INFONEWS n°32 du 10/04/99

    Cette semaine, un numéro plus court, mais très riche, avec beaucoup de
pages à lire. Des liens vers des sites de textes classiques numérisés, et
surtout la découverte d'un superbe site de TICE au Royaume Uni. Et pour
vous détendre, regardez passer les voitures aux US.....
Bonne lecture!


Live Cam
Live Traffic Camera Pictures (BBC Education Newsletter 9/4/1999)
Resources for teachers
webTeacher (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
Extreme Science(LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
The Charters of Freedom (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
JOHANN WOULD BE PROUD (Wed, 7 Apr DUMMY> Internet Tips)
Electronic Literature Foundation (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
Les TICE au UK
Les TIC au Royaume-Uni (From Pierre-julien Guay on liste-apop


Live Cam
Live Traffic Camera Pictures (BBC Education Newsletter 9/4/1999)
'The traffic cameras in Washington DC are all connected to the internet.
This site allows you to access these pictures and watch the movement of
traffic around the city. These are still pictures but are updated every few
minutes. This site could be used in the standard grade physics topic of
Telecommunications to discuss how the images are transmitted to the
computer from America, or within GCSE IT topics.'
[ un exemple intéressant et en direct de la surveillance de la circulation
aux US]


Resources for teachers
webTeacher (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
Basic tutorial for the Internet, including tutorials for using Web
browsers, e-mail, video conferencing, chat
rooms, mailing lists, Web page design, FTP, telnet, image, sound and movie
files, newsgroups, Java, and
CGI. Although designed for teachers and students, this site is useful for
anyone who wants to learn how to use the Internet. WebTeacher also includes
information on Internet safety, education related Web sites, and lesson
plans. The site is a joint project of the National Cable Television
Association and Tech Corp.
[ pour enseignants, des exercices et des explications intéressantes pour
ceux qui veulent perfectionner leur technique du web]

Extreme Science(LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
The highest, lowest, biggest, deepest, driest, largest, oldest, fastest,
and other extremes in the natural world are available here, suitable for
younger students. Each category includes a clear, easy-to-understand
explanation of the item and the Map Directory shows the location of each
one. Also available are related links.
[collège, pour le superlatif!]

The Charters of Freedom (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
This superb site contains transcriptions and digitized images of the
founding documents of the American
Republic including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the
Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta of 1215. Of special note is the
Founding Fathers Page, which provides brief biographies of the 55 delegates
to the Constitutional Convention. Another stellar offering from the
National Archives, where the original documents are housed.
[lycée, des textes de référence]

JOHANN WOULD BE PROUD (Wed, 7 Apr DUMMY> Internet Tips)
Give us $100,000,000 worth of computer time, and we'd use it to
achieve some selfish goal, such as total world domination. Give the
same resources to the more benevolent Michael Hart, of the University
of Illinois, and he comes up with Project Gutenberg--an effort to put
on the Web all the books in that university's libraries. (At least we
think that's what's going on here; the "What is PG" description isn't
so clearly written.) For now, the collection seems to consist
primarily of classics and works of dead authors, but new "etexts" are
being added all the time. In time, you may never have to go to a
bookstore--electronic or otherwise--again.
[énorme catalogue de textes en ligne, uniquement ceux qui n'ont pas de
copyight, bien sûr!]

Electronic Literature Foundation (LII> [LIIWEEK] April 5, 1999)
ELF's mission is to provide electronic texts of a variety of works, in
several languages and in various editions. This ambitious project currently
(April 1999) has four full editions (including the Italian) of The Divine
Comedy, by Dante Alighieri; both Middle and Modern English versions of The
Canterbury Tales; five editions (four of the Fitzgerald translation plus
the Whinfield translation) of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; and works by
Jane Austen, the Brontes, Thomas Hardy, John Milton, and Thomas More, with
more projects in development. Each text is individually searchable.
[une mine de textes]


Les TICE au UK
Les TIC au Royaume-Uni (From Pierre-julien Guay on liste-apop
Impossible de passer sous silence l'impressionnant site du projet National
Grid for Learning, un site
anglophone, qui s'adresse à la fois aux apprenants, formateurs,
responsables administratifs. À noter le centre virtuel de formation pour
formateur (Virtual Teacher Center) et d'une banque de ressources et de
formation pour les responsables de la formation continue.
[ ce site est intéressant, mais j'y ai surtout trouvé un lien vers
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA)
C'est le site que nous cherchions tous, des liens, des adresses, des
ressources et des exemples de démarches. J'ai particulièrement aimé:
* how to use videoclips in ESOL teaching
* how to the cdrom 'Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego' as a discussion
* a list of software to use in ESOL :
* The English as Foreign Language magazine online:
* The internet TESL Journal:
* des liens vers des activités à partir de la BBC:
* des liens et des adresses, entre autre le dossier sur 'videoconferencing'
, des adresses d'établissements équipés et leurs projets:


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
Centre Ressources TICE du Rectorat (CRANTE)
Académie de Rouen (FRANCE)

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