
  • size: 506x308 px.
  • weight: 361 Ko.
  • display mode: x1

Click on the pic to dowload the skin.
Cliquez sur l'image pour télécharger la skin.

  • size: 403x650.
  • weight: approx 380 Ko.
  • display mode: x1

Click on the pic to dowload the skin.
Cliquez sur l'image pour télécharger la skin.

Pac-man cocktail table

  • size: 560x368.
  • weight:389 Ko.
  • display mode: x1


  • size: 802x637.
  • weight: 645 Ko.
  • display mode: 664x444

  • size: 746x545px.
  • weight: 508Ko.
  • display mode: x3 (720x480)

modified on 02/18/04: v 1.2

  • size: 800x600px.
  • weight: 831Ko.
  • display mode: x3 (720x480)