Infonews n°185 du 11/05/2003

A la une this week, discover Educational Web Adventures, a site
with interactive activities and webquests in art, geography, history,
environment, economy, physics and engineering sciences. Then two sites for
Mother's Day and resources for upper and lower secondary school, including
a list of online resources some sites about cooking, and two sites for
primary school : one from BBC for oral work, and one of string figures. At
the end of this letter, three sites for teaching practice : two with ideas
for a one computer classroom and one about dialects, and webreference, a
dictionary to download on you computer, ideal for language labs!
Have a nice week!

A la Une
Educational Web Adventures
In the News
Mother's Day: What You Need to Know (from LII> [LIIWEEK] May 8, 2003)
Mother's Day sites from Surfing the net with kids
Resources for upper secondary school
Planning to write
Effective test-taking ideas
Online resources
Cooking with kids
Zoom into Maps (from LII> [LIIWEEK] May 8, 2003)
Resources for lower secondary school
New on Nancy Metz
Resources for primary school
String Figures From Around the World
BBC Words and Pictures (from Elisabeth Prévost-Kaboré on e-teach)
Teaching practice
Surviving in the one-computer classroom
101 ideas for the one computer classroom
Ebonics, Creole, vernacular and dialects
Internet Tools
Webreference : A free dictionary on your computer

A la Une
Educational Web Adventures
for advanced students, find several interesting sites in several subjects:
- art : world legends in art, art tales, art workshops, inside art
(discover paintings and painters), and even a detective story about art.
- geography : with sites about money from the International Money Fund
(monetary mania, the IMF in action), or tiger trade
- history : with sites about the amazons, Leonardo or slavery
- environment : discover the watershed game
or the ecotourism game : for advanced students in biology, geography,
tourism, social sciences
or adventures about fish, aquariums and environment
including a very interesting webquest about seahorses
- science and technology :
In "Bridge to classroom", learn about earthquakes (quake country) and
bridges (engineering for earthquakes), find out about the different ways to
build a bridge, security features to add for safety, and test your bridge
online. You can also see how the real bridge was built in 2 miles and 2,000
This site is appropriate for students interested in geography ( map of the
earthquake areas in the world), physics and engineering. Pourrait aussi
servir de base à un TPE.

In the News
Mother's Day: What You Need to Know (from LII> [LIIWEEK] May 8, 2003)
Offers historical facts and figures about Mother's Day,
links to information about famous mothers, and several ideas
for celebrating the holiday.
[ history, bios of famous moms, and lots, lots of links.]

Mother's Day sites from Surfing the net with kids
gifts and certificates from Billybear
how it works from howstuffworks

Resources for upper secondary school
Planning to write
Students can sometimes get stumped in the planning stage
of the writing process. This online exhibit helps students
to organize their thoughts for prewriting, and includes an
online test and student worksheet.
[ excellent for upper secondary school or advanced students in the last 2
year of lower secondary school : the site explains simply and in English
how to write and organise a text.]

Effective test-taking ideas
Here are tips you can study and discuss with your students, it may help
them to pass their exams.

Online resources
A long and useful list of sites for online lesson plans and ideas

Cooking with kids
Classroom Connect give you five addresses about cooking in n°181 : find
simple recipes, advices, Cooking Measure Equivalents, and even a look at
The Science of Cooking. Why not ask your students to try these recipes?

Zoom into Maps (from LII> [LIIWEEK] May 8, 2003)
An exploration of maps and their various uses, with sections
for local geography, exploration and discovery, migration
and settlement, environmental history, travel and
transportation, military, pictorial, and unusual maps. Site
includes "a graphic organizer, for analysis and note taking,
and a set of guiding questions for each type of map." From
the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress.
[ for teachers and advanced students interested in historical maps from the
library of Congress.]

Intercultural Differences
[ This site from an american colleague presents an intersting study of
stereotypes and intercultural differences seen from the point of veiw of an
american. a discussion raising site....]
Resources for lower secondary school
New on Nancy Metz
Michèle Henry from Nancy Metz has updated some of the pages on the
Nancy-Metz ESL Website. You will find loads of ideas and suggestions for
activities on :
"Activités pour les élèves"
et "Chansons" :

Resources for primary school
String Figures From Around the World
"You'll be amazed at what you can do with a simple loop of
string." Offers an introduction to string figures,
instructions for constructing a variety of string figures
(and tips for untangling the string), and related print and
online resources. String figure instructions are broken down
by difficulty level, and are accompanied by photos.
[ For primary school children, or lower secondary school. This is both an
exercise for the hands and to understand directions in English. The
pictures help to infer the meaning of the words in the texts.]

BBC Words and Pictures (from Elisabeth Prévost-Kaboré on e-teach)
L'enseignant peut paramétrer la difficulté et on peut imprimer un petit
bilan sympa avec petite activité complémentaire:
* Jim's crankophone :
On peut choisir les sons qui vont apparaître
*Star words
Pour entendre les mots les plus fréquents de la langue anglaise. (Le
prof peut faire une sélection)
Egalement des histoires brêves pour travailler les voyelles longues
avec de petits jeux interactifs et possibilité d'imprimer :
Beaucoup d'autres activités proposée pour le travail sur les sons
sur ce site. Dans "teacher and parents",allez voir "printable

Teaching practice
Surviving in the one-computer classroom
A list of useful tips and ideas to work with only one computer in your
another site with 7 ways to use your computer, the issues, and a list of
useful links at the end of the page

101 ideas for the one computer classroom
this page of links can be used for the activities listed above

Ebonics, Creole, vernacular and dialects
Stigmatized and Standardized Varieties in the Classroom:
Interference or Separation? What is among the most serious social
problems that our country faces? The failure of inner-city schools
to teach children to read.
[ a useful site to help teachers reflect on this important problem....]

Internet Tools
Webreference : A free dictionary on your computer
Comment from Christophe Labetoulle on hotpotatoesusers list
"Those of you who teach English will be happy to learn that you can have
free access to the excellent Harper Collins dictionary on the web.
Not only that but the webmaster (who works alone) has developped a
downloadable script that makes it possible for vistors to click on any
English word on your web page to get either a definition or a translation in
various languages.
The script can be found at
Best of all its free".
Comment from Claude Covo-Farchi on e-teach
Je viens de l'installer sur mon navigateur. En cliquant sur un mot, je peux
maintenant choisir entre avoir sa définition en anglais, et ensuite avoir sa
traduction en français. D'autres langues sont offertes. Et tout cela


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
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