Step79: Tool – Image processing

School Project

The theme of that school work was «Image processing». We had to create a program that apply a convolution matrix on a picture. To do, for example, edge detection. Our team choosed to program this on Amiga.

I decided to use BlitzBasic to code the program interface. The processing part was in assembly. The blitz basic interface called the assembly executable. The assembly was of course much faster than the basic would have done (although Blitz Basic is fast). Blitz basic 2.1 was used here.

Here is the Blitz basic tool and the program we wrote.

Here is the result once the program is launched:

Clicking on «view picture» and the loaded picture was displayed.

When clicking on processing, the assembly exe was called. Here is the result: (there is a module played while the computing are done, demo style!!)

Source code is HERE.

Blitz basic code is HERE. It is half binary and half text so can not easily be shown.

Here are some of the input images used and the outputs:

Step78 Step80