Infonews n°281 from 24/09/2006

A la une, discover Sylvie Marc's blog. And did you know that this week-end was the beginning of the Ramadan, the Jewish New year, and that the Chinese moon festival and the Indian festival of Diwali are next month? Then discover some new sites for children, based on interactivity, and six sites for secondary school : biographies from the White House (see also those of the pets!), an extraordinary expedition organised by two British teenagers, banned book week (this coming week), fairness on the workplace, balanced nutrition with 5 a day, and some science games, then videos of robots and against fatty food, and several audio files from the BBC (with transcript) and the superb cooperation work from the colleagues on the discussion lists who are creating a bank of audio files with transcripts to train their terminales. A la fin, découvrez un intéressant projet pour 6èmes et 5èmes, un défi sur l'europe, et il est gratuit! Et enfin, des adresses  pour mieux comprendre et utiliser le CECRL et une émission radio sur le plurilinguisme.
Have a nice week!
Christine Reymond


A la Une

fcd3 Blog

In the Calendar

September 22nd : Jewish New Year
September 24rd : beginning of Ramadan
October 6th : Chinese Moon Festival
October 26th : Diwali
Write with the calendar (from Riverdeep's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday, September 20th)

Resources for Primary School

Discover Noggin
Talking Book

Resources for Secondary school

180 Degrees Pole to Pole Manpowered
Banned Books Week (from [LII New This Week] September 21)
Workplace Fairness: It's Everyone's Job (from [LII New This Week] September 21)
5 A Day: Vegetable of the Month: Cooking Greens (from [LII New This Week] September 21)
White House Dream Team (from [LII New This Week] September 21)
Wired Sciences Games and quizzes (from Riverdeep's Classroom Flyer, Thursday, September 21st)


Against fatty food

Audio Comprehension

15th anniversary of the WWW (from the BBC)
Iron Maiden (from the BBC)
Skinny models (from the BBC)
Biographies of famous Londoners (from the BBC)


2ème Édition du « Défi Bi-langue »  du Collège Georges Cuvier de Fécamp

Teaching Practice

A écouter sur Europe 1

A la Une

fcd3 Blog

 Would you like to start a blog for your students? Have a look at Sylvie Marc's blog, created for her lower secondary school students in collège St exupéry, dans l'académie d'Orleans-Tours
You will find lots of useful addresses directing her students to various sites.
I especially enjoyed her teaching unit about environment, with this excellent game from the BBC:
and this page full of figures, facts and advices:
See also her students' productions:
and don't miss her page of advices to her students: actuces et stratégies pour progresser, basée sur le CECRL mais adapté à ses élèves:
voyez aussi les sites qu'elle a sélectionné à propos du CECRL
For lower primary school you can find several interactive sites from the BBC at these addresses:
About how to use a blog in class, read this article from our colleague Alyne Piazza
and visit her sites:

In the Calendar

September 22nd : Jewish New Year

Rosh HaShana is the name of the Jewish New year. This year will be 5767 for them this year.
10 important things
definition from Fact Monster
definition from Judaism 101

September 24rd : beginning of Ramadan

it will be year 1427 for them.
definition from wikipedia
definition from Infonplease
from (with links)

October 6th : Chinese Moon Festival

with some legends
about the moon cakes
with recipes

October 26th : Diwali

Diwali is the festival of lights in India. A very important day for indians all over the world.

Write with the calendar (from Riverdeep's Classroom Flyer, Wednesday, September 20th)

Several days of the calendar, month-by-month, are covered with noteworthy events. Click on each highlighted event to find related lesson plans, links, classroom activities, and writing exercises.
[ suggestions for each day of the month...]

Resources for Primary School

Discover Noggin

This site is meant for American pre-readers. It is based on the new concept that the child will remember better if he has taken some active part in the lesson instead of just looking at it passively. here are some of those activities which can also be used in ESL classes for young beginners and lower intermediates:
- Story maker
The child hears a story, but not passively, he is invited to interact by first giving his name, then making some choices. Thus the story becomes his.
- Numbers and fruit and vegetables
The child has to click on "five apples" and when he clicks on the first, you can hear "one apple" and so on.

Talking Book

Discover this talking book on a Canadian site : it is in English and in French. Each page is read, and then the child can roll his mouse over the different words and hear them pronounced. the title is : "Stick goes to the doctor" and the book is read as a book, including 'he said' 'he answered etc.

Resources for secondary school

180 Degrees Pole to Pole Manpowered

On eteachNet, our colleague Darren Rigby recommends this site featuring the extraordinary record this two British teenagers will attempt : going from pole to pole with skis and bikes.
This trans-global expedition organised by Rob Gauntlett and James Hooper will commence in March 2007. You can watch a video presenting their project, download their brochure and read their pages about being inspirational for other youngsters and about the logistics of their expedition:
Darren also recommends this article in the Guardian about them,,1876876,00.html
Their last expedition made them the youngest Britons to climb Mount Everest (8850m). Read about them and this last expedition on their site:
to know them :
to know how they train :
to read what the local newspaper for West Sussex writes:
article from the BBC :

Banned Books Week (from [LII New This Week] September 21)

"This handout on this site offers ideas and resources for commemorating Banned Books Week, "the only national celebration of the freedom to read. Banned Books Week is held during the last week of September." The handbook includes a list of banned and challenged books with links to related articles, posters, and links to related sites and sites that promote book banning. From the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE)."
[ The last week of September in the US is banned book week. have a look at the list, and, with advanced students who know the novels, you may want to study the arguments of those who request the books to be banned (usually from use in school). In the list, you'll find Huckleberry Finn, "I know why the cage birds sing" by Maya Angelou, "catcher in the rye" and "to kill a mocking bird". you may also use their page of links to sites against or pro the ban: ]

Workplace Fairness: It's Everyone's Job (from [LII New This Week] September 21)

This collection of publications and resources focuses on workplace fairness topics such as wages, retirement, discrimination, privacy, and unions. Website sections focus on job survival (covering topics such as layoffs and sexual harassment), women, older workers, immigrants, and public employees. From an organization that provides "information, education, and assistance to individual workers and their advocates nationwide and promotes public policies that advance employee rights."
[some pages are not finished yet (including those about recruitment and job interviews) but you can already find interesting material for intermediate students and above. Apart from the articles, you can also find short facts sheets and even some cartoons as in the page about discrimination.
with links to statistics and more cartoons like this one:  ]

5 A Day: Vegetable of the Month: Cooking Greens (from [LII New This Week] September 21)

"Descriptions and nutritional values for cooking greens, which "include any type of cabbage where the green leaves do not form a compact head," including collards, mustard greens, kale, Swiss chard, and broccoli rabe. Provides recipes for dishes using greens, such as poached eggs with collard greens, and lentil and Swiss chard soup. From a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website promoting fruit and vegetable consumption."
[ with advices, tips and recipes. See also the names and descriptions of various fruit and vegetables:
(do you know what tomatillos are? they look like green "physialis"....)]

White House Dream Team (from [LII New This Week] September 21)

Background for children about "heroes who made a significant contribution to America through their dreams, character traits, and choices." Features brief biographies and portraits of significant baseball players and other athletes, patriots, teachers, authors, and artists, such as Jackie Robinson, Jessie Owens, Samuel Adams, Anne Sullivan Macy, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Gilbert Stuart. Part of the website.
a collection of interesting and short biographies. While you are there, have a look at "pets" and discover Ophelia! (with a full biography as well)

Wired Sciences Games and quizzes (from Riverdeep's Classroom Flyer, Thursday, September 21st)

Be a neutrino, build your own planet, find an archive of challenging questions to test yourself in science, try to be a lighting designer, and more in this online exploration of science concepts.
[various games and quizzes, some completely uninteresting. Explore the site...]


Against fatty food

On e-teach, two colleagues have found excellent visual supports against grease and fast food:
Ellen Foucher has found this poster featuring a girl drinking cooking oil (that's what you do when you eat chips!)
Yoann Panier has chosen for you this add from Adbusters against Mac Donald's (52 % of a Burger is fat!)
[ those documents can be used at all levels to raise student's awareness of how bad fast food is.]


On eTeachNet, Jean Marc Pilliere, a colleague teaching DNL (another subject taught in English) recommends this video about Robotmow, a lawn mover robot from Friendly Robotics
and the site of the Slugbot
For more technical informations, see this page about how the big track works
for full information on a robot, but not so technical, see the site of Papero
All these sites can be used with intermediate students studying engineering, including technicians from BTSI.

Audio Comprehension

15th anniversary of the WWW (from the BBC)

This year marks the 15th year of the World Wide Web. In this programme we listen to a short interview with futurologist Ian Pearson about how the internet has changed our lives.
[ note that this program comes with a full script, MP3 file and vocabulary help. You can edit it and use only the interview with intermediate students. Advanced students may profit from the whole program, but you have to train them and warn them that it is not about the announced topic but about language learning, and that the program will be useful if they do exactly what is advised : listen to the interview and concentrate on the linguistic problems they point at. Challenging, but not impossible to do with motivated advanced students.]

Iron Maiden (from the BBC)

"Iron Maiden are one of Britain's most successful and influential heavy metal bands. They have recently released their 14th album. In this programme we find out a little of the history of the band and hear from lead singer Bruce Dickinson about the new album A Matter or Life and Death."
You can download the transcript and the MP3 file, read the vocabulary, do a quiz and follow links to the biography of the group and their official site. intermediate students interested in music will enjoy this document.

Skinny models (from the BBC)

as a follow up to last week's Learning English article about skinny models:
listen to this video news item about fashion shows in Milan asking models to carry with them a medical certificate attesting they are healthy. (no transcript)

Biographies of famous Londoners (from the BBC)

"The Blue Plaque" features short biographies of famous Londoners like Marx, Freud, Nehru, Ben Gourion, Benjamin Franklin, Karlorff or Jimmy Hendrix. For each bio you can download the MP3 file and the transcript, read the vocabulary and sometimes do a quiz. All texts are calibrated at about 350 words.
for example for Jimmy Hendrix


Some colleagues on e-teach decided that they could no longer wait for the "official" bank of audio files to train the students to the new STG baccalaureat. So they decided to start working together to build this bank themselves. They are still working on it, and they may also constitute another bank with audio resources for lower secondary school. You can see their work on Yvan Baptiste site:
and you can join the groups by contacting them on the lists.


2ème Édition du « Défi Bi-langue »  du Collège Georges Cuvier de Fécamp

Enfin une version gratuite des Défis. Deux collègues enseignant en allemand et anglais au Collège Georges Cuvier de Fécamp (76) proposent avec leurs deux classes bi-langues (6ème et 5ème) un « défi bi-langue » destiné à vos classes de 6èmes et 5èmes bi-langues.
L’inscription se fait par classe ou groupe. Elle est entièrement gratuite.
Cette année, les questions porteront sur « les pays de la Communauté Européenne ».
L’inscription est à renvoyer avant le 1er décembre 2006.
Pour plus de renseignement et recevoir la fiche d'inscription, écrivez à :

Teaching Practice


Annie Gwynn a rassemblé des adresses pour vous aider à connaitre, comprendre et utiliser le Cadre:
Voyez aussi quelques exemples des évaluations diagnostiques ou bilan qui se mettent en place dans les académies:
entrée en 6ème :
fin de 3ème :

A écouter sur Europe 1

Dimanche 24 septembre 2006 de 15h à 16h vous pourrez écouter en direct la chronique de Pascale Lafitte-Certa sur le plurilinguisme. Et vous pourrez ensuite l'écouter sur le site.
Elle présentera deux évènements:
Evénements :" Semaine des cultures étrangères à Paris"
Evénements :" Journée européenne des langues"
puis elle discutera de l'éveil aux langues avec :
- Michel Candelier , Professeur à l'Université du Mans, spécialiste de politique linguistique et didactique des langues, responsable de projets européens sur l'éveil à la diversité linguistique dans le primaire, qui a publié " L'éveil aux langues à l'école primaire" , de Boeck
- Martine Kervran , Formatrice à l'IUFM de Bretagne en didactique des langues, experte aupres du centre européen pour les langues vivantes qui a publié :" Les langues du monde au quotidien - Observation réfléchie des langues" , SCEREN CRDP de Bretagne
et :" Enseigner l'anglais avec Facilité" , Bordas

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réalisé par Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France
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