Step19: Vocabulary – Part 1
You’ve read many things until here. But did your understood everything? Maybe you need some explanation of the most common terms used in the Amiga demoscene.
Demo: Non interactive program, combining technical skills and artistic knowledge (art and audio).
Real Time: Everything you see is computed by the computer (not simply displayed, processed and then displayed).
Pre-computed: Some data (or everything) may be computed before the demo start.
Intro: Small demo.
Coder: Programmer. The person who is in charge of the programming part.
Source code: This is what a programmer write. Most common language on Amiga is « Assembly ».
Assembler: Tool used to write source code and convert into binary executable. Also written « ASM »
Gfx: Piece of art. Done by a Graphic Artist.
Module: Piece of music. Usually file named a « mod ». Done by a musician.
Tracker: Software used to write music modules.
Sample: Audio sound, recorded from real sound.
Demo group: Bunch of guys who are creating demos.
Scrolling: Text wich is moving on screen. Usually right to left, and can have any length.
Sinus scroll: Scrolling which ondulate.
Board / BBS : Server on which people connect through telephone line and model in order to chat or download some programs.
Cracktro: Intro used on a game that have been unprotected (=cracked)
Supplier : Member of a crack group, providing new original games.
Swapper: Member of a crack group, send cracked games by postmail (and use glue on stamp to reuse them!)