INFONEWS n° 49 du 03/10/99

    Cette semaine, en plus du contenu habituel, deux sites un peu différents :
on the prairie*** pour replanter et repeupler l'écosystème de la grande
prairie, et une curiosité qui devrait vous amuser : Food Safety Music°°°

Resources for teachers
THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAY ( W.O.W. List for Friday, October 1st)
Requesting a Free Sample Textbook (FREE> Freebie Update September 30)
"No Distractions" Instant Lesson (Reuter's instant lessons)
calendar, activities for every day (S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
Tales of Wonder (The Scout Report -- October 1)
LOOKING AT OURSELVES AND OTHERS (S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
Primary Source Network (Blue Web'n Update 10/2/99)
halloween ( S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
lots of halloween links (FREE> Freebie Update September 30)
Videos and sounds
ABC News: Video and Audio Newsclips (The Scout Report - October 1)
The Century ( September 30)
°°°Food Safety Music (The Scout Report -- October 1)
Pour projets et dossiers
Teachers 9/30/99)
FUTURE CULTURE (CLASSROOM FLYER, Thursday, September 30th)
***On The Prairie (The Scout Report -- October 1)
Tutorials and search engines
The Web Teacher (Blue Web'n Update 10/2/99)
Search Engine Watch (Blue Web'n Update 10/2/99)
reviews/comparisons on search engines (ResearchBuzz #45 -- October 1)
Science and technique
CNN: Worldtime ( September 30)
Innovative Transportation Technologies (The Scout Report for Science &Engineering September29)


Resources for teachers
THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAY ( W.O.W. List for Friday, October 1st)
Mahatma Gandhi
This Saturday marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of this amazing
man. Read about his life by clicking above.
[pour lycée, site riche en informations, mais beaucoup de texte]

Requesting a Free Sample Textbook (FREE> Freebie Update September 30)
[ une liste très complète de manuels scolaires américains, de tout niveau, sur tous sujets, sauf ESL]

"No Distractions" Instant Lesson (Reuter's instant lessons)
This week's free weekly Instant Lesson is titled "No Distractions" and is
about a restaurant in Paris where you cannot see what you are eating!
[ un article amusant à propos d'un resto étrange à Paris : dès la 3ème.
Attention: je vous rappelle que les archives sont maintenant payantes, la
leçon présentées ci-dessus ne sera donc disponible que cette semaine]

calendar, activities for every day (S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
[ une page de Kathy Schrock, des adresses précieuses et instructives, voyez
la comparaison entre Christmas et Hannukah, ou découvrez Kwanzaa
--> ]

Tales of Wonder (The Scout Report -- October 1)
Folk and Fairy Tales from Around the World
Richard Darsie of UC Davis has put together this wonderful site which
brings users a full-text collection of folk and fairy tales. The
stories are organized by their place of origin: Africa, Central Asia,
Central Europe, China, England, India, Ireland, Japan, Middle East,
Native America, Russia, Scandinavia, Scotland, and Siberia. Although
most of the text is on-site, occasionally Darsie links users to other
sites to access a particular collection of materials. Stories that
are part of published collections are always noted as being so, which
gives users the opportunity to seek out and use the print versions if
they so desire. A nice collection of links to other folk and fairy tale sites is also included. [REB]
[ rien que des textes, mais destinés à être lus en ligne. Utilisable dès la
3ème pour un exercice de compréhension écrite en autonomie, suivi d'une
restitution à la classe]

LOOKING AT OURSELVES AND OTHERS (S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
The following site of lessons is from the Peace Corps
pages, Looking at Ourselves and Others. They are
produced to promote global understanding, and they
support the National Curriculum Standards for
Social Studies.
[ découvrez ce service : des vidéos (payantes), des 'lesson plans' et la
possibilité de 'correspond with a peace Corps volunteer' ]

Primary Source Network (Blue Web'n Update 10/2/99)
One of the ways to make learning real and engaging to students is to
immerse them in learning that is real. The Primary Source Network
is the place I go if I want to develop activities that engage the students
by giving them real information the sift through, analyze, manipulate and
use to construct new knowledge.
There are links to a great number of primary resource sites, tips on how to
use primary resources in class, and six units that use primary sources in
activities that revolve around the workplace environment.
[ pour les enseignants du technique : manufacturing and cars]

halloween ( S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
[ pour les petits, des liens vers des activités diverses et des histoires]

lots of halloween links (FREE> Freebie Update September 30)
[ à partir de cette page, j'ai trouvé :
Creative ideas for pumpkins
how to carve a killer pumpkin
des chansons, paroles et musique, pour primaire et 6èmes:
-->   ]

Videos and sounds
ABC News: Video and Audio Newsclips (The Scout Report - October 1)
ABC News has added a section of video and audio newsclips to its news
service at the GO Network, InfoSeek Corporation's Internet portal.
Users can see and listen to national headline news.[DS]
[ pour voir les vidéos, il faut une liaison rapide, mais vous pouvez
utiliser les fichiers audios proposés à la fin de la page, ou faire une recherche plus spécifique]

The Century ( September 30)
Click on Timelines and then on any decade for events in science and
technology; arts and culture; war and peace; and pride and prejudice. Or,
use the timeline scroll bar to scan the century. RealPlayer videos are
available for viewing for many events.
[ des images et des textes sur les grands évènements du siècle]

Food Safety Music (The Scout Report -- October 1)
Carl Winter, a golden-throated Extension Food Toxicologist at the
University of California, Davis, has written and recorded two albums
of parodies of popular songs "with a food safety/ science twist."
Lucky for us, Winter has made a number of these tunes and their
lyrics available at this site. The songs are organized by food
science topic (Food Safety, Pesticides, Biotech, Toxicology, etc.),
and listed with file size, the song that inspired it, and a link to
the lyrics. Highlights include "I Sprayed It on the Grapevine," "We
are the Microbes/ They Might Kill You," "Food Busters," and "Food Irradiation." [MD]
[ Chansons et paroles, utilisables dès la 6ème, si les paroles vous conviennent. Ce sont des classiques dont les paroles ont été changées. une curiosité amusante à écouter et lire!

Pour projets et dossiers
Teachers 9/30/99)
This non-profit, non-governmental organization seeks to open
up cultural horizons to youth through an inter-cultural exchange
program. The AFS organization started during WWII as the
American Field Service; an unarmed group of American volunteers
forming a front-line ambulance corps service in France. Since
then, the group expanded exponentially, and continue by their
exchange program for youth to provide an opportunity for global
friendship--and a better understanding of each other's cultures.
You may want to share this site with interested students and their families.
[ un organisme à but non lucratif pour des échanges en immersion totale
dans des familles volontaires]

(S.O.S. ~ Help for Busy Teachers 9/30/99)
There are numerous projects already in the works here for
students to become involved in... take an interest in being
active in world affairs, learn of other cultures, or simply
meet other youth from other countries. Some of the projects
are: Planet Friendship; Stop Violence; Faces of War; an
Urban Student Magazine; Youth Environmental Action many many more.
[ pour ceux qui veulent participer à un projet collaboratif avec leur classe]

>From the Odyssey site, this unit will explore what
youths' lives are like throughout the world. Students also
get a chance to present their ideas on what they think
rights/lives should be like, as well as how they might
go about improving the quality of life for global youth.
[ pour lycée, une séquence pour réfléchir sur le travail des enfants et les droits de l'enfant]

FUTURE CULTURE (CLASSROOM FLYER, Thursday, September 30th)
With links to absolutely any country in the world, a fun
quiz to show you how much you know (or don't know, as
the case may be) about our little planet and cultures,
and cultural traits to better understand each other.
[ des liens intéressants, voir en particulier la page sur 'native american' :
-->   ]

On The Prairie (The Scout Report -- October 1)
On The Prairie is brought to the Web by Bell LIVE!, a superb, online
science learning center that emphasizes Minnesota's resources and
research. Six sections form the core of the On The Prairie resource:
LIVE! from the Prairie (see below), Build a Prairie (a learning game
that emphasizes the functional role of species), Field Guide to the
Prairie (complete with scientific names, photographs, life history
information, and a glossary), Experience the Prairie, Curriculum
Goodies, and Researching the Prairie. In each section, users will
find background information on the ecology and natural history of
prairie organisms, tips on prairie plant and animal identification
(and ecological function), and learning games (Build a Prairie),
among other resources. A special feature of the site is the upcoming
electronic prairie field trip, involving "live satellite broadcasts
driven by a curriculum and Internet activities," to be broadcast live
-- from the prairie -- on October 13, 1999. For anyone interested in
learning more about prairies, this is an outstanding site. [LXP]
[ dès la 3ème. voir surtout le jeu interactif 'build a prairie' très bien
illustré. Il permet de prendre conscience des espèces nécessaires au
maintien de l'écosystème. intéressant, mais le vocabulaire acquis est
spécifique, et pas forcément facile à réemployer!]

Tutorials and search engines
The Web Teacher (Blue Web'n Update 10/2/99)
It's a comprehensive, nuts and bolts tutorial that covers everything from
how to use a web brower and email on up through creating web pages and JavaScript.
[ pour enseignants et étudiants désirant des formations en ligne sur les techniques du web]

Search Engine Watch (Blue Web'n Update 10/2/99)
Once a person is comfortable with finding information in a search engine
of their choosing, they may want to really become an expert on search
engines. Search Engine Watch is a site that was originally created for web
masters who wanted to learn how to get their sites well indexed. It
quickly became a popular site for many regular users and now has a wide
audience. If you want to find out
anything about search engines, this is the place to start your searching.
[ pour ceux qui veulent référencer leur site. Pour les utilisateurs, voyez
la page de moteurs de recherche, très complète :
-->   ]

reviews/comparisons on search engines (ResearchBuzz #45 -- October 1)
PC Magazine has a set of reviews/comparisons on the Internet's search engines:
[ évaluation de moteurs de recherche]

Science and technique

CNN: Worldtime ( September 30)
This time map uses Shockwave. Roll over the red dots to get the current
local time in that city. Set the time on the converter on the right to find
out the times all over the world.
[ pour savoir l'heure dans toutes les parties du monde, comprendre les 'ET'
'CT' et autres indications du temps aux US, et découvrir cette nouveauté : l'internet time de Swatch!]

Innovative Transportation Technologies (The Scout Report for Science &
Engineering -- September 29)
Of interest to urban planners, environmentalists, transportation
planners, engineers, and others from a variety of disciplines, this
University of Washington site provides information on unconventional
transportation technologies with an eye to replace cars and trucks
with environmentally sound mass transit and freight options. Special
attention is therefore paid to non-auto technologies. A few of the
innovative transportation designs included here are supported
vehicles like the Cabintaxi and suspended vehicles like the Sky
Train. While some of the descriptions of these unusual vehicles are
on-site, there are also many hyperlinks leading users to external
sites containing new and fascinating technology. [KR]
[ pour lycée et STI, tout sur les nouveaux transports]


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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