
Niveau 3 - TEST 1

Imprimez cette page et faites le devoir sans regarder votre livre. Rendez-vous ensuite sur la page "CORRECTIONS"


I- Complétez à l'aide de have to à la forme et au temps qui convient 
1. In many countries, men ........................................ do military service. 
2. In France, we ........................................    do military service.
3. At home, I ............................................    make my bed every morning.
4. What time (you - to get up)............................................................    on Monday mornings? 
5. My father ...............................    go to the bank yesterday to get some money.
6. Mum was ill yesterday so I .....................................    cook dinner.
7. We went to the restaurant last  weekend so we .................................. do the washing-up.
8. A scout ...............................    be obedient and disciplined. 
9. Yesterday I ....................................    revise for my English test. 
10. (your mother - to drive you) school this  morning? 
II- Complétez à l'aide de "trop" ou "pas assez", en anglais, of course! 
1. Slow down, please. You're driving    ...................... fast.
2. These trousers are .........................big for you.
3. I can't drink my coffee. There's    .................................. sugar in it.
4. I can't drink my coffee. There isn't ............................. sugar in it.
5. Let's go to another restaurant. There are .................................... people here.
6. I'm sick. I ate ................................. sweets.
7. She couldn't open the jar. She wasn't strong .............................. 
8. I don't like the weather here.There's ..................................... rain.
9. You eat ......................................   sausages and not ...................................... fish. 

III- Some, Any

1. I'm going to buy ......................    eggs. 
2. They didn't make ....................    mistakes.
3. Have you got .........................    brothers and sisters? 
4. Can I have .............................    ham, please? 
5. I went out to buy ..................    milk but they didn't have .................... in the shop.

Terminez les phrases suivantes.(Même exercice que le précédent) 
6. I can't buy you a drink. I haven't got ___________ ______________ 
7. Can I have ___________    ______________ in my coffee, please? 
8. I'm going to the post-office to get ___________ ____________ 
9. I want to wash my hair.  Is there ____________ ______________ ? 
V- Find the odd one out.   
1. greasy - fatty - tasty - salty - crunchy - windy - juicy - healthy
2. cooking - ironing - dusting - swimming - hoovering - washing-up