannes, explicitly radical political film
linking what Moore calls the "paranoid mentality" of Americans who love
guns to the violent nature of postwar US foreign policy."
So make sure before you study it in class that it will not impair the image
your students have of the US, and that you will find something positive to
counter-balance the negative image of Americans as "a nation of gun nuts or
just nuts" (Moore's own words!). Our aim as English teachers is not to make
our students anti-American, there is too much of it already in the media!

Here are some articles about the film:
the Guardian :,11895,716923,00.html
La plume noire (l'article n'est qu'en anglais) :
Indiewire (independent films) :
An interview of Mike Moore and videos :
Official website of the film with the trailers in all formats:
photos and articles :
Denver Post, with this statement from Marilyn Manson : ""Keep people afraid
and they consume," the rocker Marilyn Manson tells Moore backstage at a
Denver concert.",1413,36%257E54%257E832006%257E,00.html
A short synopsis :
And Mike Moore's website (Alain Krizic on e-teach advises you to see
"Operation oily Residue - war is fun when you know you won't die" with
embedded links to many news articles about Bush and Irak:

On Infonews:
you will find the pages I built as the Comumbine massacre happened. There
is a page for teachers, with links and website interesting to use in class.
don't miss the link to the page Alain Novak designed at the same moment:
And then your studetns from upper secondary school or older can use the
page of links to visit and build their own report and opinion:

In the news
A new protein against HIV/AIDS
These texts could interest all science orientated students and teachers
(DNL). Here are several versions. You could give on of them to different
groups in the class and compare the contents (My article says, mine too, no
ours did not mention that point, It might be because.....):
International Herald tribune :
Straits Times Asia :,1870,145710,00.html
All Africa :
Detroit News :
San Francisco Examiner :
Independent Online (Zambia) :

Ecstasy damages the brain, causes Parkinson
You can do the same type of exercises with this other subject. A warning
worth giving our students:
"Even a few hits of the mood-altering drug MDMA, popularly known as
ecstasy, taken during a single night out can cause long-lasting brain
damage, scientists warn in a new study." :
Straits Times Asia :,1870,145747,00.html
CBC Halifax :
Independent Online (Zambia) :
Newsdays :,0,1464706.story?coll=ny-health-headlines
San Francisco Chronicle :

John Major as a Casanova!
Yes, he too, has had an affair....This might improve his image of a rather
"grey" man, and it will certainly make Edwina Currie sell her diary far better!
All the gossips in:
Times online:,,2-429285,00.html
Times of India:
the Hindu:
Sky News:,,0-12132507,00.html
Ireland online:
ABC News:
Ananova :

for more daily news and links to all type of papers, go to: (thanks to
Josiane Laval on e-teach!)

Resources for secondary school
Ranger Rick's Kid Zone (from Blue Web'n Update: September 27)
The National Wildlife Federation is a member supported conservation group.
This site is an excellent resource for learning about the environment. It
includes activities, games and resources on the web as well as ideas for
environmental activities outside. It also includes ideas for becoming
active in the community.
[ the "virtual tour" is well adapted to lower secondary school pupils (à
partir de la 4ème) , with short texts and matching games and quizzes.]

Jim Crow Laws
explore a timeline of systematized racial oppression, investigate how
governmental action allowed the Jim Crow laws to flourish in the southern
United States, access lessons and activities and more.
several resources about racism, and how the Civil war did not end it all!
[for upper secondary school]

Exploring the Relationship between Television and Society throughout
History (from NYT)
an article: "The Ever-Darkening World of Television Police Work" and a
lesson plan:
[ for advanced students, very nicely written, for a reflection on language
through a reflection on society and television.]

Fabric (from English-to-go )
English-to-go offers this week as a free lesson a text about fabric, which
could be used in all classes concerned with clothes, sewing, dressmaking
and so on. It is easy enough to be used with students of a very low level
(BEP) but complete enough to also interest the more advanced ones (BTS
habillement, matériaux souples...).
Remember that this text is available for free for only one week, so do save
it right now!

Publish your students work! (from Annie Gwynn on e-teach)
Teachit, a British website, offers you the opportunity to publish your
students work online...and even offers dictionaries to the first work
It also launches a poem contest on the theme of : Celebration. You can read
some of the students poems, and you can send those produced by your class:

Be a smart mouth (PEN Weekly NewsBlast for September 27)
The Center for Science in the Public Interest introduces a snazzy new
website designed to teach kids that healthy eating can be fun! Smart-Mouth
uses games to teach kids (and their parents and teachers) how to eat well
and resist the food industry's marketing campaigns. Kids can see how
their favorite restaurant foods stack up, play "true or false" with a
food-industry spokesman, and "bite back" by asking food companies and
government officials to promote nutrition.
[ an interactive site, with tips and infos, and a very attractive design...]

Resources for primary school
Primlangues ( lu dans l'expresso du Café Pédagogique)
C'est un véritable portail que le C.I.E.P., avec le soutien de la Direction
de la technologie du ministère, ouvre au bénéfice de l'enseignement des
langues dans le primaire. PrimLangues est d'abord un centre de ressources.
Il propose les textes officiels, des bibliographies, de nombreux signets
classés (méthodologie, sites d'enseignants, documents authentiques,
documents didactisés, lexiques etc. pour l'allemand, l'anglais, l'espagnol,
le portugais, l'arabe, l'italien). On appréciera également les fiches
documentaires sur les cédéroms, les malettes pédagogiques, les supports
d'activités. PrimLangues propose également des séquences pédagogiques et de
nombreuses suggestions pédagogiques (allemand, anglais, italien, arabe,
portugais, russe, espagnol) validées pour le CE2, les CM1 et CM2. Le site
donne également la possibilité d'établir des correspondances scolaires et
invite les enseignants à participer à son animation. C'est dire qu'il se
veut " institutionnel et convivial " !

site du CRDP de Bordeaux (from Clau Hepburn)
sur ce site, vous trouverez une liste de ressources utiles pour
l'enseignement de l'anglais en primaire : des livres de théorie et de
pratique, des manuels

Teaching practice
Remodel public schools into knowledge factories
for upper secondary school and above. An interesting parallele between
schools and factories....

A European Spring Day for Youth
organise a debate, a meeting, an exhibition about the Future of Europe and
the Convention on March 21st. Find all the information in several language
at the above address, and write to if you need
anything more.

Internet tools
Netday Internet Security Kit
to make the internet safe at school and at home.... For myself, I prefer to
build a good relation with my students and trust them, rather than using
software that they soon return against us. But you may find there the
software you were looking for.


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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