Infonews n° 82 du 21/05/2000
Dimanche dernier, c'était Mother's Day aux USA. A cette occasion, les mères,
inquiètes de la recrudescence des armes à feu, ont organisé la 'Million Mom March' à
Washington. Vous trouverez sur ma page 'violence in schools for kids'
des liens vers des photos et des articles sur le sujet. Vous trouverez le
pour et le contre, mais l'article le plus intéressant me semble être celui du Washington
, que j'ai étudié en version intégrale avec mes premières et abrégée pour mes
secondes. Il déclare que le problème n'est pas seulement celui des armes manipulées
accidentellement par de jeunes enfants, mais surtout celui de l'éducation en général,
dans les familles et à l'école. L'article dit qu'une loi contre les armes à feu ne
résoudra pas le problème de la violence des jeunes, que ce n'est qu'un symptome et que
le mal est plus profond.
Vous trouverez aussi d'autres articles sur la société américaine encore les ADHD, le
problème des uniformes qui reviennent dans certains états, et des conseils pour les
'graduation speeches'.
J'ai aussi trouvé pour vous des sites sur comment intégrer les TICE et faire des
webquests, et de superbes sites pour la compréhension audio***.Voyez aussi les nouveaux
moteurs de recherche*, encore plus efficaces, des sites pour la littérature, l'art, la
physique, la chimie la biologie ou la technologie et ne manquez pas l'annonce de la
conférence Cyber-Langues 2000 cet été en Ardèche**, où vous pourrez rencontrer les
membres de la liste e-teach que vous connaissez déjà sur le web et découvrir comment
ils intègrent les TICE dans leur enseignement!
~~~~~~~~ Sommaire ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~ A la une ~~~~~~ A Million Moms March against gun violence (TheSchoolDaily for Wednesday, 17 May) ~~~~~~ Society ~~~~~~ Guidelines issued for ADHD diagnosis (Ed.Net Briefs 5.8.2000) COMPUTER CAMPS BECOMING MORE POPULAR (Ed.Net Briefs 5.8.2000) SCHOOL UNIFORMS (712> Bonus Points Newsletter: May 1) Philadelphia School Board to Require Uniforms (Education World Newsletter Vol.4 Issue 19) GRADUATION SPEECHES (712> Bonus Points Newsletter: May 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teaching practice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREATING SUCCESSFUL INTERNET PROJECTS (TLC'S CLASSROOM FLYER, Tuesday, May 16th) WEBQUEST TEMPLATE (TLC'S CLASSROOM FLYER, Thursday, May 18th) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ listening comprehension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***ESL lab (LEARN> Learning Links - Monday, May 15) Eviews (LEARN> Learning Links - Monday, May 15) English Space (LEARN> Learning Links - Monday, May 15) Phonics Activity Sheet ( May 15th) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resources for teachers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sports, sports sports and then...more Sports (KidsWeb May 17) AOL offers net portal to schools and teachers (Ed.Net Briefs 5.22.2000) ~~~~~~~~~~ Internet tools ~~~~~~~~~~ itools (from Clau Helburn) *Ixquick Metasearch (The Scout Report -- May 19) ~~~~~~~ Literature ~~~~~~~ Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture (Education World Newsletter Vol.4 Issue 19) Bartleby's Shakespeare (ResearchBuzz #78 -- May 18) Wizard of Oz (TLC'S CLASSROOM FLYER, Monday, May 15th) ~~~ Art ~~~ Metropolitan Museum of Art (Library Hot Five #36) National Gallery of Art-The Collection (Library Hot Five #36) Artslynx International Dance Resources (The Scout Report -- May 19) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Science and technology ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gravity Probe B: The Relativity Mission (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) General Chemistry Online - (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) Mindquest (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue 65) WebMolecules (The Scout Report -- May 19) (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue 65) GeneCards (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ~~~~~~~ GM food ~~~~~~~~ Labels don't Apply to GM Foods (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ~~~~~~~~~ Conference ~~~~~~~~~ **Cyber-Langues 2000, Enseignement des Langues et Internet: nouvelles technologies, nouvel enseignement? *********************************************** ~~~~~~ A la une ~~~~~~ A Million Moms March against gun violence (TheSchoolDaily for Wednesday, 17 May) ------------------------------------ Million Mom March: A First Step? In the largest protest ever against gun violence, a crowd estimated at close to 500,000 crowded the Mall in Washington DC this Sunday for the Million Mom March. Whether the event turns out to be the first step in creating safer homes, schools and neighborhoods or just a sun-drenched photo opportunity depends on what happens next. One thing is sure: the marching mothers and others have the nation's attention, at least for the moment. Susan Phillips and Jan Richter report their impressions. by Susan Phillips and Jan Richter ~~~~~~ Society ~~~~~~ Guidelines issued for ADHD diagnosis (Ed.Net Briefs 5.8.2000) ------------------------------------ The American Academy of Pediatrics issued its first guidelines for diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recent research shows dramatic increases in the use of drugs such as Ritalin to treat children with ADHD, suggesting that the disorder is either becoming more common or is being over-diagnosed. Many experts worry that some doctors and parents are treating typical childhood misbehavior as an illness. The academy, the nation's largest group of pediatricians, said it is unclear whether the disorder is being over-diagnosed, because there are such wide variations nationwide in how doctors define and treat it. The academy said it believes the new guidelines, for children 6-12, will standardize the diagnosis and make it easier to identify which children really need help. Guidelines for treating ADHD are still being developed. Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder gets diagnosis standards" as published in The Seattle Times, May 2, 2000 [ see the guide lines at: ] COMPUTER CAMPS BECOMING MORE POPULAR (Ed.Net Briefs 5.8.2000) ------------------------------------ Many of today's summer camps are held on college campuses, not in forest meadows. Activities include video programming, 3-D animation and digital movie production. High-tech camps are being created around the country, offering classes in Internet navigation, Web page design, robotics, computer animation and multimedia programs. These camps offer lessons about things kids already love- movies, cartoons, robots and video games. Cybercamps, ID Tech Camps and American Computer Experience offer courses for kids ages 7 through 18 and classes suitable for a broad range of skill levels. And for parents who worry that their children spend too much time on the computer, all three camps set aside time for outdoor activities. The camps can be expensive, often more than $500 a week, yet enrollments are increasing every year, in part because parents are concerned about their children's ability to survive and compete in an increasingly technical world. Winda Benedetti, "Booting up for camp" The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 27, 2000, E1 ( ) [ voyez aussi, à la fin de l'article, des liens vers des sites de 'summer camps' , dont la liste complète: ] SCHOOL UNIFORMS (712> Bonus Points Newsletter: May 1) ------------------------------------ The question of school safety today seems intertwined with the proposals for school uniforms. Are they a good solution to our problems? What are their benefits and their problems? [un texte sur l'intérêt de l'uniforme, une base de discussion en lycée: cela peut-il être une solution à la violence???] Philadelphia School Board to Require Uniforms (Education World Newsletter Vol.4 Issue 19) ------------------------------------ By Diane Weaver Dunne Philadelphia public school students will be required to wear uniforms in September. Will the new rule improve student behavior? Will it result in more serious students and higher test scores? What do Philly's parents and school administrators think? What does the ACLU say about the new requirements? [ pour lycée, un texte, et des liens vers des articles pour poursuivre la discussion] GRADUATION SPEECHES (712> Bonus Points Newsletter: May 1) ------------------------------------ Over the next few weeks, I will be introducing areas of 7-12 Educators that you might not know exist. Need to give your students inspiration for writing their graduation speeches? Here are some great resources to help. [ des aides pour écrire ces interventions. Civilisationnel] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teaching practice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREATING SUCCESSFUL INTERNET PROJECTS (TLC'S CLASSROOM FLYER, Tuesday, May 16th) ------------------------------------ Wiring the classroom, especially when weaving it into your curriculum, can be a daunting task for educators. This tutorial will take you through many opportunities for internet use and integration, providing both easy and more challenging solutions to developing your classroom use of technology. A great bonus on this site is an Internet Project Template, to help you set up your own project along a lesson plan format. [pour enseignants. Une bonne explication de la démarche à suivre, et un modèle de fiche pour mettre en forme votre projet. Des liens utiles pour prendre des contacts ou trouver des partenaires] WEBQUEST TEMPLATE (TLC'S CLASSROOM FLYER, Thursday, May 18th) ------------------------------------ Webquests are certainly not only intended for the Gifted classroom, but they do adapt particularly well for challenge levels and special assignments. Here's a template for designing your own webquest, or even better, have your TAG students design a few, and post them up on their own webpage! [ si vous ne savez comment vous servir de ces modèles, vous trouverez des éléments pour construire vos webquests dans 'training material' et des exemples dans 'examples' sur: ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ listening comprehension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***ESL lab (LEARN> Learning Links - Monday, May 15) ------------------------------------ This ESL lab offers several sound clips for ESL students to practice their listening skills. [ un site superbe, utilisable à tous niveaux, de la quatrième aux classes préparatoires. vous y trouverez des textes à écouter, accompagnés d'un QCM de compréhension, et d'un accès au script avec des explications des mots difficiles en anglais. Certains travaux sont aussi accompagnés d'exercices préparatoires. Il y a aussi des exercices spécifiques de discrémination auditive de mots tels que 'too/two'. un site réellement exceptionnel, avec une excellente qualité sonore. La prononciation est américaine] Eviews (LEARN> Learning Links - Monday, May 15) ------------------------------------ A listening comprehension site that includes transcripts and lesson plans for teachers. Free for students. [le service parait intéressant pour les élèves de lycée et au-dessus. J'ai essayé de m'inscrire en tant qu'enseignant et je n'ai pas réussi. un site à suivre...] English Space (LEARN> Learning Links - Monday, May 15) ------------------------------------ A slick, easy to navigate site for teachers and students. It's free, but you have to register. Many of the features of this site require shockwave, which you can download for free. Designed for pre-intermediate and intermediate students. [ un excellent site interactif dont le contenu vaut celui de certains cédéroms. utilisable dès la cinquième. L'élève découvre le point abordé (j'ai essayé le conseil) à travers une situation. Il peut entendre les textes (prononciation anglaise) tout en les lisant , puis il effectue des petits exercices de remise en ordre qui servent d'imprégnation. Un travail de type scolaire, moins en contexte que ESL Lab recommandé au dessus, mais qui s'adresse à un public moins autonome] Phonics Activity Sheet ( May 15th) ------------------------------------ Phonics rules, practice, and the sounds themselves are available here for learners of all ages. There is vowel sound practice, with audio files, for "1st Grade through 100 year olds." [ site utilisable en primaire et sixième. vous pouvez télécharger des fiches d'exercices de discrimination auditive illustrées, des cartes en couleur montrant des images et des mots contenant les sons étudiés, et vous pouvez entendre et enregistrer des courtes phrases présentant le son et des mots qui le contiennent.] --------------------------- Vous vous enregistrez, et vous avez accès à des fichiers son en real audio ou en MP3, que vous pouvez enregistrer. Vous trouverez des 'audiobooks' gratuits : depuis 'Jack and the beanstalk' jusqu'à Kerouac en passant par une version courte de 'war of worlds' , vous trouverez des documents pour tous niveaux: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resources for teachers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sports, sports sports and then...more Sports (KidsWeb May 17) ------------------------------------ [ une page pour trouver les dernières infos sur le sport qui passionne vos élèves] AOL offers net portal to schools and teachers (Ed.Net Briefs 5.22.2000) ------------------------------------ With AOL@School ( ), which began operating this week, America Online is offering schools an easy gateway to the Internet, similar to what Electric SchoolHouse, the Copernicus Education Gateway and others have done. AOL's new service consists of six portals, four for students (grouped by grade, from kindergarten through high school), one for teachers and one for administrators. All are available no matter what Internet service provider is used, and will also be available from home. The student portals contain links to educational sites that have been approved by a group of educators selected by AOL and the American Association of School Administrators. The portals also offer several controls on access. The service is free and there will be no advertising on student portals. The teachers' and administrators' portals, however, will have sponsorship messages. Henry Fountain "AOL Offers Net Portals To Schools and Teachers" The New York Times, May 18, 2000, D5 ( ) [ un excellent portail, qui offre à la fois des adresses, comme par exemple la page de liens vers des sites de projets: et vers des dictionnaires: mais aussi une 'tool box' : des outils pour travailler en ligne: créer des pages pour votre classe créer un carnet de notes en ligne (site sécurisé) ou créer un site,1120,29-10543,00.html ] ~~~~~~~~~~ Internet tools ~~~~~~~~~~ itools (from Clau Helburn) -------------------------- [ un site de dictionnaires et références de toutes sortes, un site utile pour vos recherches] METAEUREKA (The Scout Report -- May 19) ------------------------------------ Yet another in a large collection of metasearch engines, METAEUREKA distinguishes itself by its no-nonsense format -- no graphics, ads, or anything really except the search box and your results. It also includes a very useful feature for users concerned with the "freshness" of their search returns. Clicking on the Site Info link under each result produces a small pop-up window which lists, among other things, the last time the site was modified. METAEUREKA is keyword-searchable; indexes AltaVista, Google, Lycos, Alltheweb, and Yahoo, offering ten or twenty results per engine; and lists the results on a single page. A refreshing, clean, and simple alternative to the recent spate of cluttered, all-inclusive portal/ metasearch engines. [MD] [ un métamoteur à l'ergonomie aussi dépouillée que Google, qui recherche sur les principaux moteurs et offre la possibilité d'éliminer les sites XXX ] Ixquick Metasearch (The Scout Report -- May 19) ------------------------------------ Branding itself "the world's most powerful metasearch engine," Ixquick also features a clean and simple interface. Ixquick indexes fourteen search engines and directories, though users can pick and choose between them if they desire. The real appeal of Ixquick, however, is its "star rating" system for reporting results. While some metasearch engines might be fooled by irrelevant entries at the top of one or more of the engines indexed, Ixquick assigns a star for each time a listing appears in the top ten of the engines indexed. Thus, a result that appears anywhere in the top ten of numerous engines will always be ranked higher than one that sits at the top of just one or two. Ixquick also offers metasearches of selected news, .mp3, and image resources. European language support (German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese) is provided. [MD] [ un autre excellent métamoteur : vous pouvez sélectionner les moteurs visités, choisir de rechercher dans les news, les MP3 ou les images, et il croise les résultats pour vous donner en premier les sites qui apparaissent dans plusieurs moteurs. Il m'a par exemple parmi de retrouver le superbe site interactif pour construire un robot en ligne: Autre avantage notable : il ouvre les sites dans de nouvelles fenêtres, ce qui vous permet de garder la page des résultats dans une fenêtre séparée, à laquelle vous pouvez retourner en un clic.] ~~~~~~~ Literature ~~~~~~~ Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture (Education World Newsletter Vol.4 Issue 19) ------------------------------------ Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture is a gold mine of primary documents dealing with the era from 1830 to 1930. Included are pretexts, Stowe's Uncle Toms and responses to the book, movie clips, and 3-D images. Students and teachers can use this site to explore the story through the full e-text and playable songs from the novel as well as study a comparison of the manuscript, novel, and newspaper serial versions of the story. In the Interpret Mode, users will find an interactive timeline and an interpretive exhibit of Uncle Tom's Cabin and Slavery. A lesson plan section is in the making. Reviewed by Teacher Hazel Jobe [ pour lycée, plutôt sections littéraires. Un site qui propose accès au texte et à des documents complémentaires d'époque. L'ensemble permet un travail à la fois sur l'oeuvre et sur la période] Bartleby's Shakespeare (ResearchBuzz #78 -- May 18) ------------------------------------ Bartleby ( ) announced yesterday that they'd placed the 1350-page Oxford Shakespeare on their site. The searchable material, includes 37 plays, 154 sonnets and miscellaneous documents. From this same page you can get to the Columbia Encyclopedia entry on Shakespeare, Bartlett's Shakespeare Quotations, anthologized verse, and a TS Eliot essay called "Hamlet and His Problems". [ pour série L et étudiants, un site très complet sur Shakespeare, avec accès à toutes les pièces et poèmes en ligne et à des critiques et des explications ] Wizard of Oz (TLC'S CLASSROOM FLYER, Monday, May 15th) ------------------------------------ MAY 15TH1856 Newly arrived to the world in Chittenango, New York today is L. Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and 13 other Oz books. Baum tried on many roles in his lifetime: theater management, journalism, general store ... but seemed to flourish mostly when he started writing books for children, and was able to let his imagination take over. His Father Goose books were wildly popular, and he penned, "The Emerald City" after them, a tale any school aged child today knows, of Dorothy, the Tinman, and the Scarecrow. His publishers however refused to publish his story under that title, so he changed it to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz--and wonderful, indeed, it is! Related Sites: WIZARD OF OZ LESSON PLAN SUGGESTIONS: THE WONDER BEHIND THE WIZARD OF OZ-UNIT: WIZARD OF OZ LIT. GUIDE & ENGLISH WORKSHEET: on line text: [ Pour enseignants. Cette histoire est une référence civilisationnelle indispensable aux élèves, car elle fait partie de l'arrière plan culturel de la plupart des anglo-saxons. Vous pouvez construire une séquence sur ce livre, avec des extraits du texte et le film si vous pouvez vous le procurer. La deuxième adresse ci-dessus vous suggère une séquence intéressante, car elle vise à faire construire un story board pour une vidéo à partir du livre, puis de le comparer au film. Si vous travaillez sur un extrait, vous pouvez faire cette activité dès la quatrième. Pour les plus grands, le travail suggéré dans la troisième adresse propose des activités variées sur l'ensemble de l'oeuvre] ~~~ Art ~~~ Metropolitan Museum of Art (Library Hot Five #36) ------------------------------------ Click on Collections and visit each floor for paintings, sculptures, and photographs. What should you look for in a painting? Click on Education. Choose Looking at Art, and find a lesson on theme. Take a look at past exhibits. [ voyez le dossier sur Mary Cassatt. peut trouver sa place dans un TPE art/anglais ] National Gallery of Art-The Collection (Library Hot Five #36) ------------------------------------ Take the Tour of the Week through this Washington, D.C. gallery. Click on Expanded Search to find portraits and other art forms. [ d'autres ressources en ligne sur les artistes voyez encore Mary Cassatt: et Pollock ] Artslynx International Dance Resources (The Scout Report -- May 19) ------------------------------------ This extensive directory for resources in the performance, history, and scholarship of dance is offered by Artslynx, a gateway for Web-based materials on the creative and performing arts. The site provides annotated links on dance related organizations, academies, schools, and companies; research and scholarship; publications and magazines; international competitions; dance-affiliated art; physical theater and performance art; ethnic and international dance resources; electronic mailing lists and Usenet groups; and much more. A search engine that encompasses the entire Artslynx gateway is available for users who wish to search the site. [DC] [ un point de départ idéal pour un TPE sur la danse] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Science and technology ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gravity Probe B: The Relativity Mission (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ Physicists and Engineers from Stanford University and NASA have combined efforts to create "a relativity gyroscope test two extraordinary, unverified predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity." The Gravity Probe B Experiment uses four gyroscopes orbiting over the earth's poles. The satellites are largely free from disturbance and thus provide "an almost perfect space-time reference system." They hope to measure the warping effects of earth on space and time, and the drag created by the earth's rotation on space and time. The site offers a general interest section with press clips, educational materials, FAQs, and an image library. Along with weekly highlights, a technical interest section supplies information on technology spinoffs, scientific papers, contacts, an orbit timeline, and a link to the ground station. [KR] [ des articles pointus pour un TPE de physique] General Chemistry Online - (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ An introductory, searchable guide to chemistry that includes hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester chemistry, as well as articles. There is also a searchable glossary of over 900 terms, over 400 FAQs and a trivia quiz. The Toolbox provides interactive graphing, a pop-up periodic table, and calculators. Additionally, Tutorials contains self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics. There is one database of 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties, and another for over 400 annotated Web sites. The author is a chemistry professor at Frostburg State University, Maryland. - dl [pour un TPE de chimie, des explications, des tutorials, des exercices et des quizz] Mindquest (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue 65) ------------------------------------ Mindquest explores websites related to science such as biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, philosophy and more. The site claims to have links to over 1,000 websites. [ pour une classe européenne ou un TPE scientifique. Voyez par exemple la page 'chemistry': ] WebMolecules (The Scout Report -- May 19) ------------------------------------ This well-established Website maintained by the Molecular Arts Corporation is an excellent free tool for both teaching and research, featuring over 200,000 3D molecular models. Users can search the database by Formula, CAS Number, NSC Number, or Common Name, or browse by Category, Formula, Fragments, Valences, or Orbitals. The models can then be viewed in full 3D using a VRML or Chime plug-in (links to free downloads are supplied on-site). Search tips ,information for first-time visitors, and a newsletter are also provided. [MD] [ Chimie, pour visualiser des molécules en 3D] (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue 65) ------------------------------------ - helping you make smarter career choices. This site offers lots of company profiles, discussion boards on individual companies, and links to corporate employment sites and insider reports on potential employers (You have to pay for these insider reports). In addition to features found on other job sites - salary surveys, relocation tools, advice on how to write a resume - you get overviews of, and outlooks for, a large variety of careers, along with the "Inside Scoop on Hot Industries". There's also a section for professional recruiters. [superbe site pour aider les techniciens à s'orienter] GeneCards (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ The Weizmann Institute of Science provides GeneCards, a database of "human genes, their products and their involvement in diseases." GeneCards contains concise information on the functions of "all human genes with an approved symbol" (e.g., genes named according to the Human Gene Nomenclature Committee), in addition to "selected others" -- collectively representing over 9,600 genes. The database is searchable, and its most current version (Version 2.14) features a new navigation support system (the "Guidance System") that facilitates information retrieval. Typical information on each Gene Card includes Synonyms, Chromosomal location, Proteins, Sequences, Similar genes in other organisms, Disorders & Mutations, Medical News, Research Articles, and Additional Sources of Information on the WWW. The GeneCards database is of particular use in the context of functional genomics and proteomics. [LXP] ~~~~~~~ GM food ~~~~~~~~ Labels don't Apply to GM Foods (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- May 10) ------------------------------------ 1) "U.S. to Keep a Closer Watch on Genetically Altered Crops" 2) "Biotech food rules too lax, critics say: Producer labeling called 'hollow step'" 3) Genetically Modified Food 4) FDA/ CFSAN Biotechnology 5) Biotechnology: An Information Resource [RealPlayer] 6) USDA Agricultural Biotechnology 7) Greenpeace International: Genetic Engineering 8) Montsanto 9) Seeds of Opportunity [.pdf] Last week, the Genetically Modified (GM) foods debate took another turn when the Clinton Administration announced that mandatory labeling of GM foods would not be necessary since there is no proof that the foods pose health risks. "The F.D.A.'s scientific review continues to show that all bioengineered foods sold in the United States today are as safe as their non-bioengineered counterparts," said Dr. Jane E. Henney, the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, in a recent _New York Times_ article. At the same time, the White House outlined a plan by which the Food and Drug Administration would start requiring the makers of products with GM ingredients to give regulators at least 120 days notice before the foods hit the market. Currently, such notice is voluntary. Another item discussed for the future includes establishing a system for voluntary labeling of both GM and non-GM foods. Additionally, some measures are being taken to consider the segregation of GM crops from regular crops during and after harvesting. Now, the crops are commonly harvested together, which can "taint" non-GM crops in European tests that determine whether a food has been modified or not. This practice has caused some US foods to be rejected by foreign importers. In the US today, over 50 genetically engineered crops including corn, cotton, squash, and tomatoes are grown on close to 70 million acres of farmland. This week's In The News takes a closer look at the GM Foods debate. The first source, a news item from _The New York Times_ (1), highlights the steps the administration has taken to bolster its stance on the regulation of GM foods. The second source, from the _Sacramento Bee_ (2), tells the same story with an emphasis on critics of the US policy. The third source, also from _The New York Times_, amounts to a repository of recent articles covering the GM Foods debate and related events (3). Next, the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition provides this Biotechnology Information Page (4) that offers recent and past articles concerning these biotechnology issues. Likewise, Biotechnology: An Information Resource, from the USDA's National Agricultural Library (5), is an excellent source for FAQs, opinions, links, RealAudio files, reports, and bibliographies, all covering different aspects of the debate. The sixth resource, also from the USDA, features reports of biotechnology research, an explanation of the USDA's role in biotechnology regulation, and regulation and policy information surrounding this heated political and scientific topic (6). The seventh site offers a more extreme environmentalist stand as represented by Greenpeace International's Genetic Engineering Page (7). The site gives users access to background information and press releases. Next, Pharmacia's Montsanto Site (8) provides the industry perspective. Finally, the last site (9) presents (in .pdf format) the government's recent scientific assessment of the "benefits, safety, and oversight of plant genomics and agricultural biotechnology." [KR] ~~~~~~~~~ Conference ~~~~~~~~~ Cyber-Langues 2000, Enseignement des Langues et Internet: nouvelles technologies, nouvel enseignement? ------------------------------------ Deux journées de réflexion conviviales en Ardèche, le jeudi 24 et vendredi 25 août 2000. Une poignée d'enseignants des langues internautes venus de la France entière se réunit au CDDP de l'Ardèche, à Privas, une semaine avant la rentrée afin de partager nos expériences et nos ressources. Venez vous-même participer à cet échange de savoir, ou faites passer l'information à d'autres collègues branchés. Tôt ou tard, nous devrons tous trouver un coin dans nos salles de classe pour la petite souris, alors réfléchissons-y ensemble! La page Cyber-Langues 2000 est disponible à: Adressez toutes vos questions et vos propositions de communication à:
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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France