INFONEWS n°39 du 30/05/99


"More Americans have been casualties at school the past month than in the
Balkans." The WASHINGTON POST, (5/21).

    J'ai trouvé cette citation dans une newsletter d'une association
d'enseignants américains! Dans ce numéro, vous trouverez encore des infos
sur la violence à l'école, moins intéressantes que celles de la semaine
dernière. J'ai aussi sélectionné quelques sites sur la vie quotidienne, car
il faut sortir des clichés et montrer à nos élèves que les USA, ce n'est pas
que violence et pollution! Dans les ressources pour profs, j'ai sélectionné
des sites avec des textes lus, des vidéos avec scripts pour le lycée et des
sites ludiques pour finir l'année agréablement avec les plus jeunes. Enfin,
une liste de sites sur 'Star Wars', non triés, pour préparer la rentrée!
Bonne lecture....


Violence in Schools
Kids & Violence: A Resource Guide (NEGP Weekly for 5-26-99)
What Makes a Child Violent?
American way of life
Holidays in the United States (W.O.W. List for Friday, May 28)
Civnet (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Friday, May 28th)
Learn & Serve (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Friday, May 28th)
Organized Home (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
Messy Gourmet (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
American Immigration (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer,Wednesday, May 26th)
Ellis Island (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday, May 26th)
Nation of Immigrants (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday, May 26th)
3D Ellis Island (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday, May 26th)
Resources for teachers
World Wide Learn (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
Noddy: Story Time (PBS> PBS Teacher Previews: May 31-June 6)
Preschool Fun (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Thursday, May 27th)
DNA for Dinner? (Blue Web'n Update 5/28/99)
RocketTalk (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
Being an exchange teacher (lu sur '' )
FasTV (ResearchBuzz #28 -- May 28)
Make your own movie (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Thursday, May 27th)
NOVA Online "Special Effects: 'Titanic' and Beyond" (PBS> PBS Teacher Previews: May 31-June 6)
STAR WARS (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
22 adresses pour et une contre....


Violence in Schools
TIME ......... Special Report: Troubled Kids ( Tue, 25 May)
Drugs like Prozac, Paxil and Luvox can work wonders for clinically
depressed kids. But what about the long-term consequences?
[ Un article inquiétant sur les effets des médicaments sur les enfants. Après cet article, j'ai découvert que plus des 3/4 de mes élèves de 1ère prenaient au moins 'un petit calmant pas fort' en période d'examen, voire en continu. Et les votres?]

Kids & Violence: A Resource Guide (NEGP Weekly for 5-26-99)
---------------------------------- reported on the Georgia school shootings and also
published a section called "Kids & Violence: A Resource Guide." The
resource guide includes a series of questions. A detailed response to
the question is displayed by clicking on to the questions.
[ encore un dossier sur le sujet, avec des textes variés qui posent le
problème aux parents, et des videos de bonne qualité. A proposer aux élèves
pour leur demander si ils sont d'accord avec ce que l'on recommande aux
le dossier:
voir aussi la carte interactive: Where have U.S. school shootings happened? ]

There is "overwhelming "evidence of a link between watching violent
acts in movies or television and aggressive behavior, according to
Jeffrey McIntyre, legislative and federal affairs officer for the American
Psychological Association. "To argue against it is lie arguing
against gravity."
The N.Y. TIMES reports that the U.S. Surgeon General's office has
conducted two comprehensive reviews of existing studies - published in
1972 and 1982 - and both pointed to television violence as a contributing
factor to increases in violent crime and anti-social behavior (Mifflin, 5/9).
While the research does not imply that watching violent media shows
causes people to "directly and immediately" commit violent acts, it is the
cumulative effect of watching violence on the screen that is a "risk
factor" for highly aggressive behavior, writes the paper. "It's not as direct
as 'Oh, they played Doom and then they went and got their guns,'" said
David Walsh, a psychologist who heads the national Institute on Media and
the Family, a Minneapolis group that educates families on coping with the
media. "It's a redefining of our repertoire of responses. If the norm is
respect, an extreme response might be a punch in the nose, but if the norm is
'in your face' hostility then the extreme is something more extreme."
Researcher L. Rowell Huesmann of the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, offered the following at a hearing before the U.S. Senate
earlier this month: "Not every child who watches a lot of violence or plays a
lot of violent games will grow up to be violent. Other forces must
converge, as they did recently in Colorado. But just as every cigarette
increases the chance that someday you will get lung cancer, every exposure to
violence increases the chances that some day a child will behave more
violently than they otherwise would."
Huesmann described results of one of his studies to the TIMES.
"Boys at age 8 who had been watching more television violence than
other boys grew up to be more aggressive than other boys. They also grew up
to be more aggressive and violent than you'd have expected them to be on the
basis of how aggressive they were as 8-year-olds."
The paper notes major reviews of scientific studies, conducted from
1990 to 1996, by several groups, including the American Medical
Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of
Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the
National Institute of Mental Health, all of which concluded that television
violence leads to real-world violence. While conceding that the studies vary
in reliability, the "findings are consistent, and several meta-analyses...
have found a definite link between watching violent entertainment and
behaving aggressively," notes the paper.
Katheryn Montgomery, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Center
for Media Education, summed up the general views of researchers. "The
accumulation over time is the concern, not a single incident or a
single viewing," she said. "A steady diet of violent content over time
creates a culture that tells kids that violence is the accepted way we
solve our problems."
Most researchers also agree that watching a lot of violent shows is
but one of the contributing factors to increased personal aggressiveness.
A new study is being planned by the office of the U.S. Surgeon
General to "take a broad look at the roles of popular culture, peer
pressure, mental illness and the availability of guns in triggering
homicidal rage in young people." (Broder, N. Y. TIMES, 5/10).
"Violence is a serious public health issue that claims the lives of more
than 13 young people in the United States every day," said Dr. David Satcher, U.S.
Surgeon General.

What Makes a Child Violent?
[ un article de 'ParentsTime Magazine'
voir aussi 'easing your own reactions' and 'when should you worry?'. Des articles bien culpabilisants, et qui n'offrent guère de solutions!]

American way of life
Holidays in the United States (W.O.W. List for Friday, May 28)
Unsure about the meaning of Memorial Day? Scroll down this page to
read all about it. While you're there, take a minute to learn how Americans
celebrate other holidays.
[ une page récapitulative simple et claire, pour enseignants et lycéens]

Civnet (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Friday, May 28th)
An international organization to promote civic learning and
instruction. Lots of projects, articles, and resources.
[ voir 'basic readings in US democracy'
-->   ]

Learn & Serve (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Friday, May 28th)
Helping promote student service in their communities,
with President's Student Service Challenge, Research
materials, and resources for teachers and schools.
[ je n'ai pas repéré de ressource utilisable, mais je pense que c'est un
élément civilisationnel à connaitre]

Organized Home (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
Get organized at home with helpful tips and tricks from this
great website. Articles and features on home organization and
management, chore lists, freezer cooking, clutter control,
holiday planning, cleaning and homemaking with a hi-tech spin.
[ American style homelife : de la programmation des tâches ménagères aux recettes de cuisine! voir garage sale:
-->   ]

Messy Gourmet (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
This site is essentially a tongue-in-cheek playful poke at
gourmet cooking as defined traditionally. We strongly believe
that fun cooking is gourmet cooking. The more adventurous and
messier you are when you cook the better it will taste. Everyone
is a gourmet cook..yes even you! In addition to experimental
recipes,the site houses fascinating but useful tips, help in
removing those yucky stains, and kitchen gadget reviews.
[ un site sympa, utilisable en collège:. Voir: un oeuf sur un toast (en français dans le texte):   ]

American Immigration (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer,
Wednesday, May 26th)
A page done by 10th grade students on the history
of immigration to the United States.

Ellis Island (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday, May
An exhibit from the History Channel, putting you into
the shoes of an immigrant coming through Ellis Island.
Arrive on the boat and select an audio clip of an
immigrant. With Timeline, Heritage, Gateway, etc.

Nation of Immigrants (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer,
Wednesday, May 26th)
A lesson in family history and immigration for middle to
high school students. The activities emphasize family
involvement, ethnic background, research, and written

3D Ellis Island (FLYER> The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday,
May 26th)
3D images (get some stereoscopic lenses!) of Christmas
on Ellis Island in 1908, from the California Museum
of Photography, and Univ. of California.

Resources for teachers
World Wide Learn (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
World Wide Learn is a directory of courses, tutorials, classes
and workshops offered exclusively online. Categories include
Internet & Newbies, Continuing Education, Online Training,
Business, Languages, Writing, Marketing, Advertising & Copy-
writing and Web Design. And of course, there's also a Recess!
page when you are ready to take a break from your studies!
[ lycée et adultes. Beaucoup d'adresses de sites pour apprendre dont certains sont gratuits!
Voir les liens pour apprendre à rédiger:
pour créer une publicité efficace:
et un logiciel de prononciation de l'anglais :
présentation : -->
téléchargement : -->   ]

The Ohio University Telecommunications Center's Website, "Wired for
Books," contains not only published works of local and canonical
authors, but also the voices of authors and actors reading selections.
By downloading Real Network's free software, RealPlayer, you can hear
the works while reading along with the texts on the Website. (A link
to the RealPlayer software is included on the Website.) Authors currently
included are poets Emily Dickenson, Terry Anderson, Bonnie Proudfoot,
and Rabindranath Tagore. One of the site's most frequently-visited
features is an animated slide show of Beatrix Potter's "The Tale of
Peter Rabbit." The site also includes audio segments of Ohio
University scholars discussing the works of Raymond Carver, Zora Neale Hurston,
Toni Morrison, and Leo Tolstoy.
[un site formidable, utilisable à tous niveaux. Des textes écrits et lu.
Accent Americain parfois gênant, il faut choisir ses auteurs!]

Resources for teachers
Noddy: Story Time (PBS> PBS Teacher Previews: May 31-June 6)
Read and listen to the story of "Noddy and the Kite"
with your students. Then encourage them to submit a
book review of the story.
[ Noddy (Oui-Oui en français) pour les plus jeunes. Texte écrit et lu,
illustration faible. Pistes d'exploitation: repérage de nots clés, lesquels
sont à l'écran, ou manquent; remarquer au début que la pince à linge n'est
pas sur son nez!; puis résumer l'histoire.]

Preschool Fun (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Thursday, May 27th)
Get the kids online to play these fun learning activities
for preschoolers. Includes What Time Is It?, Connect the
Numbers, Animal Homes, etc.
[ sur ce site, j'ai trouvé un jeu qui fera le bonheur des primaires et des
6èmes. Cliquez sur 'second grade' sur la page d'accueil, puis 'lost
treasure'. Quant à 'where's that US State sur la même page, il peut être
utile à tous niveaux! ]

DNA for Dinner? (Blue Web'n Update 5/28/99)
Veteran teacher Bill Peace of Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School in
Massachusetts has created a first rate science WebQuest that helps students
explore the issue of genetically engineered foods. A true
WebQuest that fosters critical thinking, this activity is well thought out,
pleasing to the eye and engages students with such essential questions as:
"Do consumers want labels on food crops that state that they
are genetically modified? Would such labels help or harm us in the long
run?" The Task challenges students to draft a law that would address
labelling genetically engineered foods in the United States.
[ site complet mais très pointu, une démarche intéressante à retenir et

RocketTalk (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
RocketTalk is the place on the internet to get free internet
voice messaging software. All you need is an e-mail account, a
sound card and a microphone in order to send clear voice
messages to anyone on the Web. Your friends can listen to your
messages using the free RocketTalk download. If they don't have
RocketTalk, then the voice messages come as an attachment to
their e-mail. Put some feeling into your email today!
Submitted By: J. Sherman
[ un logiciel gratuit, une aide précieuse qui va permettre à vos élèves
d'entendre les e-mails...]

Being an exchange teacher (lu sur '' )
One idea to improve your teaching skills and prospectives is is to go on a
teaching exchange. Each year over 20,000 teachers and their
familiestravel on teaching exchanges either across their country or around
the world.
You get paid by your school authority complete with all your current
benefits and trade classes, schools, accommodations and even
vehicles(if you choose) with another teacher from some place else in the
world for up to a year.. Because you are an employe of your school district you can claim
travel expenses for every member of your family as an incometax deduction.
You return with a wealth of memories and new ideas to help you be a
better teacher. You can find out more at one of two excellent web sites,
designed by teachers that have been on exchange.
This site includes information about teaching exchanges, house and vehicle exchange agreements.
Another site, has a list of teachers currently seeking teacher exchanges.
Please share these sites with other staff in your school and school district.
Dennis Chobater Exchange teacher to Australia in 1995
[ pour ce que j'en sais, il y a pas mal de français en liste d'attente et
très peu de places, mais si cela vous tente....]

FasTV (ResearchBuzz #28 -- May 28)
FasTV has unveiled a searchable video site . The site is keyword searchable
and includes clips from places like CNN, CNNfn, Bloomberg,
New Line Cinema, etc. The content is divided into channels
so you can browse specific types of content. You'll need
RealPlayer G2 to see the video content.
[ un site génial, si votre machine le supporte! Vous pouvez voir des news,
avec le script qui défile en dessous. Les images ne sont pas excellentes,
mais lisibles, et le son est de qualité téléphonique. Sur le thème de la
violence à l'école, j'ai aimé 'Who's to Blame for Youth Violence?' à partir
de la page:
un texte de présentation court, puis la vidéo et le script]

Make your own movie (The Learning Company's Classroom Flyer, Thursday, May 27th)
You have to try this site--kids and teachers alike will all love
it. You get to make your own movie, directed by: insert your
own name here! Have fun!
[ un site super, pour faire son petit film et l'envoyer à ses amis. Parfait
pour une fin d'année en collège! Attention, c'est une BD de quelques
images, avec seulement un ou deux personnages, mais on peut ajouter des
bulles et varier (un peu) les situations. J'avais déjà signalé ce site en
début d'année]

NOVA Online "Special Effects: 'Titanic' and Beyond" (PBS> PBS Teacher
Previews: May 31-June 6)
Learn the secrets behind "Star Wars," "Return of the
Jedi," "The X-Files" and other blockbusters with this
revealing site. Trace 100 years of cinematic special
effects with "Reel Timeline," participate in a Q&A
with top filmmakers, and learn how computers have
altered and aided the art of special effects.
[ texte intéressant, mais trop peu d'animations pour un site sur les FX.
Pour lycéens motivés]

STAR WARS (The Weekly Bookmark - May 26)
It had to be done, but we realize not everyone is a fan, so we
put it at the bottom. Here is a quick listing, in no particular
order, of some of the best Star Wars related websites out there.
Submitted By: TWB Team

Star Wars: The Official Web Site

JediNet - For The Fans By The Fans
--> Your Daily Dose of Star Wars

Star Wars Search Engine

Star Wars Link Engine

Star Wars Chicks

Star Wars Fans at the Mining Company

ZDNet's Star Wars Guide

Star Wars Database

Blue Harvest

ZD TV's Star Wars Hub

NewsDroid: Headline News For Star Wars Fans

Dark Horse Comics Official Star Wars Site

Virtual Edition

Yakface's Realm

Troops: The Official Web Site




Toshi Station

Countdown to Star Wars

And for those of you who really don't like Star Wars (though we can't imagine how anyone could feel this way) -
I Hate Star Wars
[un site 'anti' au vitriol... pour les autres, j'ai repris la liste entière sans vérifier les adresses]


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