Preliminary step : as usual, I begin to put the image I have in mind on the paper. Just a few lines, showing a general perspective, a kind of instinctive sketch...
Step 1 : simple basic-textured render in Bryce 5, setting-up the POV, the blocks and other architectural imported elements...
Step 2 : dual render in Bryce 5, for a blue evening mood with grey/brown fog... Improvement of building design to avoid too much repetition
Step 3 : adding some billboards and neons, compositing with clouds mask, adjusting hue and saturation; lights, smoke and glow effect are done with the brush tool...
Step 4 : a few more details and motion added, using blur filters and different layer modes...
Step 5 : adding people in Photoshop, hand-painted with a small dark brush and many last small details and some new vehicles...
Image composed with 90 % of free stuff : only some buildings, a few ships, the bilboards and logos and most of the textures are mine...
Thanx to Moebius87 for his fantastic Dystopia City Blocks with textures, to Eugenius for his gothic Landing pad in .obp format, to Leo Ceballos
for the YT-2000 Otana transport and to anonymous authors of all other space ships meshes I found mousing around on the net, from 2001 to Star Wars...
.: all content is copyright - pixys 1996/2008 - tous droits réservés :.