Some history AmerIndian

The Standing Rock
A long time ago a man of the tribe Sioux Lakota had married a girl of the Arikara tribe. After they had a child
The man brought another wife in the home. The first woman was jealous. When came the time for the tribe to raise the camp, she it refused
To move from where she it was. When their tent was disassembled, it remained foundation on soil, with his her its baby on the back. His her its husband and the remainder
Their people gazes at under way.
At noon, the husband stopped the column of the tribe in march and tells his her its two brothers: << Return toward your sister-in-law and say him to come.
I wait for you here, but precipitate yourselves! I fear that she it kills herself itself. >> The two brothers left. To in the evening, they arrived to their last camp
And recovered the woman sat on soil. The eldest of the two brothers tells to him:
<< Beautiful Sister, add us come to look for you. The camp waits for you. Raise you and come with us. >>
As she it didn't answer, his her its brother-in-law caressed him mildly the head with his her its hand. She it had turned into stone! The two brothers jump on their horse and left to the big gallop to join the camp. And told their history, but one doesn't believe them. << She it killed herself itself, and my brothers don't want to tell it to me >>, of illuminated the spouse.
All the village raised the camp and returned at the place of where they had left. The woman was there, foundation transformed in block of stone that had,
A woman's shape. His her its spouse's people of it had marveled. One chooses a horse, but a beautiful horse, then one makes a new travois and one placed the stone on the net of transportation. The horse and the travois were painted pleasantly, and decorated of different color ribbons. Considered like sacred, the stone always had the room of honor to the center of the camp.
When the people moved to establish a new camp, the stone and the travois moved also. Of years during, the woman
Stone traveled with the group. She/it is held today before the Indian agency of Status Rock, in the north Dakota,
Sioux - Lakota
The God Tonnerre
When the God Tonnerre made the people of the Blacks Hillses hear his her its voice, - Medicine man called the scared warriors that himself
In teepees of their camp, established on the side of the Beautiful river Forks. When they were united he it told this history:
<< You that now listen, he it won't happen to you any pain. One says that one day, Mind of the Pain got in such an anger against
The red people that, to terrify it he it made mountains of fire and the burning stones vomit. Teepees were destroyed and children perished Taken of mercy, the Big Mind extinguished fire and hunted Mind of the Pain. << But when the Red Men became again bad, the Big Mind allowed Mind of the Pain to come back in mountains and to spit fire. The Red Men became again good and offers of sacrifices to the Big
Mind. Then, he it hunted Mind of the Pain again and stopped him from harming to people.
<< During forty years, nothing came to disturb them, except in rare opportunities. Sometimes, the Big Mind put in guard by the
Thunder; he it warned them that, if he it took the path of the pain, he it would make them punish. Once besides, he it would make that mountains vomit fire and the burning stones to destroy them. Today again, he it arrives that he it warned us.
<< Return now in your teepees, and don't have fear anymore. He it won't arrive any pain to the Red People. >>
Sioux - lakota
The Rose of Prairie
When the world was young and that people had not yet emerged, no flower livened the prairie. Alone pushed herbs and the gray bushes there green. The earth was sad, because it lacked color and beauty.
<< I have so many beautiful flowers in my cœur, told himself the earth then. As I would like that they are on my soil. Of flowers blues
as the clear beautiful day sky, of the white flowers as snow, flowers of a yellow live as the sun of noon, of the flowers rose,
Exploding all vivid flowers. I am so sad when I look at the earth of a green and brown gray. >>
A to offer small flower heard the complaint of the Earth. << Is not sad, Soil, I am going to come out of your soil and to make more beautiful. >>
Then, the small pink flower brought up the cœur of the earth to liven the prairie. But wind the preview and got to blow:
<< I don't want this flower on my land of game. >>
Howling and roaring, he it hurried on her and blew it. But the mind of the flower takes out again the cœur of the earth.
When the courageous flowers left to their tower, wind killed them one after the other. And their mind came back of the cœur of the earth.
At the end, the rose of prairie proposed to go there. << Well on, my soft child, tells him the soil of the earth. I will let you leave. You are so
Pretty and so fragrant that wind will be charmed. He it will allow you to remain in the prairie. >>
Rose of Prairie made the long Journey through the soil of the drab prairie. While she/it walked, said himself:
<< As I would like that wind let me live! >>
When wind saw him it rushed toward it to break it:
<< She it is so pretty but I don't want her on my land of game. I am going to blow it and sprang on her, but he it felt the perfume of the
Rose and stopped.
<< As he it is soft, he/it says himself itself then. I don't have the cœur to take off life to an as pretty rose to the so fragrant breath. It is necessary that sheit remains here with me It is necessary that I eased my voice, that I sing him of soft songs it is not necessary that I frighten him with my terrifying breath. >>
And wind changes it sent soft breezes on herbs of the prairie It hummed small songs of joy it had stopped
To be raping the other flowers Then came out of the earth she/it made of the prairie a cheerful adornment to the quick colors.
This is how the earth became Beautiful
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