Infonews n° 81 du 14/05/2000
A la une cette semaine, des adresses pour préparer 'No smoking Day' le 31 mai : des vidéos à voir et à écouter, des posters à mettre sur transparents, et des fiches et des faits.... Parmi les ressources pour enseignants, des sites de référence utiles, des conseils pour construire une webquest et des exemples: c'est vraiment l'activité à la mode cette année!!! Parmi les thèmes, la nature, les animaux, (dont deux sites sur les serpents, pour les amateurs...!) et les dernières infos de 'How Stuff Works' sur les virus. Bonne lecture, mais profitez du soleil !!! ~~~~~~~~ Sommaire ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Smoke Free Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~ World no tobacco day (TheSchoolDaily for Tuesday, 02 May) Video: Tobacco Free Kids activités tip sheets news and facts un texte no smoking day in the UK poster campaign CDC's TIPS Smoke free regulations unworkable in school grounds (TheSchoolDaily for Tuesday, 02 May) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resources for teachers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marley, Bob -- 1945-1981 LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1) Writing to Make Lifetime Readers (Ed.Net Briefs 5.8.2000) Internet Public Library/Shakespeare! (LINKS> Awesome Educational Links #63) A Rhyme and a Reason (LINKS> Awesome Educational Links #63) Attica on line (from Annie on e-teach) portail de tous les profs!(from: J.M.Gebelin on e-teach) THREE FREE, AWARD-WINNING INFORMATION WEB SITES (Ed.Net Briefs 5.15) Zero de conduite! (from Edufrancais) ~~~~~~~~ Webquests ~~~~~~~~ Webquests (from Olivier P. Colas) COOL TEACHING LESSONS AND UNITS (May Busy Educator's Newsletter) TEACHER TIDBYTES (May Busy Educator's Newsletter) resources on 'Mini Beasts' ~~~~~ Nature ~~~~~ Free issue of _Nature_ (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) "Springs Eternal: Florida's Fountain of Youth" (PBS Teacher Previews: May 15-21) Discovery Online: Everglades Forever (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue 65) ~~~~~~ Animals ~~~~~~ Assistance Animals (ChallengeNet) (LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1) Animal Diversity Web (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) Herpetology [.pdf] (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) Treating and Preventing Venomous Snake Bites LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1, 2000 ~~~~~~~~ Computers ~~~~~~~~ How Computer Viruses Work (What's New at How Stuff Works, 05/08/00) Has your computer been bitten by the love bug? (What's New at How Stuff Works, 05/08/00) **************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Smoke Free Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~ World no tobacco day (TheSchoolDaily for Tuesday, 02 May) ------------------------------------ [ un site pour la journée anti-tabac. Voyez les documents qu'ils proposent (des statistiques et des graphiques) et leurs suggestions d'activités. Par exemple : quitting: Video: Tobacco Free Kids vous propose un reportage vidéo dont le son est excellent: activités: tip sheets: news and facts: un texte: no smoking day in the UK (guide step by step) poster campaign (Joe Chemo and others, indispensable!) CDC's TIPS (LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1) ------------------------------------ The Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS) has more than 27 million pages of tobacco industry documents made public by state lawsuits, now searchable full-text in several databases. Also included are Surgeon Generals' Reports, tobacco-related news, research reports, educational materials, guides on how to quit smoking cigarettes, and links to organizations. Tobacco Control Highlights displays statistics selected by state. TIPS 4 Kids and TIPS 4 Teens provide facts, videos, booklets, artwork, magazines, and links. The Smoking and Health Database and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) site are also searchable from TIPS. - chs [des statistiques, des conseils, un site complet mais pas d'interactivité] Smoke free regulations unworkable in school grounds (TheSchoolDaily for Tuesday, 02 May) ------------------------------------ New Zealand School Trustees Association is warning that fewer parents may volunteer to help with school activities due to proposed stringent smoking bans set down by the Government. [un article intéressant qui va dans le sesn contraire des précédents] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resources for teachers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marley, Bob -- 1945-1981 LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1) ------------------------------------ The late Bob Marley left a legacy of the reggae music he created and the power of the messages he put forth in his songs. A Rastafarian by faith, he fought against injustice all his life until his untimely death in 1981. This informational site includes background on his life (essays and interviews), his music (extensive information about his concerts, recordings, and song lyrics), and material about Rastafarianism. It also leads to the Marley Store. - bw [ pour compléter un travail sur le sujet, voir par exemple cette page de liens sur laquelle travaille un de mes élèves de première: ] Writing to Make Lifetime Readers (Ed.Net Briefs 5.8.2000) ------------------------------------ When students are encouraged to respond personally to what they read, they are more likely to become lifetime readers. Computer-based reading programs can provide a very effective means for student's personal response. Pop-up lesson journals and writing portfolios allow students to express their response to reading before, during or after the selection. Such journals can also serve to help develop higher order thinking skills. Multimedia reading programs Reading Adventures Primary (1 - 2), Reading Adventures (3 -6) and Reading Investigations (6 - 8) from Computer Curriculum Corporation (CCC) incorporate easy-to-use student response writing journals. To learn more about CCC and its many exciting offerings, visit CCC's website, . Internet Public Library/Shakespeare! (LINKS> Awesome Educational Links #63) ------------------------------------ Nearly every word the Bard ever wrote can be found here. Select the play, select the act, click on the scene, and every word is there for you. Many words inside the text are linked to a glossary that explains the term means. Want to know what "Bite my Thumb" means? Click the link! Visit this Awesome Site at: [ les textes de toutes les pièces en ligne, scène par scène, avec accès à un glossaire pour certains mots. Une excellente ergonomie qui vous permet d'accéder rapidement au passage qui vous intéresse.] A Rhyme and a Reason (LINKS> Awesome Educational Links #63) ------------------------------------ A fantastic site. Don't let the rather dull appearance fool you. I spent over an hour here. This site presents many historian's viewpoints on the history/meaning behind many nursery rhymes. Did you know that Humpty Dumpty was really the nickname of a large cannon mounted on top of a church wall? (Yes, it did fall...) Visit this Awesome Site at: [ pour lycée. Un excellent site pour classer, analyser et comprendre les nursery rhymes] Attica on line (from Annie on e-teach) ------------------------------------ la section multimédia d'Attica produit un petit catalogues de logiciels qui n'est pas mal pour avoir une idée de ce qui se fait et des prix aussi! [ l'adresse de référence! on peut cependant regretter que la taille du catalogue oblige à faire une recherche par mots clés, ce qui empêche de découvrir des nouveautés auxquelles on n'aurait pas pensé...] portail de tous les profs!(from: J.M.Gebelin on e-teach) ------------------------------------ Ils l'ont fait : le site 'portail de tous les profs!' [à ma connaissance le premier portail gratuit français. Une adresse à suivre, bien que pour l'instant leurs listes d'adresses semblent être issue directement d'un moteur de recherche. A partir de ce site j'ai découvert un site de collègue qui propose des fiches de travail simples sur des sites web: ] THREE FREE, AWARD-WINNING INFORMATION WEB SITES (Ed.Net Briefs 5.15) ------------------------------------, and are three award-winning information Web sites featuring excellent reference, government, and book related resources. These sites provide easy-to-use access to free research tools online, which make them very valuable resources for students, parents and educators. ( ), a 24-hour virtual library resource center, was recently selected as the "Best Reference Site" by Best of the Web. The site simplifies the search for top-notch reference tools, periodicals and online texts, library information and more. ( ) is a government information portal. This free, non-partisan site simplifies the search for government Web sites and documents, facts and figures, news, public policy information, and political organizations. ( ), also featured in Best of the Web, simplifies the search for the best online texts, book reviews, reading lists, author and publisher information, bookstores, book news, events and more. This site is a wonderful resource for reading teachers. [ des sites de référence] Zero de conduite! (from Edufrancais) ------------------------------------ est un portail pédagogique indépendant, animé par une petite équipe de bénévoles. Il présente des projets et des travaux d'élèves liés aux TICE, mais aussi un panel de pages ludiques : jeux en Java, boutique de cadeaux virtuels, récits interactifs, pages cinéma... Vous y trouverez également une base de données Correspondance Scolaire, deux bases de données Ressources Pédagogiques, une foule d'exercices interactifs en EFL, FFL, un espace Download et plusieurs listes de discussion. [ voyez en particulier leur liste d'exercices interactifs fait avec Hot Potatoes: vous aussi, vous pouvez produire des exercices interactifs, téléchargez le logiciel et suivez le 'tutorial' : ] ~~~~~~~~ Webquests ~~~~~~~~ Webquests (from Olivier P. Colas) ------------------------------------ * Webquest collections : * Webquest Templates : [ Les webquests sont vraiment l'activité en vogue cette année aux US. A partir de ces adresses, vous trouverez des exemples, des explications, des modèles...tout ce qu'il faut pour vous lancer!] COOL TEACHING LESSONS AND UNITS (May Busy Educator's Newsletter) ------------------------------------ Cool Teaching Lessons and Units is designed as a resource for K-12 teachers who wish to find quality ready-made units and lessons for all subjects, or who wish to develop their own units. This site emphasizes WebQuests and Problem-Based Learning as unit formats, but links include other forms of lessons, tutorials and projects. Included also are sites to help teachers build your own units as well as some examples of sources to help students do research. Even if teachers have one or no computer in their classrooms, these units can be of much help. Most of these units are great learning experiences not because of technology, but because they involve students in activities that challenge them, have them make sound theories, do quality research, do analysis, make judgments and then create interesting products to communicate their results. Technology can be used as tools in making these exciting learning experiences even deeper, richer and more motivating." [le site n'est pas beau, mais il est efficace. Retrouvez des liens vers des vebquests et des ressources] TEACHER TIDBYTES (May Busy Educator's Newsletter) ------------------------------------ TeacherTidbytes, is a well organized and informative teacher reference resource created by a 30-year educator. TeacherTidbytes offers offers educators links to the best educational web resources, student/teacher tutorials and slide shows, and web-integrated lesson plans TeacherTidbytes also links to its sister site, KID INFO , a leading homework helper site, recommended by the American Library association's Icon Connect Magazine, and recently added to the search engine, Metacrawler, Top 100 Hot Kids' sites. Links in TEACHER TIDBYTES are checked weekly for dead links, and new links are added weekly! [encore des webquests et des ressources pour tous niveaux] resources on 'Mini Beasts' ------------------------------------ We have just completed a theme list on MiniBeasts for teachers working with young Primary students. It includes research and information websites, CD-ROMs, videos and realia, nonfiction and fiction books. You can find it at: [ voyez aussi leur page sur 'olympic games' avec des leçons et des webquests: ~~~~~ Nature ~~~~~ Free issue of _Nature_ (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ This page offers free access to the December 2, 1999, full-text, online edition of _Nature_. The offer gives users a chance to experience the range of information and available in this prestigious international weekly's online version. [KR] Nature Online (TheSchoolDaily for Tuesday, 02 May) Each week on, you will find the most significant interdisciplinary scientific research, the latest science news, and the best international career opportunities. Beginning this week the latest issue of nature will be posted to the website every Wednesday. [deux infos sur des accès gratuits au magazine 'Nature'. Profitez-en!] "Springs Eternal: Florida's Fountain of Youth" (PBS Teacher Previews: May 15-21) ------------------------------------ Find eternal youth at this companion site that explores the waters beneath Florida's ancient lowland cypress forests. Discover how alligators have come to rule this water world, learn about the trials and tribulations of the gentle manatees that are part-time residents of the springs and find out what it takes to conduct research in the pitch-black darkness of underwater caverns. [ pour lycée, un texte sur les alligators que vous pourrez compléter par ce site: ] Discovery Online: Everglades Forever (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue 65) ------------------------------------ Take a voyage of ecological discovery through the Everglades. In addition to zoomable photos, there's an interactive timeline showing how this amazing national preserve has changed. [ pour compléter un travail sur la Floride] ~~~~~~ Animals ~~~~~~ Assistance Animals (ChallengeNet) (LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1) ------------------------------------ This page provides a concise set of links to organizations that train and match assistance animals with visually impaired, deaf, developmentally disabled, and mobility-challenged people. There are also links to pet therapy programs as well as information on companion animals and working dogs. - ml [ des liens vers des istes sur les animaux qui aident les handicapés. Voyez ce site sur les singes capucins qui aident les quadriplégiques, avec une vidéo qui décrit une situation: ] Animal Diversity Web (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology provides the searchable Animal Diversity Web database, with species accounts (images and text) of some of the world's mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, sharks, bony fishes, mollusks, arthropods and echinoderms. The database is searchable by common or scientific name. For each species account, information includes scientific and common name, classification (Phylum through Genus), and color photographs (many beauties). Some accounts supply additional information, such as geographic range, physical characteristics, natural history (food habits, reproduction, behavior, conservation, and habitat), other comments, and references. Although the list of species is by no means complete, these simple but effective accounts are interesting to read and will be helpful as supplemental resources in a biological diversity/ ecology course. [LXP] [ pour lycée, un site complet sur les animaux. Pour un TPE bio] Herpetology [.pdf] (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ Several professors in the Section of Integrative Biology (formerly the Zoology Department) at the University of Texas at Austin have put together this course on Herpetology. The course surveys "the biology of amphibians and reptiles, from molecular systematics to community ecology," and is organized into three components: Systematics, Biogeography, and Genetics; Population and Community Ecology; and Behavior and Physiology. Most lecture outlines are available electronically and contain figures, color photographs, and other helpful graphics. Lab Notes (.pdf format) are also provided, and cover "morphology, diversity, and taxonomy with emphasis on the local fauna." A series of related links rounds out the site. [LXP] Treating and Preventing Venomous Snake Bites LII> [LIIWEEK] May 1, 2000 ------------------------------------ For Goodness Snakes! provides basic information about poisonous snakes and their bites. First aid tips for bites and some brief facts and statistics on these poisonous animals make this site useful. - sk [ pas d'images ni d'interactivité, mais un texte intéressant] ~~~~~~~~ Computers ~~~~~~~~ How Computer Viruses Work (What's New at How Stuff Works, 05/08/00) ------------------------------------ With the recent spread of the 'Love Bug' virus throughout the world, one of the hottest topics these days is computer viruses. Check out our updated article on How Computer Viruses Work. [pour enseignants et techniciens] Has your computer been bitten by the love bug? (What's New at How Stuff Works, 05/08/00) ------------------------------------ Go to where the US Army, Navy, Air Force,Marines, Microsoft, Netscape, UCLA, IRS, TRW, Ford, MIT, 3M, Dell, Gateway, Sony, Intel, Lockheed, Hughes, IBM, Prudential, Kaiser have gone. ADVANCED DATA SOLUTIONS - Data Recovery Experts - experts in recovering virus infected corrupted computer data. Go to for free immediate evaluations. don't let your computer be 'Love Sick' ->
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