A la une cette semaine, les Américains se posent sérieusement la questions le
fait de traiter de jeunes enfants avec des neuroleptiques et des anti-dépresseurs est-il
nuisible à leur développement? une vision historique de ces pratiques. Dans
l'actualité, encore de la violence dans les écoles et les élections (j'ai recherché
pour vous les opinions des candidats sur la peine de mort...).
Pour le mois de mars le 3 'star spangled banner
day', le 8 'international women's day' et
pour tout le mois, 'women in history' . Vous trouverez dans ce numéro des ressources pour
tous ces sujets, des sites de ressources pour enseignants et des 'tutorials' pour parfaire
votre formation.
bonne semaine à tous!
A la Une
RITALIN FOR TODDLERS?(About Education 28 February 2000)
Violence in schools
Kids and Guns (from John Walker on learn-net)
Live by the Gun, Die by the Gun (PBS Teacher Previews March 6-12, 2000)
International women's day
March Feature Women Around the World (PBS Teacher Previews March 6-12, 2000)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (PBS Teacher Previews March 6-12, 2000)
National Women's History Project (Library Hot Five #27)
The National Women's Hall of Fame (Library Hot Five #27)
My Hero (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
National Museum of Women's History (Library Hot Five #27)
100 Years Women In Sports (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
Women of NASA (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
The Star-Spangled
Banner (STUFF TeacherStuff - March 3, 2000)
Elections 2000
Almanac of American Politics 2000 (The Scout Report -- March 3, 2000)
Issues index for presidential candidates (ResearchBuzz #67 -- March 2,2000)
resources for teachers
EDINDEX OF RESOURCES (BUSY March Busy Educator's Newsletter)
Un site TICE et anglais (from Lauren Camus on rescol-fr Profs)
PlainTrain Plain Language Online Training (Blue Web'n Update March 3,2000)
The Online Journalism Review (BLUE Blue Web'n Update February 25, 2000)
Tracking Creativity (BLUE Blue Web'n Update February 25, 2000)
Social Science United States--History--1600-1775 (PLANET Education Planet Newsletter
February 28)
Language Arts LibrarySpot (PLANET Education Planet Newsletter February 28)
English Lessons (LESSONS Lesson Stop * February 28, 2000)
Ed Hits Government Sites for Kids (LESSONS Lesson Stop * February 28, 2000)
Teaching practice
KidsHealth.org for Kids (Blue Web'n Update March 3, 2000)
CARES (BUSY March Busy Educator's Newsletter)
Online Project Kansas Collaborative Research Network (PLANET Education Planet Newsletter
February 28)
Poetry and rhymes
Nursery Rhymes (from Christine Guérin on e-teach)
KidzPage (Blue Web'n Update March 3, 2000)
FREE POETRY FOR KIDS (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
Science and technology
Antarctica 2000 (Scout report for Science & Engineering -- March 1, 2000)
Green Buildings (Scout report for Science & Engineering -- March 1, 2000)
Google Offers Search Buttons (ResearchBuzz #67 -- March 2, 2000)
Free Tutorials on line (TEACHER TeachersFirst Update - February 28, 2000)
A la Une
RITALIN FOR TODDLERS?(About Education 28 February 2000)
A recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association indicates that
American doctors are medicating over-active preschoolers with little thought of the
consequences. Guide Becki Snow reports.
--> http://earlychildhood.about.com/library/weekly/aa022300a.htm
[ Pour lycée. Un article long mais passionnant sur l'histoire de l'ADD, remontant aux
théories eugéniques du début du siècle.]
Violence in schools
Kids and Guns (from John Walker on learn-net)
--> http://kidexchange.about.com/kids/kidexchange/library/weekly/aa030100a.htm
[ un site utilisable dès le collège, en termes simple, avec des conseils. idéal pour
voir l'expression du conseil et donner aux élèves une base pour un débat. Pour plus de
liens sur le sujet, voyez aussi ma page sur violence
--> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/infonews/themes/violenceinschools.htm
Live by the Gun, Die by the Gun (PBS Teacher Previews March 6-12, 2000)
site qui accompagne un reportage de PBS "Gun Violence Live by the Gun, Die by the
Gun" des extraits vidéo du reportage
--> http://www.pbs.org/inthemix/shows/vid_gun_violence.html
la transcription de tout le reportage, qui permet d'avoir les scripts des vidéos
--> http://www.pbs.org/inthemix/shows/transcript_gun_violence.html
vous pourrez ensuite choisir de participer à l'enquête
--> http://www.pbs.org/seekingsolutions/pollTeenViolence.htm
ou aller à la page de 'questions and answers' les élèves peuvent aussi y ajouter leurs
réactions, et si le texte est approuvé, il paraitra sur la page --> http://www.pbs.org/inthemix/shows/q_a_gun_violence.html
dès le collèges, quelques statistiques frappantes, en phrases courtes
--> http://www.pbs.org/inthemix/shows/showstats_gun_violence.html
International women's day
March Feature Women Around the World (PBS Teacher Previews March 6-12,2000)
Celebrate the numerous achievements of women throughout the world with several
interdisciplinary activities and lessons connected to women pioneers, activists, artists,
as well as the human rights and health issues directly affecting women in other countries.
--> http://pbs.org/teachersource/thismonth/index.shtm
[ pour la journée des femmes, vous trouverez sur ce site des ressources sur les femmes
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (PBS Teacher Previews March 6-12, 2000)
At the companion site, take an interactive, virtual trip through the domestic spaces and
public places important to the women's suffrage movement. Read scholarly articles,
letters, and biographical information about Stanton and Anthony, take a multimedia look at
the suffrage movement from the 1840s to the 1920s with a Flash feature, participate in
online forums, access classroom resources and much more.
--> http://pbs.org/stantonanthony/
[pour lycée, un superbe site sur ces deux héroïnes du droit de vote pour les femmes.
Une introduction en images, avec des phrases courtes, puis des images, un
commentaire et des notes. Utilisable en autonomie pour présenter le sujet à la classe
ensuite. Qui va présenter l'exposé pour le 8 mars?....]
National Women's History Project (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
The National Women's History Project initiated the annual March celebration of Women's
History Month. This rich site features a history of the celebration, a listing of events
scheduled, and ideas to use in and out of the classroom.
--> http://www.nwhp.org
[site très commercial, mais le quizz est intéressant
--> http://www.nwhp.org/test.html ]
The National Women's Hall of Fame (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
Read about women who have contributed to American society. Click on a name for a picture
and biography.
--> http://www.greatwomen.org/grtwmn.htm
[ la femme du mois est encore 'Susan B.Anthony'
--> http://www.greatwomen.org/wotmc.html
My Hero (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
Read about artists, explorers, scientists, teachers, and other inspirational women at this
extensive Web site.
--> http://myhero.com/home.asp
[découvrez Alice Waters, an 'educational hero' et son projet....]
National Museum of Women's History (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History
Don't miss this in-depth journey through the history of the American woman's suffrage
movement! There are wonderful photos and you can even listen to suffrage songs as you read
--> http://www.nmwh.org/exhibits/exhibit_frames.html
[la 'timeline' est particulièrement bien faite, bien qu'elle ne soit pas interactive et
qu'il faille la compléter avec les biographies trouvées sur un autre site]
100 Years Women In Sports (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
Throughout the 20th century, women have broken barriers and stereotypes while striving to
excel in athletics. Check out USA Today's Timeline. (USA Today)
--> http://www.usatoday.com/2000/century/sports/005.htm
[encore une timeline bien faite, avec des résumés courts]
Women of NASA (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
Find out about the lives of some of the women who work at NASA as scientists, technicians,
and astronauts, via live chats.
--> http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/women/intro.html
[pour lycée, vous pouvez utiliser la page des 'profiles' pour susciter des vocations...]
The Star-Spangled
Banner (STUFF TeacherStuff - March 3, 2000)
March 3, 1931 - It was on this day in 1931 that The Star-Spangled Banner, written by Francis Scott Key, officially became the national anthem of the United States.
Star Spangled Banner and the War of 1812 (Smithsonian)
--> http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmah/starflag.htm
Francis Scott Key - Info - Encarta
--> http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?ti=069F2000
Words to the Star Spangled Banner
--> http://www.usembassycanada.gov/anthem.htm
About the Star Spangled Banner
--> http://www.150.si.edu/chap3/flag.htm
Biography of the Star Spangled Banner
--> http://www.icss.com/usflag/francis.scott.key.html
Actual Picture of the Star Spangled Banner
--> http://photo2.si.edu/different/dif_banner.html
Elections 2000
Almanac of American Politics 2000 (The Scout Report -- March 3, 2000)
The Freedom Channel, a nonpartisan online resource for American political video-on-demand,
has recently placed on their Website an electronic version of _The Almanac of American
Politics 2000_. Published by National Journal Group Inc. and authored by _US News &
World Report's_ Michael Barone, the almanac is an invaluable reference resource, with
profiles of every member of Congress, political histories of every state and congressional
district, political essays, and information on congressional redistricting, campaign
finance, congressional committees and leadership, presidential politics, and election
cycles. The almanac is browseable by state and district or by elected official, or
searchable by keyword. From this page, users can also access content from the Freedom
Channel, including candidate information, campaign ads, transcripts, and links; and
various video selections. [MD]
--> http://www.freedomchannel.com/almanac/almanac_of_amer_pol.cfm
Freedom Channel
--> http://www.freedomchannel.com/index.cfm
[pour lycée. Un site très complet sur les élections aux US, des articles de fond, des
statistiques.... Vous pouvez aussi accéder aux sites des candidats, par exemple celui de
Georges Bush
--> http://www.georgewbush.com/
(dans ce site, vous pouvez utiliser en compréhension audio le son ou la vidéo et la
transcription de son dicours d'intention
--> http://www.georgewbush.com/georgelaura/index.html
pour collège, une gentille histoire
--> http://www.georgewbush.com/youth/ernie.html
sur la peine de mort, deux lignes dans une présentation de son livre
--> http://www.georgewbush.com/general/charge/index.html
mais vous pouvez lire sa position sur les armes à feu
--> http://www.georgewbush.com/issues/domestic/guns/points.asp
et voir des spots publicitaires électoraux
--> http://www.freedomchannel.com/vod/campaignspots/ads_spotlight.cfm
Issues index for presidential candidates (ResearchBuzz #67 -- March 2, 2000)
If you want position-on-issue information for US presidential candidates, check out
--> http://www.issues2000.org/
They have an extensive, crossindexed database of candidate stances. I found information on
John McCain's stance on capital punishment, for example, that I wasn't able to find on
other sites. Stance information regularly went back into 1998, and for some candidates
information went back to 1996. References are included for all quotes.
[ sur ce site j'ai trouvé les documents que je n'ai pas trouvé sur le site officiel de
Georges Bush, son opinion sur la peine de mort. Vous y trouverez aussi les positions des
autres condidats
--> http://www.issues2000.org/News_Death_Penalty.htm ]
resources for teachers
EDINDEX OF RESOURCES (BUSY March Busy Educator's Newsletter)
A Web Resource for Teachers and Students is an indexed set of links to websites that
support teaching and learning K-12. The indexes are age and subject-specific. They are
updated almost daily. Thousands of links lead to hundreds of thousands more, all of which
have been prepared or selected by professionals interested in providing cross-curricular
multimedia learning resources for teachers and students.
--> http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/edmenum.html
[ une liste de liens impressionnante, tous intéressants. Vous y trouverez des ressources,
des leçons et des tutorials pour apprendre à utiliser Microsoft Office 2000. Un site à
mettre dans vos signets!]
Un site TICE et anglais (from Lauren Camus on rescol-fr Profs)
Deux enseignants du LP Joliot-Curie de Reims ont créé un site afin de promouvoir les
travaux de leurs élèves, réalisés à partir d'Internet. Ce site propose également une
réflexion poussée sur l'utilisation des TICE dans l'enseignement de l'anglais.
--> http://www.studio-internet.com/australie
[ des exemples de réalisations en lycée. Les travaux d'élèves sont présentés sous
forme de fichier à télécharger, mais le travail est intéressant et vaut la visite]
PlainTrain Plain Language Online Training (Blue Web'n Update March 3, 2000)
Have you ever looked at a student's written work and thought "What is this student
trying to say?" "Plain language is an approach to communication that begins with
the needs of the reader." This website explains how to identify the reader, organize
ideas, use appropriate words, create simple sentences, and build effective paragraphs.
Testing written work is considered a necessity. However, the information in Digest form,
is easier to print, as well as to read.
--> http://www.web.net/~plain/PlainTrain
[ pour lycée, une aide à la rédaction de documents efficaces. Ce site peut servir dans
le cadre des TPE]
The Online Journalism Review (BLUE Blue Web'n Update February 25, 2000)
The Online Journalism Review is a Web-based journal produced at the Annenberg School for
Communication at the University of Southern California. This site covers a full range of
journalistic issues in all media, but with a particular emphasis on the Internet. A great
resource for Journalism students at high schools or colleges. OJR's Guide to Online
Reporter Resources is a great place to start students that want to do journalism research
--> http://ojr.usc.edu/
[ un site de news, avec des liens vers des journaux en ligne]
Tracking Creativity (BLUE Blue Web'n Update February 25, 2000)
This ThinkQuest Junior Award-Winning website was created by a sixth grade team and is an
example of a creative, easy to use website. Teachers and students will enjoy the language
arts activities, such as On Your Toes with Odes. In Step with Idioms includes a quiz for
colorful idioms of the English language that could benefit Elementary or ESL students.
Links to other websites show how creativity can sneak into our lives in many ways.
--> http://tqjunior.advanced.org/4382/
[ utilisable dès la 3ème, un texte court rempli d'expressions imagées, puis un quizz
pour en inférer le sens.
--> http://tqjunior.advanced.org/4382/idiom.html#Idiom%20Story
Ce texte complètera l'exercice de compréhension audio que j'ai fait à partir du dessin
animé de Tex Avery 'Symphony in Slang' qui propose un discours très imagé et des
illustrations qui prennent ces images au pied de la lettre.]
Social Science United States--History--1600-1775 (PLANET Education Planet Newsletter
February 28)
A guide to Colonial American History resources on the Internet for educators at all grade
levels. Explore the Colonial Period through maps, lesson plans, bibliographies, thematic
units, art, cooking, music, dance, and holidays. There are also links to web sites about
colonial history, plantations and other historic sites, American literature, everyday life
in the colonies, Jamestown, military history, Colonial Williamsburg, Indians of
North America, and state, city histories. This is a very complete list of web resources
that can be used make colonial history come alive in your classroom.
--> http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/colonial.htm
[un site de ressources avec des leçons et des liens]
Language Arts LibrarySpot (PLANET Education Planet Newsletter February 28)
Need some quick information? This is a good place to start. LibrarySpot is the information
sweetspot of the Internet with the best library and reference resources on the Web. Here
you will find top encyclopedias, libraries, newspapers, maps, genealogy tools and more in
one user-friendly spot. There is a full reference desk area and links to must see sites
such as Britannica and the Library of Congress.
Language Arts topics include Acronyms, Top 100 Languages, Top 100 Library Books, Great
American Libraries, Dictionaries, Quotations, Style Guides, Homework Help, Writing a
Paper, Lesson Plans, and How Do I Cite Internet Sources. Also check out the Reading Room
for links to books, newswires, speeches, and magazines.
--> http://www.libraryspot.com/
[un site de référence à conserver]
English Lessons (LESSONS Lesson Stop * February 28, 2000)
A high school English teacher has posted many of his interesting lessons online--they
include a poetry lesson that incorporates multiple intelligences, a lesson that teaches
point of view, and a grammar lesson on "to, two, and too."
--> http://members.aol.com/MEZIM/lessons.html
[ de bonnes idées de leçons et un texte à corriger avec des fautes sur les 2 une bone
base pour une séance de PRL sur le sujet, dès la 4ème à condition de n'utiliser que
des parties du texte
--> http://members.aol.com/mezim/TwoTooTo.html
Ed Hits Government Sites for Kids (LESSONS Lesson Stop * February 28, 2000)
The Ingram Library of the State University of West Georgia has compiled a list of U.S.
government departments and agencies that have created special web sites for kids. From the
Children's Butterfly Site to the CIA's Kids' Secret Zone, your students will find lots of
interesting, fun, and educational resources at
--> http://www.westga.edu/~library/depts/govdoc/kids.shtml
[ tous ces sites gouvernementaux sont particulièrement adaptés aux élèves, avec des
textes courts et simples et beaucoup d'interactivité.]
Teaching practice
KidsHealth.org for Kids (Blue Web'n Update March 3, 2000)
Calling All Kids! Ever wonder how the human body works? What makes you sick? Or how to
keep safe? Get all the answers to your health questions in this "kids only"
section. Elementary students will like the games like "Hey, What Bit Me?"
Teachers can use this as a resource when health related questions come up at school
(including the ever popular question "What are boogers?")
--> http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/index.html
[pour enseignants et lycée. Voyez cette page qui présente l'ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder) aux enfants
--> http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/adhdkid.html
pour collège, le jeu build a monster
--> http://www.rahul.net/renoir/monster/monster.html
pour lycée, pour un travail interdisciplinaire avec le prof de bio, le superbe site
interactif 'dissect a frog'
--> http://george.lbl.gov/ITG.hm.pg.docs/dissect/info.html
CARES (BUSY March Busy Educator's Newsletter)
CARES is an acronym that stands for Community, Activities, Resources, Environment, and
Service. CARES is a comprehensive course designed to enable teachers to implement
community service learning projects, which will connect their students to each other and
their communities, while they master important academic skills.
--> http://library.advanced.org/50017/
[exemples de démarche pour monter un projet de grande ampleur, impliquant plusiers
matières et des partenaires extérieurs]
Online Project Kansas Collaborative Research Network (PLANET Education Planet
Newsletter February 28)
Join schools from all over the globe by participating in collaborative projects. You do
NOT have to be located in Kansas. The KanCRN Project is committed to inquiry as basic to
education and as a controlling principle in the organization and selection of students'
activities. Student Project Areas include Tardigrades, Stream Monitoring, Digital
MonarchWatch, Water Conservation, UV & DNA, Afri/Ameri Immigration, Your cookie
Crumble?, Out! Darn Spot!, Global Warming, KS Winter Bird Survey, Particulate Monitoring,
An Eye on Ozone, Lichens & So2, Amphibian Biomonitoring, Construction Function,
Land Use in Watershed, Driving Me Crazy, The Green Wave, and My Own Research. Check
out the book Electronic Collaboration A Practical Guide for Educators described on the
teacher page and available either online or as a pdf file to help ensure your success.
--> http://www.kancrn.org/
[ pour étudiants et enseignants. Voyez leur dossier sur 'electronic collaboration' qui
présente les différentes activités possibles et les outils pour les pratiquer
--> http://www.lab.brown.edu/public/ocsc/collaboration.guide/
Poetry and rhymes
Nursery Rhymes (from Christine Guérin on e-teach)
Nursery Rhymes A to Z
--> http://www.zelo.com/family/nursery/index.html
[ pour collège, tous les textes dont vous pouvez avoir besoin. On regrette qu'il n'y ait
pas de son!]
KidzPage (Blue Web'n Update March 3, 2000)
Poetry and songs for children. Be sure to see "KidzSing Garden of Songs." The
words are on the page; sing along with piano background (the player is built into
webpage). In addition, there is a lot of fun poetry (Have a Bash with Ogden Nash) and the
ability to send your classroom poetry to the site to be published.
--> http://www.ncal.verio.com/~veeceet/kids/kidzpage.html
[des chansons différentes du site précédent, mais vous avez la musique (mais sans les
paroles) ]
FREE POETRY FOR KIDS (Library Hot Five #27 National Women's History Month)
This newsletter sends 7 new poems for kids to your e-mail address every week. (That's one
poem for each day!) There's no foul language or questionable content here. Just good,
clean poetry. For KIDS! Perfect for classroom reading anytime! Subscribe now and start
your student's poetry library today. For FREE!"
--> http://7vsweekly.freeservers.com/
[même si vous ne souhaitez pas vous abonner, vous trouverez des poèmes pour enfants sur
ce site et une liste de liens vers des sites similaires. Pour inciter les élèves à
écrire de la poésie en anglais...]
Science and technology
Antarctica 2000 (Scout report for Science & Engineering -- March 1, 2000)
Carnegie Mellon University's Field Robotics Center is responsible for sending the NOMAD
robotic vehicle into the Antarctic to search for meteorites. "Nomad uses robotic
technologies to search Antarctic areas, distinguish interesting rock types, and provide
autonomous assessment of the terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin of each rock."
During the month of January, the robot found four meteorites.
The site contains updates, photos of NOMAD and the meteorites, a technology section (which
currently holds no information), a link to the Field Robotics Center's NOMAD Page, and
perhaps of most interest to researchers, a technical publications section. [KR]
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search Antarctica 2000
--> http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/projects/meteorobot2000/
[ pour techniciens. Voyez la description technique complète de ce robot
--> http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/projects/meteorobot/Nomad/Nomad.html ]
Green Buildings (Scout report for Science & Engineering -- March 1, 2000)
From the Department of Energy's Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development, this
Green Buildings site serves as a detailed metapage for environmentally conscious
architects, engineers, and builders. As the introduction to the site points out, "The
design, construction, and maintenance of buildings has a tremendous impact on our
environment and our natural resources." The site offers carefully summarized
links to relevant Websites and publications on topics such as building principles,
building programs, rating systems, affordable housing, codes/ordinances, educational
materials, and more. This site may be of interest to those who want practical applications
for protecting the environment. [KR]
--> http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/buildings/gbintro.htm
[ pour lycée. Un site qui permet d'explorer tous les moyens de rendre un batiment 'energy
efficient'. ]
Google Offers Search Buttons (ResearchBuzz #67 -- March 2, 2000)
Search engine Google ( http://www.google.com )
announced new browser buttons yesterday. The Google Search button allows you to highlight
any word on any Web page and click the button for a google search of that word. The
Google Scout button allows you to highlight any word of any Web page and click the button
to get suggested Web sites. The press release of the announcement is at
--> http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/000229/ca_google_1.html
, while the buttons themselves are at
--> http://www.google.com/buttons.html
I worked with this a little bit. If you just click on the button without highlighting a
word, a JavaScript box pops up and asks you what word you want to search for. If you
highlight several words in a row Google treats it as "boolean and" -- it will
include all words in a search. You can search for a phrase by typing your query into the
JavaScript box in quotes typing "soybean futures" into the popup box (with
quotes) found results for the phrase soybean futures. "soybean futures" -stock
-market was also trasmitted exactly.
[ une améloiration de plus sur 'google' qui me parait un des moteurs les plus efficaces
en ce moment ]
Free Tutorials on line (TEACHER TeachersFirst Update - February 28, 2000)
Finally, our thanks to DDC Publishing for their support of this week's TeachersFirst
Update. DDC Publishing has more than 200 software, programming, and Internet-related
training and reference titles ranging from instructor-led textbooks to testing programs on
CD-ROM; teacher manuals to reference guides. You can check them out at
--> http://www.teachersfirst.com/redir-ddc.htm
[ beaucoup de choses à vendre, mais vous trouverez sur ce site des 'tutorials' gratuites
pour les principaux logiciels
--> http://www.ddcpub.com/free/vrb_ft.ihtml?SID=1110313387
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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France
E-Mail: Christine.Reymond@ac-rouen.fr