Infonews n°274 du 30/04/2006
"Trooping the colours"
Ready to use lesson from the BBC
Articles and special reports from the UK
Articles and special reports from abroad
20 years after...
Special reports
What happened (the story)
How nuclear power works
Ready to use lesson about nuclear
'Are you a TV addict' quiz
Organise a Camping Week in the Classroom
Rockbrook Camp for Girls in North Carolina
Mondamin Camp for Boys in North Carolina
Camp Timberlake for Boys in North Carolina
Lists of camps
Programmes des concours 2007 au B.O.
Les Langues Modernes
Revue ALSIC, Apprentissage des Langues et Systèmes d'Information et de Communication
Queen Elisabeth II 80th birthday took place on April 21st. To celebrate this
day, she invited to a dinner at Buckingham 99 people of British nationality
born on the same day and drawn from a list of applicants. Among them, an Australian,
a Canadian and six people from Ulster. here are some of their impressions:
This was only one day in the several devoted to her birthday : the following
saturday, she had a private party with her family in Windsor, where she says
she will now reside most of the time. On the Sunday, there was a religious
celebration, but the official birthday for all British sovereigns has been
set on June 17th, because the weatehr conditions are more convinient for the
big "Trooping the Colours" Parade. So you can decide to study the
Queen's birthday or her life, now or later in June.
"Trooping the colours"
The queen's birthday parade, starting with a presentation from Woodlands
Junior school in Kent, one of our favourite addresses, and a short article
<> (photos)
Ready to use lesson from the BBC
Two lessons with the text, the audio file, and its transcript. The second
also offers a quiz and a lesson plan, for upper-intermediates : a good basis
for discussion and/or research.
text :
audio :
script :
more difficult
audio :
lesson plan:
Articles and special reports from the UK
Official site of the 80th birthday celebrations :
the Monarchy today and information about the Queen :
the Royal family ( info about each member) :
the Windsors' family tree :
- the BBC
her profile from the BBC, with links :
English timeline :
the Queen's life ( 40's, 50's, etc.) :
the Golden Jubilee, in 2002 :
the party for her birthday where she invited 99 British people born on the
same day ( menu all in French, but people's impression in English!)
- News Scotsman (special report)
- Reuters UK: "The Queen is fit as a flea"
- the Times : 80 facts,,26909-2127931,00.html
- the Guardian :
special report : the monarchy :,,405150,00.html
80 facts :,,1751346,00.html
Articles and special reports from abroad
- Seattle Times, USA : facts we should know ( 2 birthdays, moon, pets)
- New York Times, USA : "I can't give you anything but love, she said.
And did."
- CNN, USA : special report on the occasion of the golden jubilee in 2002 and
last article
- Time Magazine, USA : "What does the Queen do?",8599,1183855,00.html
- Canada ( photos, videos, history) :
- Australia : "
Unmasked: secret of her success"
- Russia : "
Queen Elizabeth II to distribute 'Maundy Money' in traditional Easter ceremony"
- South Africa : "Royal wishes pour in for queen"
- Zambia : "It starts with tea: A day in the life of Queen Elizabeth II "
- Oman : "Maundy money and walkabouts: Queen Elizabeth’s grand day out"
- Kuwait : "Queen Elizabeth sees monarchy as 'a job for life' "
20 years after...
- video : watch Reuters TV reports on Rootv (streaming)
Type Chernobyl in the video search window. My favourite is "Chernobyl
legacy". No transcript.
- audio : NPR special report
with audio files featuring voices of the survivors telling their story.
- Focus In English, a Bulgarian online news site
a short, comprehensive article to introduce the topic.
- International Atomic Agency
This very comprehensive site offers videos, audios, reports and a timeline
of Chernobyl after the catastrophe (5, 10, 15, 20 years after)
- from school children in Belarus
The site starts with a poem about an old stork returning home, which can be
used with lower intermediate students and you may also like this account of
what happened in their village on that day. There are no hard descriptions,
no tears, just regret and hope. (hosted by a Swiss site)
- a poem from Sarah Maguire
the Guardian presents this poem ( for upper intermediates) by a British poetess
with an introduction explaining how she came to write this poem.
- A testimony
The Newstatesman feature this testimony from a soldier who was in Kiev at the
moment of the accident and just lived it from the outside, and his impressions
and returning for a visit in the area.
Special reports
- Nature
- The Guardian,,1761437,00.html
- NBC (
article with photos and videos, listen especially to the video from the photo
reporter in the first picture of the slide show and his final question : how
can we still use nuclear energy? and the interview of a survivor, further down
on the page)
- ABC News
What happened (the story)
- Nuclear News from the American Nuclear Society
See also this report of how it happened with a detailed diagram of the reactor
and its components (p2)
and compare with the Soviet report
- Nuclear Engineering International
an excellent but difficult article with a step by step report of the events
and then an analysis. See also the sequence of event which led to the accident
in this .pdf file
- Chernobyl info
find here the full (rather technical) story form the Swiss Agency for Development,
with a glossary of the terms. You can also find more information about the
technical data of the reactor (with color diagram), how they extinguished the
fire and built the sarcophagus at:
- the BBC
The story in less technical term but with the aftermath. You can also find
on this page an article and several audio and video reports about what was
admitted and how the disaster was presented to the public:
- Wikipedia
a full report with causes and consequences.
- Time magazine
an interesting article from May 12th 1986 about how the disaster was discovered
several days after it took place and how people reacted with the slogan : "Chernobyl
is everywhere". You can also find the full coverage from Time magazine
in this free part of their archives:
- Leed University
interesting questions and answers about the disaster. This might be an easier
way to introduce the topic than a long article.
- the United Nations
The story there is less technical and contains lots of figures. Lower intermediate
students can work only on the first paragraph, scan the info and concentrate
on the figures to try and find out what they represent.
(you can learn more about the UN programs about Chernobyl at )
How nuclear power works
- How Stuff Works
as usual, you will find several pages of explanations and interactive color
diagrams on this site to explain how it works in details.
- BBC guide to nuclear power
this excellent site from the BBC offers several clear diagrams of the components
of a nuclear plant and of how the fission process works. See also the page
comparing advantages and drawbacks of other solutions
- a science teacher's site
This site was created by Andy Darvill, Science teacher at Broadoak Community
School. You can find an easy page with a diagram about how nuclear energy works,
plus other pages about alternative energies.
- US Energy Information Agency
On this page "for kids" you will also find several useful diagrams
of the fission and the system.
- from the science Museum
on this page, several colour diagrams, with comments, short, clear and easy.
Also on the site, a page about problems (including Chernobyl, in short) and
a history of nuclear research with links to biographies.
Ready-to-use Lesson about Nuclear
- ready-to-use lessons from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
with lots of ready to use handouts full of photos and diagrams.
- lesson plans from the University of Madison, Winsconsin
Scroll down to Chernobyl, and six entries are available with several detailed
lesson plans. Unfortunately, many include videos or books that we can't get,
so you have to adapt the lessons, but the ideas of activities are interesting,
especially the simulations.
'Are you a TV addict' quiz
The quiz I recommended in Infonews n°273 for
"Turn off TV week" has moved. You can now find it here, and I find
it very useful.
Organise a Camping Week in the Classroom
In one of my newsletters from the USA? I found this idea suggesting primary
school teachers to organise a camping week in the classroom. It's sunny, why
not keep up the holiday spirit in this back to school week? And as ESL teachers,
we can also show our students what an American Summer Camp is, and recreate
its special atmosphere.
here are some ideas of camp-like activities, recipes and songs:
and here is another list of camp activities:
You can also use the internet to show them the sites of real summer camps,
with lots of photos and sometimes videos, and also short texts to introduce
the basic vocabulary, like to sports offered at the camp. Most of the camps
are boys only or girls only, for youth aged 6 to 16, and the activities and
games are close to what scouts organise, although many camps also offer access
to many sports like canoeing, rock-climbing or rope course. here are some examples,
and then lists in which you can find other camps....and you may enven choose
to register your children as members, or yourself as councelor...;)
Rockbrook Camp for Girls in North Carolina
une page qui décrit en termes simples une journée au camp
la liste des activités, avec des photos
Mondamin Camp for Boys in North Carolina
You can see a video or photos of the activities, and compare the activities
for girls and boys....
- Camp High Rocks for boys in North Carolina
discover the activities (rope course, rafting, canoeing, etc.)
the list of the scout badges that can be passed:
Camp Timberlake for Boys in North Carolina
voyez les images et les photos
et lisez cette page sur : why a single gender camp? (answer : to allow the
freedom to try and fail!)
Lists of camps
Programmes des concours 2007 au B.O.
Les programmes des concours externes et internes de l'agrégation, du CAPES
et du CAPLP - session 2007 sont dans le B.O. Spécial n° 3 du 27 avril 2006
et en ligne sur le site de la SAES
Les Langues Modernes
La Revue les Langues Modernes a toujours des problèmes avec son site, mais
ne vous laissez pas arrêter (si vous y arrivez...), le contenu est intéressant!
En ce moment, deux choses à voir :
- l'article de notre collègue Laure Peskine
"Étudier des films en classe : Pédagogie et droits d'auteurs". Cet
article pose des questions intéressantes et elle vous invite à réagir et discuter
sur le site. Voyez :
puis matière à discussion et cliquer sur l'article, ne pas se laisser effrayer
par le
"votre requête bla bla.., "taper sur ok et ouvrir le
document pdf.
- le nouveau numéro ( seul le sommaire est accessible aux non abonnés) avec
un dossier : Le Plurilinguisme et en plus des articles de ce dossier un article "matière à discussion" de
Francis Goullier : Qu'entend-on par
«plurilinguisme » et une article hors-thème : Quels logiciels libres pour les
professeurs de langues vivantes ?, dont une version plus complète se trouvera
sur le site.
Revue ALSIC, Apprentissage des Langues et Systèmes d'Information et de Communication
Cette revue est gratuite et en ligne. Le volume 9, de l'année 2006 de la revue
ALSIC est en train de se constituer, 6 articles viennent d'être mis en ligne.
D'autres suivront très prochainement. Nous vous informerons de leur sortie
d'ici quelques semaines.
- Rubrique Recherche
Analyse d'une formation plurilingue à distance : Actions et interactions de
Jean-Jacques Quintin & Monica Masperi
- Rubrique Pratique et recherche
Pour une nouvelle approche de l'hispanité grâce aux TICE - La formation d'enseignants
d'espagnol langue étrangère de Véronique Pugibet
- Rubrique Analyse de livres
Analyse de Archives ouvertes et publication scientifique - Comment mettre en
place l'accès libre aux résultats de la recherche ?de Thierry Chanier Analyse
par Agnès Colnot
Analyse de Langues et cultures - Les TIC, enseignement et apprentissage de
Claire Tardieu &
Véronique Pugibet (coord.)Analyse par Élisabeth Brodin
Analyse de Aider les élèves à comprendre - Du texte au multimédia de Daniel
Gaonac'h & Michel Fayol (dir.)Analyse par Laurence Hamon & Carole Renard
- Rubrique Analyse de sites et logiciels
Analyse de Citim,réalisé par une équipe du Greta du Velay
Analyse par Hani Qotb
- Rubrique Toilthèque
coordonnée par Emmanuelle Duchiron
- Rubrique Résumés de thèses
coordonnée par Supaluck Taechapongstorn
La revue est d'accès libre, mais n'oubliez pas de VOUS INSCRIRE, si ce n'est
déjà fait.
Ceci est un message de la LISTE INFONEWS
réalisé par Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France
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