Infonews n°188 du 01/06/2003

A la Une this week, Elephant, the film who got the Palme d'Or in
Cannes and deals with the same subject as "Bowling for Columbine". In the
News, you can find ideas of activities and crafts for Father's Day; you can
also use the addresses in the resources for primary school to draw some
original paintings for this day....and learn everything about Winnie the
Pooh. In the resources for secondary school, there are two sites about the
agricultural world in the US, one about nutrition, one with cartoons from
Punch Magazine, and another presenting a children's magazine. In the last
part, discover Filamentary, a site full of ideas to teach differently with
the internet and ICT, the last news from 'la page d'agreg' and information
about EMILE, une association pour les profs de DNL qui va bientôt tenir son
assemblée générale....

Have a nice week!
A la Une
Elephant by Van Sant wins the Palme d'Or in Cannes
In the News
Father's Day
Resources for primary school
Winnie the Pooh
Emotion Painting (Classroom Flyer May 30th)
Resources for secondary school
National Agriculture Day ([LIIWEEK] May 29)
National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
([LIIWEEK] May 29) ([LIIWEEK] May 29)
The Punch Cartoon Library
Skipping Stones Magazine (from Jean Sahai)
Teaching practice
La Page d'anglais et d'agrégation (from J. S. Sahaï)
Association Emile pour les DNL et sections européennes (from Alain Krizic)

A la Une
Elephant by Van Sant wins the Palme d'Or in Cannes
"Elephant" deals with the school shootings from Columbine High School, just
like "Bowling for Columbine" by Mickael Moore which was also rewarded in
Cannes last year, and for wich you can read reviews, commentaries and tips
to use it in class in French in "le Café Pédagogique" n°24 et 25:

and in English in Infonews n°162 from 28/09/2002

Lots of reviews about "Elephant" are now online. In one of them:
you can read:
"Moore’s film searched for the roots of violence in America by looking at
everything from school shootings to racism and the National Rifle
Association. Van Sant doesn’t offer any reasons for school violence; he
just presents it for the viewers to ponder."
puis que:
" Van Sant cast real high school students, not professional actors, in the
film, and asked them to improvise their lines.
In another, from the BBC:
"The director said he wanted to make "a movie that dealt with the
characters in the story of the event". "
But you also read further down:
"And Elias McConnell, who plays a student interested in photography, added:
"I wasn't affected in the same way because I'm home-schooled. But it scared
me and made me happy I don't go to high school."

Now you see the film and make your own idea....
It will be released in France only on October 29th 2003!

Before it is released:
See the comments on the Official Cannes site:
and on the site for Van Sant's fans (biography, filmography, details about
the making of Elephant...):

Read the reviews:
in English:
in French:,,1028874,00.html

For a page of links about the two films and the events when they happened, see:
you can also send your students to those pages to discover the events and
the films by themselves, and then discuss about it.

You can also order the DVD of "Bowling for Columbine" from Amazon:

With an Interview from Marilyn Manson in the bonuses, which will certainly
make your students talk....
Note: remember that the use of these films in class is illegal, even if you
only use a few seconds...

In the News
Father's Day
Father's Day in the US is on June 15th. Here are two comprehensive pages of
links, where you can find the history of the Day, poems and crafts:

KidsDomain offers a simple pages, where I especially enjoyed the list of
things children can do for their father, like:
"Do secret acts of kindness, this might include doing one of dad's chores
for him, like taking out the garbage :)"

In class, you can work from
make your students read thses testimonies of "why my father is my hero":
or this other about "Famous Fathers":

An original gift, which can also be a class activity is the Personalised
Timeline which was in Infonews last week. You can design the timeline for
the fathers of your students, study in class the events they lived, and
invite your students to initiate a discussion with their father about what
they remember and invite them to share their memories:

But always bear in mind that talking about their father can be difficult
for some students....

Resources for primary school
Winnie the Pooh
Surf the Net with Kids offers a list of addresses about the Pooh, for its
75th anniversary. Find the history, the description of the different
characters in the story, and trivia and quizzes on :

Emotion Painting (Classroom Flyer May 30th)
Let your students explore color and design as it portrays emotion.
Appropriate vocabulary is introduced, as well as the accompanying artistic
elements of texture, line, color, and shape. Students will warm up to this
lesson by listening to different genres of music, mixing colors, and
deciding on one emotion to portray in their painting project.

Here are some other sites to paint pictures, puzzles and rocks (all those
can also turn into Father's Day gifts...),2058,3948,00.html

Resources for secondary school
National Agriculture Day ([LIIWEEK] May 29)
Celebrated annually on the first day of spring, National
Agriculture Day honors the abundance provided by U.S.
agriculture and promotes public awareness about the
agriculture industry. Site includes information about
planning a local Agriculture Day celebration, "Fun Facts"
about selected agricultural products, listings of careers in
agriculture and related organizations, and a bibliography.
From the Agriculture Council of America (ACA).
[ some teachers on this list work in schools for agricultural studies :
they may find there some useful information and links...]

National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
([LIIWEEK] May 29)
Overview of services of the Center that "strives to enhance
the health and safety of all children exposed to hazards
associated with agricultural work and rural environments."
Projects include the Childhood Agricultural Safety Network
and the Safe Play Area Project. Resources feature fact
sheets for agriculture safety relating to horses, vehicles,
and water; a list of local contacts by state; and a
collection of related links. Also includes quarterly
newsletter back to 1998.
[ for those interested in agriculture and safety.] ([LIIWEEK] May 29)
A fun, interactive site to help children learn about
nutrition. There are quick facts (called "Snacktoids"),
recipes, articles, video clips, and games -- all designed to
promote healthy eating habits. Includes annotated links to
additional resources. From the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
[ Teachers will find there recipes and thought provoking facts, like: "Kids
and teens are eating more calories than in the past. Among the reasons:
they drink soda pop, eat cookies and other baked goods, and eat out at
restaurants more often. " ]

The Punch Cartoon Library
Punch, the humor magazine, is publishing many of its 500,000
cartoons from 1841 onwards on the Web. "There are witty
commentaries on everyday life, hardhitting political satire
- and some of the just plain funniest cartoons ever
published." Browse by category (from Accidents to Youth),
publication year, or artist, or search by keyword.
[ some of those cartoons can be useful to start a discussion with students
of all levels.]

Skipping Stones Magazine (from Jean Sahai)
Skipping Stones is a nonprofit children's magazine that encourages
cooperation, creativity and celebration of cultural and environmental
richness. It provides a playful forum for sharing ideas and experiences
among children from different lands and backgrounds.

Teaching practice
'Filamentality is a fill-in-the-blank interactive Web site that guides you
through picking a topic, searching the Web, gathering good Internet sites,
and turning Web resources into learning activities. It helps combine the
"filaments" of the Web with a learner's "mentality".'
This is how the site describes itself....and it is really worth reading,
for its precious and original ideas from using ICT and the internet in class

La Page d'anglais et d'agrégation (from J. S. Sahaï)
La Page d'anglais et d'agrégation de J. S. Sahaï reste en ligne, mais ne
sera plus mise à jour, sauf quelques lignes de temps en temps à la section
bloc-notes. Suite aux restrictions budgétaires qui aggravent l'inégalité
des chances pour les candidats de l'outre-mer, Jean a décidé de récupérer
le temps "fou" qu'il y a consacré depuis sept ans. Il rêverait de publier
un guide humoristique "Concours : farces & traps"..., but this is just leg
pulling !
Page d'anglais et d'agrégation

Association Emile pour les DNL et sections européennes (from Alain Krizic)
Assemblée Générale de l'Association Emile
Le 14 juin 2003
Paris, C.I.E.P.
Cette journée est ouverte à tous (adhérents et non-adhérents).
Programme :
Quel avenir souhaitons-nous pour les Sections Européennes ?
10h accueil, présentation d'Emile & du CIEP (Centre International d'Études
11h discussion & propositions pour les élèves :
o Modalité du Baccalauréat
o Prise en compte des points acquis en DNL dans le calcul
du Baccalauréat.
o Prise en compte de la note de LV2 avec un seuil de 12 ?
o Changement dans le contrôle continu ?
12h - 14h repas (pique-nique commun, amenez vos casse-croûtes
& spécialités ou resto)
14h discussion & propositions pour l'enseignement :
o Opportunité et modalités d'une optimalisation de
l'enseignement des Sections Européennes.
o Inscription des voyages et échanges comme une des
missions de l'Ecole.
o Quelles ressources ?
15h discussion & propositions pour l'enseignant :
o Quel statut ? et quelle formation souhaite-t-on ?
o Comment travailler davantage en concertation ?
o Quel rôle pour une association de profs ?
16h bilan, renouvellement du bureau et organisation de la
prochaine réunion. (les candidatures sont à faire parvenir
avant le 1 juin 2003)

plus d'infos :
Alain Krizic
Lycée Charles Péguy Orléans


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