Step48: Amiga OS (Workbench 2.0)

Workbench 2.0

In 1990, the Amiga 3000 have been released. With that new computer (equiped with a faster CPU, the 68030) a new operating system have also been released: Workbench 2.0.

That operating system will also be on the others new machines: The amiga 500+ and the Amiga 600.

Here is the visual difference between workben 1.4 and 2.0

(picture from Stefan Egger page)


As seen, the look is more modern. It requires ROM Kickstart 2.0.

The preferences are now divided into specific parts. ARexx scripting langage is added. New font system. Better memory management. A super hires resolution: 1280x512.

Workbench 2.0 represents a significant improvement, and the upcoming 3.0 version will build on these advancements. This is what the modern version of Workbench looks like on the Amiga.


  • The Amiga museum: Workbench 2.0.
  • Cool demos of that time

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    Razor 1911 voyage (december 1991)

    Step47 Step49