INFONEWS n°33 du 18/04/99


  Le 22 avril, c'est Earth Day '99. C'est pourquoi j'ai choisi ce sujet
comme dossier principal pour ce numéro. Par ailleurs, j'ai découvert
Dynamo's den* , un site éducatif de la BBC pour les petits, qui fera le
bonheur de nos 6èmes et même d'élèves de primaire.

Bonne semaine à tous!


Earth Day '99
Two on Earth Day (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- April 14,
EPA environmental education center
E2: Environment & Education
Babble On: Earth Day ( PBS Teacher Previews: April 12-18)
Sites to bookmark
* Dynamo's Den (BBC Education Newsletter 16/4/1999)
Cinema: How Are Hollywood Films Made? (Blue Web'n Update 4/16/99)
ANIMATED HISTORY OF BOOKS (BBC Education Newsletter 16/4/1999)
Larry's Links ( Edunotes Newsletter Wednesday, April 07)


Earth Day '99
Two on Earth Day (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering -- April 14,
Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Wilderness Society
(TWS) have created Websites for this year's Earth Day, on April 22. The EPA
site is user-friendly with hyperlinks to relevant publications, a FAQ
section, contacts and links, and national and regional events. The
Wilderness Society's site has more historical and biological information,
with sections for teachers and kids, in addition to sections on bird
migration, American wilderness, and a section titled From Alaska to our
Backyards. Together, the two sites provide plenty of information and
suggestions for how to get involved. [LXP]
Earth Day '99 -- The Wilderness Society

[lycée, history of Earth Day]
Earth Day 1999 -- EPA

EPA environmental education center
The Environmental Protection Agency offers ideas to teachers, students and

[ j'ai particulièrement aimé les ressources de la page :

et je vais utiliser : The Case of the Mysterious Renters (PDF file, 71k) A
unit on water conservation in the home. Grades 4-6., utilisable dès la
5ème, avec un travail grammatical sur la fréquence, les mots interrogatifs,
la construction des questions au présent , puis l'utilisation de 'should'
et 'ought to' avec des élèves plus avancés. Ce cours contient une réflexion
intéressante sur l'utilisation domestique de l'eau, qui peut amener les
élèves à débattre du sujet. Il faut le logiciel Adobe Acrobat Reader pour
voir cette leçon, mais il vous sera utile ensuite pour visualiser d'autres
documents. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement à partir de :

E2: Environment & Education
Ce site offre des shémas de cours intéressants, sous forme de fiches à
imprimer. Ces leçons sont présentées sous forme d'images, non modifiables
et longues à charger, mais le contenu vaut l'effort.

[utilisable dès le collège]

Babble On: Earth Day ( PBS Teacher Previews: April 12-18)
Students can show their appreciation for the
environment and learn more about how the Earth
provides resources to help us live and grow, plus
submit their own ideas to help to save our natural
resources, with this feature that celebrates Earth

[dès la 4ème]


Sites to bookmark
Dynamo's Den (BBC Education Newsletter 16/4/1999)
'winning feeling of being in control'
We know it's good. You know it's good. Glad to see the people that give the
awards out think so too. Dynamo's Den is full of fun games to help 5 to 9
year-olds with words and
numbers. Help DynaMo set the clock and learn to tell the time. Match up the
prices with the coins in Bargains Galore. This all conforms to the relevant
governmental advice and
gets teachers mailing us with praise, but it's also great fun. The Net
doesn't have to be 'a laugh' as it could just be the most important media
dissemination service since ol' Caxton and his press, but fun sites are
sites that work. Teaching kids maths and reading in a way that makes them sad
when the lesson's over has got to be a good thing. Dive in and enjoy.

[ pour les 6èmes, un site exceptionnel! voir surtout :
clockwise : placer les aiguilles correspondant à l'heure donnée
matching time, niveau3 : 1000 years = a millenium
money swap : 3.50 = 3 one pound coins + one fifty pence à faire suivre de
'bargain galore' : choose the right coins for a set amount
splat : a quiz with simple questions
spellbound : choose the right letters to spell words. Cet exercice peut
aussi convenir à des enfants plus agés]

Cinema: How Are Hollywood Films Made? (Blue Web'n Update 4/16/99)
Inspired by programs from the American Cinema video series in the
Annenberg/CPB Multimedia Collection, "Cinema" explores the creative process
of filmmaking from the screenwriter's words to the editor's final cut.
Includes interactive activities from writing dialogue for a scene to
managing the production of a film.
Grade Level: Middle School, High School
Content Area: Arts (Visual Arts, Performing Arts) [Dewey #750]
Application type: Activity, Resource

[ lycée, pour réfléchir sur la création d'un peut-être même se
lancer dans une création!]

ANIMATED HISTORY OF BOOKS (BBC Education Newsletter 16/4/1999)
World Book Day is only round the corner, and this animated
history of books will help you prepare. Follow the moans
about Shakespeare being uneducated (well he couldn't even
spell his own name, could he?), top info on the literature
of 50,000 BC and even a look at the books of the future are
all here. Cool Flash and an interactive timeline mean you'll
keep coming back to this site.

[Lycée, compréhension orale, puis écrite, un site particulièrement bien fait]

Larry's Links ( Edunotes Newsletter Wednesday, April 07)
Here are more reference links than you will ever need! Built by a high
school teacher in San Antonio Texas, this page contains useful links
on social studies, history, geography, government/civics, other research
groups, teachers' resources and more. It also has links to Library of
Congress Resources and several educational media web sites like PBS,
The Discovery Channel, and National Public Radio, so you'll be sure to
find the information you need to prepare for your class.



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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
Centre Ressources TICE du Rectorat (CRANTE)
Académie de Rouen (FRANCE)

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