Step4: Atari ST

Atari ST

After the C64, I asked my parent to buy me an Atari ST. I can not remember why we choosed this computer, surely for the MIDI built in possibilities. The Amiga 500 was surely new and too expensive in France in 1987.

(photo of an Atari 1040 ST)

We bought it in Paris, in a store called Electron (porte de Champeret). Here is a commercial from that time.

I can remember my first game. It was called «Arena» and was a sport game.

The game was nice. Huge sprites. Unfortunately I had many crash while playing and while using the computer. When an atari ST crash it display «bombs».

So we brought it back and I asked for an Amiga instead. Why having changed my mind?
This is because I saw an Amiga in a friend meanwhile. Story in the next article.

Wikipedia says: Commodore announced the Amiga 500 at the January 1987 winter Consumer Electronics Show – at the same time as the high-end Amiga 2000. It was initially available in the Netherlands in April 1987, then the rest of Europe in May.[3] In North America and the UK it was released in October 1987 with a US$699/£499 list price.

Demos of that time

On the same time on Amiga, the first demos were released.

Tech Tech by Sodan & Magician 42 (nov 1987)

Arts ripped from «Defender of the crown». Music sampled from Depeche mode, Kraftwerk, Pet Shop Boys (West End girls).

Music inspiration:

Pet shop boys – West end girls

Kraftwerk – Music non stop (point boum tchak)

Depeche mode – Strange Love («Pain, will you return it? I’ll say it again, pain»)

Games of that time

Dungeon Master (Atari ST) 1987

Excellent game. I spend lot of time on it.

Defender of the crown (1986)

Game with great gameplay and excellent arts. Arts done by James Sachs.

Step3 Step5