English Schools on the Tandem Project


Report of a visit to Sheffield between June 30th to July 4th by Christine Reymond and Michèle Demoëte, organised by Mike Calvert.


Correspondance of classes



















Ecclesbourne School (Duffield, Derby)

800 pupils. Not much money. Phone : 0044133284065


Dave Clark (school) dc@ecclesbourne.derby.sch.uk

Mark Purves (school) mp@ecclesbourne.derby.sch.uk

equipment : 200 computers, 15 available for languages, a new room to come, 7 in library, 2 at the back of Paula Munday’s room. 3 NT servers : admin, pupils, e-mail server ; contract with BT for full access between 8 am and 6pm ; no access to the server from the outside for security reasons, so the pupils can’t use their e-mail at home.

pupils: 7girls and 1 boy in lower 6th in French + 1 girl in German. Here is what they reported of their Tandem experience with Lycée St François in Evreux.

What they didn't like:

what they liked:

suggestions :

 John Port School (Etwall, Derby)

2000 pupils. En reconstruction. Comprehensive school, ex grant-operated.

E-mail address : JohnPort@rmplc.co.uk

Phone: 00441283734111

Fax : 0044128374035

teachers :

Ann Clark (home) Annclark@aol.com

another teacher (ask Ann for her name and e-mail)

pupils :

7 Y13

11 Y12

60 Y11 in two groups of 30

GCSE in Y11 : subjects (see document)

Conclusion :

Sheffield High School

expensive independant school depending on "Girls’ Day school Trust" for girls’education, dating back to the beginning of the century.

web site : http://www.gdst.net/sheffieldhigh

phone : 00441142660324

teachers :

David Scales, IT technician (home e-mail) : dscales@she.gdst.net

Dez Martin , French and Spanish (school e-mail) Rhmartin@shs.sheffield.sch.uk

Sue Burns (school e-mail) : Sburns@shs.sheffield.sch.uk

Equipment : NT network and 100 machines : 1 room of 35 that can be cut in two, 2 rooms of 8 (including one just for 6 forms in self service with e-mail but no browser for security reasons), 10 in the library, one in the teachers’ room. Trust in London as provider on local phone rate.

Pupils :

10 Y13

14 Y12 (2 groups)

50 Y11 ( Sue has a group of 12 weak)

Norton College (Malton, North Yorkshire)

Phone : 00441653693296

Teachers :

Clare Dodd, French e-mail : CDODD321@aol.com

IT technician : e-mail: Ntncoll@aol.com

Equipment : Very few machines connected at the moment, but pupils willing to communicate


Malton County Primary School

School e-mail : maltoncp@rmplc.co.uk

Head teacher: Colin Culley

Personal e-mail : colin_sandra.culley@virgin.net

Teaching : 40mn a week for year 5 and 6

Pupils : 330 pupils from kindergarten to Y6

33 Y6 and 40 Y5

equipment : ISDN, internet, NT network, stations in the classes, videoconference, digital camera, Power Point

Project : regular e-mail exchanges between teachers, at least once a week for pupils on e-mail, plus videoconference . Idea : built progressively a wall presentation or a data base of the foreign class, with children talking to a different partner each time and progressively enriching the wall presentation. Starting with one school, then progressively extending to others.

 Conclusion :