August 2002 : I'm working on a second - more detailed - version of my space base...
Space Base version 2 - Human settlement on the third planet of 47 Ursa Major -

Since the beginning of 2001, I made plenty of models, - , ships, vehicles, construction parts, bitmap and
procedural textures - mostly in Bryce. Combining all that stuff, I could build more complex scenes.
Space ship's and building's design was improved, as it appears on the few shots below.

Several decade have passed and we could now imagine the discovery and the settlement of a small extra-solar planet
45 lightyears away from us in the Ursa Major constellation...

Spatial exploration ->
    [ 117 Ko ]
<- Comet space station
    [ 96 Ko ]
Walking on a moon ->
    [ 70 Ko ]
<- MecanoBot
    [ 92 Ko ]
Cargo bay door ->
    [ 68 Ko ]
<- Propellers repair
    [ 90 Ko ]
Modelled and rendered using Bryce 5.0.1. Post-production and/or compositing - if necessary - done in Photoshop.
.: all content is copyright - pixys 1996/2005 - tous droits réservés :.