The Huey Lottery By B.O. Cartwright, M.A. (1924)
The Siam Society Journal, Vol. XVIII, part 1

This is a full article about the history of Huey Lottery in Siam (about 20 pages).
Here is the list of the 36 profession/persons/animals.

The author says there is 6 groups of personages, but he says the last one contains the 11 remaining letters when 13 are left... so it seems strange
Here are the 6 groups
  • Group. 1 "si tjo nguan" meaning the four nobles.
  • Group. 2 "lak t'ae sfi" meaning the six Phras.
  • Group 3. "si khit tjia'" meaning the four mendicants.
  • Group "si tjape" meaning the four ladies.
  • Group 5 "ngo woho wotjang" meaning the five tigers.
  • Group 6 "sui yi" meaning unclassified letters.