An attachment to: FineArt Forum Vol.11, No.1, January 1997


Subject: Macrocosmos, Microcosmos

An art exhibition on the theme of patterns in nature sponsored by Ylem: Artists Using Science and Technology

January 6-31, 1997
Canessa Gallery, 708 Montgomery, San Francisco, CA 94111
415-296-9029. Hours: 10 AM-4 PM, M-F

Sunday, January 12
Grand Tour and Reception
2:00 PM: Brief talks by the artists about their work
3-5:00 PM: Refreshments

Thursday, January 30, 7:30 PM
slide show, "Patterns in Nature," by Shoshanah Dubiner, designer and educator

The study of nature's patterns in the microcosmos, the realm of the small, and the macrocosmos, the immensity of the universe, are alluring to artists, and no wonder: surprising mathematical regularities have been fruitfully exploited by the hard sciences, while the imponderable reaches of outer space provoke thoughts about our place in the universe. Seven artists who are members of Ylem: Artists Using Science and Technology address these issues.

Contact: Trudy Myrrh Reagan

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From: "Alexander A. Pasko" (

Subject: Shape Modeling International '97

3-6 March, 1997
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan

More information is available at the Web site:


    SMI'97, Yamauchi Kazuaki
    University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan 965-80.
    Fax: +81-242-37-2531

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    From: "J.P LONGAVESNE" (

    Subject: Virtuel Paysage
    Exhibition/Performance des Quarks / Virtual Paysage on line

    Jean Paul Longavesne as " Quarks " from GRIP propose during 24h on january 25 a performance on line : " Virtuels Paysages " . During performance, I will investigate how reality and ways of " knowing " reality have been culturally encoded and conceptually constrained. A major part of this component will be an online exhibit in " La CitŽ des Sciences et de l'industrie " de la Villette.

    Jean Paul LONGAVESNE
    Tel/fax : 33 01 45 42 57 99


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    From: jdspiak@IMAP1.ASU.EDU

    Feb. 1 to April 27, 1997.

    ASU Art Museum curator Heather Lineberry has selected eight artists from across the country and Canada that use clothing forms to examine issues of identity, particularly gender, and who examine the societal forces that dictate the way we look.

    To preview the exhibition:


    For further information, please call the Arizona State University Art Museum
    +1 602 965 2787

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    An attachment to: FineArt Forum Vol.11, No.1, January 1997