"Terrible Percy", story, The Quarterly, 1991.
"Faithful as They Pass Me", story, The Quarterly, 1991.
"The Stonethrower", story, The Quarterly, 1992.
"Blind", story, The Quarterly 1993.
"Atlas of the World", story, StoryQuarterly, No. 29, 1993.
"Ring", story, The Quarterly 1994.
"Investment of Vicksburg", story, Massachusetts Review 1997.
"My Tie Has Been Loosened by Someone", story, Massachusetts Review 1997.
"Toward the Toe of Italy", story, Salt Hill (Syracuse University) 1997.
"Notes to Chris Concerning Household Conduct", story, Chicago Review magazine, 1998.
"F105 Over Red River", story, Bomb magazine, 1998.
"Two Conversations about Film", story, New York Stories (Long Island University) 1998.
"London and Berlin," story, Massachusetts Review, 2000.

"Lobby Lounge, Ritz Carlton", profile, Nerve magazine, 2000.
"The Saddle," "A Blues for Dindarov," "The Letter,"stories, West Branch magazine, 2000.
"Lonely in Wilkes Barre," story, Maisonneuve magazine, 2002.