Step10: Intros for Dino

GLG introduced me to one of his friend Saer "Dino". He was a member of the C64 group Yankees. For some reasons I can not remember, he asked me if I can code some intros for him. He was really nice, so I said yes of course.

As we did not have internet at that time, I often move to see friends. We exchanged ideas and work together at each other home. That was something nice because I often went home and I met lot of people during that time.

I coded three simple intros. You can see the videos after.

Intro 1

Simple intro with scrolling

No idea where music and art came from. I do not have source code or data for this one.

Intro 2

Bouncing intro.

Arts done by me, so not very nice indeed.

Music from Pasi Liimatainen «Drucer». Name «loadermuzak».

The technical point here was to move big «bobs». A «bob» was the name for a moving element. You can also call it «sprite» (but on Amiga, they were hardware sprite, so can be confusing if not using them).

Sources & Data:

Source code: INTRO.S

Intro 3

This is surely the best intro of the 3.


Font have been done by a friend of mine, Jerome «Aragorn». He’ll soon joined HAWK under the name of «Kreator». We’ll see that later.


Music from Jochen Hippel («Chambers of Shaolin» game), excellent song. Futur composer format. See next step for explanation about that format.

A bit of technic:

Source code and Data:

Source code: DINO3.6.s

The arts are all in 1 color. The intro heavily use the color changes using the copper. It also use the «decay» register (0 to 16 pixels) to create the wave effect.

The horizontal color scrolling is done using multiple color change on the same line.

The copper list is this one:

DC.L $2735FFFE
DC.L $01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000
DC.L $01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000, $01800000,$01800000
DC.L $01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000
DC.L $01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000,$01800000

You only have to fill that fill with color values to create the moving horizontal line effect. One wait instruction, and then 25 color changes. Changing a register takes some times. Roughly the display beam move 16 pixels while one register is beeing changed. Thats why you do not need any «wait» instruction. That also means that you can not modifiy register in less than 16 pixels width size. there are some tricks for that, we’ll see that later.

I wrote nice header in the source code. Check it in the source code HERE.

The intro executables can be found into:

Step9 Step11