Infonews n°180 du 15/03/2003

A la Une this week, discover SMS Lingo through an example and the
automatic translator (yes, you do need it sometimes...), several articles,
and if you want to study it with your students, I even found a lesson ready
to use. Then some more about Spring Day, including quick last minute ideas
of activities and an address to make your own activities known. And if you
have not registered yet, do it NOW!!!!!
Then two sites for literature, one site of resources for teachers
of all levels, and many interesting articles about teaching practice : some
to reflect about discipline in your classroom, some others to reflect about
why American education is different (so they think..) et une rencontre
pédagogique à Paris à ne pas manquer! To end this letter, an internet tool
to chat and send SMS....and we're back to the beginning...;)
Have a nice week!
A la Une : a new lingo
Do you speak Text messaging lingo?
To learn more about SMS lingo
A ready-to-use lesson
March 21st : Spring Day
Register and tell us what you do for Spring Day
Ideas for last minute activities
John Donne (from The Scout Report March 14)
The Arabian Nights and The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (from The Scout Report
March 14)
Resources for teachers
The AT&T Learning Network Community Guide (from The Scout Report March 14)
Teaching Practice
Discipline in the classroom
Other sites about Classroom Management (from Library Hot Five #173)
Student disinterest : is there a cure? (from PEN Weekly for March 14)
Teaching the American Way (from PEN Weekly for March 14)
10ème Journées Enseignement et Multimédia (from Olivier Colas )
Internet tools
Hotline Connect 1.9 (from The Scout Report March 14)

A la Une
Do you speak Text messaging lingo?
Claude Covo-Farchi from Paris sent to e-teach this facinating article from
"the Economist":
try and read it:
or use the automatic translator:
and see that even there, the translator doesn't translate everything....and
then try and make it out for yourself!

To learn more about SMS lingo
a short article (that you can use in lower secondary school or in
professional schools):
another one a little longer, announcing the creation of Transl8it
on an official American educational site, an article about how worried
linguists are becoming:
an article from Digital Journal in Canada:
and from traditional sources:
Washington Times:

A ready-to-use lesson
and there, ready to use in your upper secondary class, with ready made
links to articles and questions to answer
the ideal site to set your pupils working on the subject right now....
an excellent impetus to start a class debate...
a way, for once, to teach then something they really want to learn....
and a way to show your students that you are not so old and outdated....;)

March 21st
Register and tell us what you do for Spring Day
If you are not registered yet, do it immediately on:

because if you look at the number of registered schools by country on:
you find out that France is behind Romania, Italy, Poland, Greece and
Spain, and that Germany is just behind Lithuania!!!!!
It's time to react!!!!!!!!

Ideas for last minute activities
If you find out about Spring day only now, it is too late to organise
something complicated like inviting a MEP or some kind of long term
collaboration with a school, but:
- all schools can take part in this contest in their native language and
try and win a trip to brussels:

- your students can do the quizzes, webquests and other activities in
several languages:
- it is not too late to make your voice heard on :

- for the young ones, learn to say hello in all languages:

et envoyez un descriptif de ce que vous faites à Jean Philippe Raud Dugal pour que votre activité apparaisse sur la page des
activités du Printemps de l'Europe pour la France!

John Donne (from The Scout Report March 14)
Friend of both Izaak Walton and Ben Jonson, John Donne was the most famous
of the metaphysical poets of the 17th century, a group that included George
Herbert and Henry Vaughan. Placing a premium on intellectual wit, learned
imagery, and subtle argument, Donne's poems have remained some of the most
enduring from this period. Created as part of the Luminarium Project by
Anniina Jokinen, the site features the complete works of John Donne,
including spoken word versions of many of his poems. The additional
resources section is quite helpful, as it contains many different
biographical sketches of Donne, along with a number of images of Donne from
his childhood to his appointment as the Dean of St. Paul's in 1621. Scholars
will be pleased to find a page of critical essays on Donne's works available
here, some written by students, some by faculty, and one particularly
trenchant commentary by T.S. Eliot. [KMG]

The Arabian Nights and The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (from The Scout Report
March 14)
"A jug of wine, a loaf of bread-and thou" reads one of the enduring lines of
the _Rubaiyat_ of Omar Khayya, as translated by Edward Fitzgerald.

Resources for teachers
The AT&T Learning Network Community Guide (from The Scout Report March 14)
In an effort to help individuals and communities realize the importance of
the Internet, AT&T created the Learning Network Community Guide. The guide
consists of many different resources, and it serves a variety of purposes.
Two Internet introductions, separated into student and teacher versions, can
be used to maximize use of Web tools, newsgroups, and other online services.
Other sections of the site suggest ways to raise community awareness of
information technology (IT) and facilitate access to the Internet on a large
scale. Safety issues of online activity are discussed, and a glossary of
many common terms related to IT is included. This site is also reviewed in
the March 14, 2003 _NSDL MET Report_. [CL]

Teaching Practice
Discipline in the classroom
go through this interesting list of thing it is better to avoid:
discover ideas among 11 techniques for classroom discipline:
and read about proactive discipline
It may trigger some uncomfortable questions and some uncertainties about
what you do, but talk it over with your fellow teachers or friends, reflect
about it, and you will certainly improve the way you are with your

Other sites about Classroom Management (from Library Hot Five #173)
Classroom Management: Prevention and Intervention
This simple and straightforward site offers concise advice on classroom
management and improving your effectiveness as a teacher.
Teacher Talk: What Is Your Classroom Management Profile?
This site provides teachers with a quiz to help determine their classroom
management style.
Classroom Management Concepts
Learn how to set and maintain realistic classroom rules and how to be an
"active listener". Find out more about multiple intelligences and how to
use props during play.

Student disinterest : is there a cure? (from PEN Weekly for March 14)
Students check out of the learning process for a variety of reasons --
including poor self-esteem, being under- or over-challenged by the
curriculum, turmoil at home, boredom, or illness. Most educators, however,
are always seeking concrete ways to re-engage those disinterested students
in the learning process. Is it an educator's job to re-engage them? If so,
how can that be accomplished? In this column at Education World, educator
Brenda Dyck reflects on some ways to tackle the sticky problem of student
disinterest. She includes practical ideas from middle-level teachers, plus
links to additional articles on the subject.

Teaching the American Way (from PEN Weekly for March 14)
According to Jay Mathews, there is some weakness in the argument that
American schools are losing out to foreign education systems. Americans
think our schools have problems. Our average test scores are often not
quite as high as those found abroad. But foreigners still think we
encourage creative thinking in ways their own schools do not. That
success, they say, seems to be reflected in the innovative triumphs of our
businesses and laboratories. Also, foreigners envy the strength and
accessibility of American universities and often want their children to
attend them. And as Larry W. Dougherty, headmaster of the American
Overseas School of Rome, reports, foreign parents notice that American
educators want them involved in school affairs, while their own schools
freeze them out. In the eyes of those around the world who keep track of
education, we are doing much better than many of us think we are. That is
worth keeping in mind.
do you agree??????

10ème Journées Enseignement et Multimédia (from Olivier Colas )
Pour les 10ème Journées Enseignement et Multimédia qui se tiendront au
Carrousel du Louvre ce mardi 18 et mercredi 19 mars, le Groupe
Expérimentation Pédagogique et le Centre de Ressources en Langues
et Multimédia de l'académie de Versailles vous proposent de venir nous
rencontrer sur notre stand. Nous aborderons les thèmes qui vous concernent,
à la demande.
Pour connaître le programme complet,
les jours et les horaires des animations:
contact: Olivier Colas <>

Internet tools
Hotline Connect 1.9 (from The Scout Report March 14)
Hotline Connect 1.9 is an application that allows users to create a personal
and interactive Internet community. Utilizing the program, multiple users
can interact live with a real-time chat feature, conferencing, messaging,
data warehousing, and the capability to transfer files. Additionally, users
can take advantage of the Hotline Connect server to allow other users to
access their computer in a secure and controlled environment. The program
also has an extensive user-friendly documentation file and is compatible
with all systems running Mac OS X. A PC version is also available. [KMG]
before downloading, have a look at the "what is" page:
but this free software seems really interesting for those who feel tired of
MS or AOL Messager.


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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