Jeffery Alan Couchot
Born: September 18, 1976 Piqua, Ohio
Height: 5ft 9in
Married: Tosha Morgan- November 22, 2000Church: Victory Temple- Fairborn, Ohio
Graduated with Associates: ITT Technical Institute
Degree: Associates of Applied Science -Information Technology-Computer Network Systems

Copy November 27th, 2002.
" Jeff's Testimony

I was so close to death when I was born. The first few days of my life it was expected that I might not live. If I would of died then I would've been in heaven because of not reaching the age of accountability yet, however it is believed by Catholics that I would've went to Purgatory or Hell. So I was baptised into the Catholic Church when I was only 3 days old. I didn't even know what baptism was. As I got older I realized that my family was very religous, but I felt a hole in my heart. So I became an "Alter boy" and I wanted to be a Catholic priest. With all of this I still felt a hole inside of my heart. I practiced "The Mass" with my brothers all the time. This wasn't enough to fill my heart. When I was a teenager my parents got a divorce, they kicked my mom out of the Catholic Church. I left the Catholic Church when I moved in with my mom. My days of wanting to be a Catholic priest were over. Not that it filled the hole in my heart anyway. I went to many different churches with my mom, we never stayed in one for too long. I started to try to fill the hole in my heart with smoking cigarettes, and it wasn't enough. I figured if I started drinking that would fill the hole. When that wasn't enough I moved onto marijuana and acid. I tried others like cocaine and angel dust a couple times as well. But nothing seemed to fill that hole. I got to the point when I was 19 that my mom wanted to kick me out on the street. My only chose was the Army. I went through basic training, where I smoked when I wasn't suppose to. When I got out of basic training I came back on leave and got drunk a few times. I was excited about getting to go to Hawaii, my plans when I got there was simple. I wanted to get drunk, get high, and get laid. I flew to Hawaii.When I got to Hawaii I met some guys that was already in units there, I was in replacement, They told me that there was some "good stuff" in Hawaii. Crystal Meth, which I never tried before. Anyway we went to a recreation center to get me a guide of the island I was on (Oahu). First thing we walked in one guy had to use the restroom, the other guy went to the soda machines.I was left in the room all alone until Steve and Will (Christian guys) walked in and talked to me, I was like yeah o.k. whatever. Then the other guys walked back in the room, the christian guys invited us to church. The other guys said no, I wanted to say no but something came over me and I spoke without knowing I was speaking and said o.k. I tried to back out of it cause I didn't really wanna go so I used the excuse I have to go change my shirt cause I don't wanna wear a "White Zombie" shirt to church they said I was fine the way I was, so they took me to church. I slept through most of the service and missed the alter call. After church they said they was going street preaching, and asked me if I wanted to come along I said yes only cause I wanted to see Waikiki Beach and downtown Honolulu. I was out on the street with the Christians, while they was preaching I was smoking and checking out the ladies and this one girl really caught my eye, and my eyes followed her to this parked police car on the other side of the street. I was amazed to see that the guys I was going to hang out with that night was getting arrested (found out later it was for trying to buy Crystal Meth from the undercover officer) I knew Jesus saved me from that, I put out my cigarette and closed my eyes, and accepted Jesus into my life!! They got kicked out of the Army cause of it. If I hadn't of went to church that night, and been in the place Jesus wanted me to be, my life would never amount to anything. I couldn't ever get a decent job, go to college or anything. Not only that if I wouldn't have accepted Jesus into my heart I would probably still be lost, and I have been so blessed in finding some real friends ( Christian friends are the greatest ).And I don't want to forget that he has changed my life around for the better. Since then I lost the relationship I had with my now ex-girlfriend, she was using still last I know of, but I met a really sweet Christian girl that is now my wife. The one thing I was missing to fill that hole I had in my heart was Jesus. Religion can't fill that hole, I know because I use to be real religious.
Jesus did this for me and so much more, I know he could do the same for you "

First letter, on dec. 19th, 2001
Notre lienWe communicate since october 2001.
En contact depuis octobre 2001.
My first cousin.

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