Infonews n°321 from 06/01/2008

Happy New Year to you all! May 2008 bring you brilliant teaching ideas and wonderful achievements

A la une this week, discover three competitions organised by European Schoolnet, then suggestions to start 2008 with a review of 2007, or New Years Resolutions, the crystal ball in Time Square, the Queen's Christmas speech, the smoking ban in France or Benazir Bhutto and a unit about women as peace makers of women in power. Primary school teachers will enjoy presenting "the very hungry caterpillar" to their children; secondary school teachers will choose between the beginning of the campaign in the US, the problems with alcohol consumption in the UK or a site offering several interactive presentations. For advanced students, discover a game to learn and read the Times and a site about the effects of altitude on physiological performance in football. Then read about the last Ken Loach's film and discover a free online book of alternative activities (motivators), yahoo for teachers and several articles (in French) on the APLV website.

Have a nice week!
Christine Reymond


A la Une : Energy is our future

For 7 -14 year olds
For 14 - 20 year olds
Chat session on January 31st

The Year in review


New year's Resolutions


In the News

Smoking ban in France
100th anniversary of the Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball
Queen Elisabeth's Christmas message
Benazir Bhutto

Resources for Primary School

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Resources for Secondary School

US presidential elections
Reducing the harms of alcohol in the UK
Interactive Learning (from MiddleWeb's "Of Particular Interest" (334))

Resources for Advanced Students

Play Crickler and learn
Effect of altitude on physiological performance in football


"It's a free world" by Ken Loach

Teaching Practice

3 minute motivators (from MiddleWeb's "Of Particular Interest" (334))
Try Yahoo for Teachers (from MiddleWeb's "Of Particular Interest" (334))
Sur le site de l'APLV

A la Une : Energy is our future

The price for oil keeps going up and the raw material comes to an end, so we must plan our future with new energies. European Schoolnet and PlasticsEurope (an association of plastic manufacturing companies) organise "a set of three school competitions that are designed to be integrated in any school curricula in Europe. The competitions provide teachers and students with the opportunity to work on energy-related themes that are complemented by a relevant collection of online resources. "
[ Those competitions provide interesting resources to study the topic, an opportunity to collaborate with foreign partners in English and chat sessions to discuss the topic online with professionals. The competition is also a ready-made end of unit task, corresponding to the new task based approach to languages according to the Common Framework for languages (CECRL in French). The first contest can be done by beginners, and the last, with 5 brain challenges, can be done transcurricular in European sections where another subject (earth sciences, physics, biology, geography) are taught in English.

For 7 -14 year olds

Profile the future hero
"This competition aims to familiarise students with energy-related topics and encourages them to experience peer-to-peer discussion on energy efficiency. Students are expected to incorporate the latest energy saving solutions and ideas into a visual composition and a text description."
The adventures of FuturEnergia hero
"This competition focuses on creating an entry that is based on a set of five given scenarios. The scenarios aim to raise awareness about energy-related topics and consolidate knowledge about energy sub-topics such as climate change."
[ note that you can link this competition to a teaching unit about super heroes in the style of Florinda Fernandes's excellent work. See the lesson plan and the production of her students: ]

For 14 - 20 year olds

Wanna be a hero?
"This competition gives the opportunity to study and imagine alternative ways of living in order to tackle climate change. The competition enables students to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of sciences through a number of preparatory activities."

Chat session on January 31st

On january 31st at 14:00 CET, two experts, Dr Roger Van der Linden (Group Manager for Environment, Energy and Product Stewardship - Borealis) and Dr Joachim Krueger (Executive Director of the Energy, HSE & Logistics Programme - Cefic) will answer students' questions on the theme : "Petrochemicals : environment friends or ennemies?" All schools are welcome to take part in this chat session organised in English by Xperimania. To register, send a mail to :
And for more information and projects about sciences (physics, chemistry, industrial sciences, technology) explore this wonderful site:

The Year in review


Catherine Serreau has created this worksheet that you can find among the documents on e-teach website (pictures and sentences to match)
and Florinda Fernandes has put online this ready to use worksheet, based on the previous one (questions)
On e-teach, Kimberly Oger recommends Time For Kids review and lesson plan:,27972,1692596,00.html


Catherine Serreau also recommends those sites with reviews of 2007, timeline and the top stories
from the US
from Australia
from France
from the UK
[ my favourite among these reviews is the last one, but all those resources are too vast and varied. My choice for my classes would be the first two documents : thanks Catherine and Florinda!]

Benazir Bhutto

The most important event at the end of 2007 was the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Here are some pages to present her to the students: (obiturary and links) ( on the site of her party, the PPP in Pakistan)
Video (with an indian accent, but easy to understand. lots of dates to spot to build a timeline for students level A2)
a long article on Wikipedia, which is still disputed
another long article, in .pdf, almost a leaflet, from the Washington Post, presenting her when she returned from exile ( article written before her death).
you can also choose to start a teaching unit about women as peace makers. This correspond to the "relations of power" in the national curriculum. the students will present a woman and what she achieved, how she became a useful tool to bring peace to her country or to the world, and how this affected her personal life. Some of these icons are Aung San Suu Kyi, Indira Gandhi and differently, Eva Peron, but also Rosa parks, and discover Amy Biehl.
or study the women in power, with this site from the BBC

New year's Resolutions


History of the tradition
Pictures to introduce the topic (Calvin and Hobbes) (a couple)
How to keep your resolutions (a guide)
and what I gave in Infonews n°320


For beginners A1(visual, PPT): Nathalie Cadot's lesson plan based on Simpson's comics.
for beginners and lower intermediates A1-A2 (written) : Adrian Moles's resolutions from our colleague Johanna in e-teach's documents
For upper intermediates and advanced B1-B2 : Jean Sabiron offers three lesson plans on the theme


Anne Pinel recommends this You Tube video of some of the US presidential election candidates' new year resolutions. (For advanced students, unless you edit it and use only a short extract.) Clinton is the first and Obama is the last. In between I noted Senator Edward's words (Democrat) who wishes that "somewhere in America, there isn't a child who goes to bed hungry" (01:10 )

In the News

Smoking ban in France

BBC Learning English offers an audio file, a lesson plan and a quiz, plus other articles about the new smoking ban in France.

100th anniversary of the Waterford Crystal Times Square New Year's Eve Ball

Learn everything about the new ball and the New Year's eve tradition in Time Square New York
and see videos describing the tradition and the new ball (preparations and recommendations)

Queen Elisabeth's Christmas message

On e-teach, Mireille Géraud sent us the address of the video of the Queen's Christmas speech on You Tube and The Royal Channel, and its transcript. Note that the video starts with an extract of her Christmas speech in 1957 as an introduction. The speech reminds us that she is a wife and mother (she insists on family values and mentions her diamond wedding anniversary and we see pictures) but also the head of state ( she talks about soldiers and we see the dedication of the National Armed Forces Memorial where she shakes hands with veiled women) and the head of the Anglican Church ( she describe the nativity, mentions Jesus, reminds us the help the poor and needy and quotes from the Christmas Carol service).
Upper intermediate of advanced students interested in the Queen could find interesting information or study her language or pronunciation (listen to "cut off" in "people who have been cut off" at 03:15). Students interested in religion can discuss her position, or draw a parallel with the Pope's speech and compare their positions as head of churches. (transcript) (news from The Sun presenting the Pope's Christmas speech, there are links to other comments or the full version of the speech on this AOL page)
On Vigilangues by Jean Sabiron, you can find other recordings and transcripts to study "Her Royal Phonemes"

Resources for Primary School

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

On e-teach, Michèle Carrougeau recommends this page of lesson plans and flash cards around the book : "the very hungry caterpillar"
As a complement, I found the book online at
and activities and resources around this theme on these pages ( p9 and 10, with diagrams of the metamorphosis) (what the caterpillar ate) (a webquest)

Resources for Secondary School

US presidential elections

Time For Kids offers a worksheet "Who wants to be President"
and an article about the results in Iowa,28277,1700355,00.html
PBS kids offers a special website "democracy project" with a game : "be a president for a day"
[ about the US presidential elections, to discover the candidates, their profiles and platforms, you can also use the sites recommended in Infonews n°318 (especially the "parties and candidates" part)
to learn how caucuses and primary work, see: ]

Reducing the harms of alcohol in the UK

Laure Peskine has found this article from the British Medical Journal
You can start your unit with a brainstorming around this front page from the Independent : Britain's deadly cocktail
and you can also study the corresponding article
[ very useful especially for adult students who tend to overlook the effects of alcohol. And very topical after the New year binges....]

Interactive Learning (from MiddleWeb's "Of Particular Interest" (334))

Looking for interactive web lessons in history, writing and language arts? Visit this teacher-developed website submitted by one of our Aussie subscribers, Kieran O'Regan. His student-driven activities cover history topics like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Vikings, Barbarian Invasions, and the Medieval Church - plus literature, poetry and grammar resources. Poke around and see what's there! (9th article)
[ I especially liked the link to the page about the Civil Rights Movement and the very comprehensive Tim and Moby flash animation: ]

Resources for Advanced Students

Play Crickler and learn

Laure Peskine discovered Crickler : a new online game designed by The Times Online. It is the same type of game as BBC Learning English Crosswords, but with an intelligent agent adapting it to your level, so that you find the game challenging enough, but never too hard, and never get stuck. Both games offer definitions or sentences to fill in with words from news articles, so you go to the articles to find the word, and get engrossed in the article and read it through... Try it, it is addictive! And for autonomous adult learners, it is a way to improve their English and keep up with the news and the latest trends in the UK.
for beginners and intermediates, prefer BBC learning English Crossword, easier but the content is also simpler. here is the page of the archives, ordered by topic.

Effect of altitude on physiological performance in football

For students in sports, Laure Peskine recommends this article from the British Medical Journal entitled : "Effect of altitude on physiological performance: a statistical
analysis using results of international football games". The article offers useful diagrams to analyse.


"It's a free world" by Ken Loach

Laure Peskine has explored the web and found the following addresses about the last Ken Loach film. The film features a woman who suffered from discrimination and harassment in her workplace and started her own temporary worker company where she ends up exploiting people in her turn. Does money corrupt all? Can the abused become abusers? "In a world where anything is possible, it's easy to lose everything".
from the Independent : Ken Loach style and filmography
from the Socialist review
from the Guardian : "The director and writer of the migrant worker drama It's a Free World discuss their working relationship",,2171112,00.html
from Sixteen Films, Ken Loach's film production company : synopsis, cast and crew notes
from Moving Picture : a review

Teaching Practice

3 minute motivators (from MiddleWeb's "Of Particular Interest" (334))

"a collection of over 100 simple, fun activities that will help you use "a little magic" to take a quick break, engage students, and refocus them on the task at hand. Click below to browse the entire book online!"
[ a stunning collection of unusual activities, from relaxing and feeling the world (hear the colors, hug a tree) to mirror exercises, phonetic training and much more.]

Try Yahoo for Teachers (from MiddleWeb's "Of Particular Interest" (334))

"We mentioned Yahoo's upcoming social network for teachers in September - and we've been checking back from time to time to see what progress, if any, might have been made. We were intrigued, frankly, by the idea of a professionally supported social network by and for teachers. Yahoo has now posted its "beta" version (meaning "we haven't worked out all the kinks but would love for you to try it out"). So try it! One cool feature - any posted lesson plans or teaching ideas can be rated by users and you can see the items with the highest ratings (and the most downloads) easily. There's no cost. To get into the beta edition, you'll need this info: username - yhallpass / password - g0bbler (that's a zero, not the letter "oh).
Check out all the features and tell them what you think." (8th article)

Sur le site de l'APLV

Vous continuez à vous posez des questions sur l'approche actionnelle? Lisez cet article de Christian Puren : "Formes pratiques de combinaison entre perspective actionnelle et approche communicative : analyse comparative de trois manuels (de FLE)". Vous trouverez aussi sur la page d'autres articles pour approfondir le sujet. Vous pouvez aussi réagir et répondre à l'article, ou prolonger la discussion sur la liste inter-langues de l'académie d'Orléans-Tours.

Ceci est un message de la LISTE INFONEWS
réalisé par Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France
Les commentaires et réflexions entre [ ] ne reflètent que mon opinion personnelle.
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