Infonews n°333 from 11/05/2008

A la Une this week, discover the Serious Games and a new type of marketing. As the end of the year comes near and with all those holidays, our students need motivation. here are some interactive games and song for the youngest, that will keep them glued to their screen, and there are also interactive exercises and games for the oldest, so that they can work a little and play a lot. Read also about the opening of the Newseum in Washington. And at the end, find how to register for Cyber-Langues 2008!

Enjoy the sun and have a nice week!
Christine Reymond


A la Une : New types of marketing

A new type of marketing
Serious games

Resources for Primary School

Easy interactive games
More difficult interactive games
Play with Clifford
A song about Sea Stars

Resources for Secondary School

Texts for the Bac list
English 4emails : Interactive exercises
Online Quizzes
Online interactive games to raise awareness
Learn Vocabulary with games
Discover "English Interactive"

Teaching Practice

Colloque Cyber-langues 2008

A la Une : New types of marketing

A new type of marketing

First, advertising meant showing a famous person saying that this product is the best, then the teens became conscious that this was just about money and to trap them into consuming, so a new anti-advertising type of advertisements appeared, but this was soon detected and stopped working. Now big companies like Sprite are trying to launch different actions : hiring kids to chat online and recommend the products, teens parties are sponsorized to distribute samples, and hip-hop events are organised.
You can also watch the full PBS Frontline program online:
To find the video about this new type of marketing, go to chapter 2, then choose "the merchants of cool" and chapter 2 : "under the radar-marketing".

Serious games

What are "serious games"? here is an article about serious games on Wikipedia, with lots of links to explore at the bottom of the page...
Listen to this presentation of the Serious game institute from the university of Coventry, where the presenter deals with Second life, Virtual worlds and serious games. Note also how this university is now geared towards entrepreneurship. (for teachers)
and explore other links on the site of the Serious game institute

Resources for Primary School

Easy interactive games

Discover those easy interactive games to learn the colors, numbers and shapes and how to spell them. Exercises in three steps : discover, recognize, memorize. Level A1. No sentences, just words and spelling. From a US site.

More difficult interactive games

Level A1+, lots of math and spelling games, plus some others. From a British site.

Play with Clifford

For A1 students, here is a nice interactive site from Scholastic.
They can read and interact in a story : see for example Clifford's big dig where they will learn some vocabulary and also "it looks + adj" which is used repetitively in this story
They can also play games : the sound matching game is especially interesting. They must find objects beginning with the same sound as the example. Each word is read when you pass your mouse over it. Students can listen, repeat and play.

A song about Sea Stars

"I'm a sea star", "I'm an invertebrate that can regenerate" : discover facts about sea stars in English through this song created by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. You can hear the music and the song and read the lyrics on the same page. The music is a bit repetitive, but I found it nice.

Resources for Secondary School

Texts for the Bac list

Each year, the students must prepare a list of the texts they have studied in class for their oral exam. On eTeacNet, Florinda Fernandes recommends this page created by our colleague Henry Quinson for those of his students who were absent during a lesson : you can find the texts in .pdf format and a commentary for some of the texts. A precious resource for students who decide to work only at the last minute!


Newseum website was created when the first Newseum in Arlington had to close in 2002.
it is a precious online resource, offering everyday access to 570 front pages of newspapers from 52 countries. It is sometimes difficult to work from those front pages, because they change everyday and are not always archived. But you can browse the front pages by date (for 2007 and 2008) and in the archives, you can find all the front pages of the days of important events, starting from September 11th. Those pages are stable and you can sometimes even access analysis of the front pages for a special day, so you can invite your students to compare the titles and layouts on the day of an important event.
BBC Learning English features an article about this topic, with the text, an audio file and some vocabulary
You can also read the follow up text about the inauguration of the Newseum in Washington
You can use these resources in a teaching unit level A2 or above, where the students will study several styles of newspapers and then produce their own. Since writing a full newspaper can be too time consuming, you can suggest then to only write a few articles and work as a group to create a front page for their special day. I did it with my A2+ students and this kept them motivated in May. They also discovered that they needed to use the tenses better, and asked for exercises like those

English 4emails : Interactive exercises

A fun exercise where you have to choose the right words and put them in the appropriate boxes to write a business email. For business students level B1.
Students can also learn how to be polite in a formal business email (note that a written production tasks the STT Pondichery bac exam was to write an email)
You can find more exercises (matching, click on the words, etc) on these pages and several other exercises of the same type on this page of interactive Flash exercises from the British Council.

Online Quizzes

Although some of the pages are full of advertisements, some of those quizzes are interesting and can be used in class. You can invite the students to play online or you can print the worksheet, you can also find all the answers and explanations about the questions. And if the students choose to play online, they will play "who wants to be a millionaire" style, with helps and hints. Here are some quizzes I selected for you:
- Vocabulary level A1 (numbers, days of the week, names of animals, parts of the body, etc.) : for primary school or special ed (SEGPA)
- Written comprehension level A2+ (a children's story to read and questions about the meaning of words and the story)
-same type, simpler
- English proverbs and their meanings (level B1+)
- US states, geography and presidents
- easy math puzzles and brainteasers (A1)
- history games : identify famous people ( from ancient Greece and England, world leaders, Nobel prize winners and US presidents)

Online interactive games to raise awareness

Interactive activities from Media awareness, an activist but educational site to make kids aware of how the web and the advertisements can influence and manipulate them and make students aware of the dangers of their cyber-environment. They are meant for English speaking students aged 9 to 12, but I tried it with my 15 year old ESL students and they liked it. We studied Jo Cool, Jo Fool, to understand what is behind a site offering cool things to kids. You could also try the game about drinking and advertising, about food advertising, about hate propaganda or facts or fiction on the web.

Learn Vocabulary with games

This site from our colleagues in Israel invite students level B1+ to enrich their vocabulary through games like hangman, crossword, wordsearch and other quizzes.

Discover "English Interactive"

A site offering loads of resources for listening, video, pronouncing, reading and writing activities and to prepare exams like TOEFL.

Teaching Practice

Colloque Cyber-langues 2008

Pour le Bureau de l'association Cyber-Langues,
Yvan Baptiste ( ) de l'académie de Montpellier nous signale que le prochain colloque Cyber-Langues 2008 aura lieu à l'Université de Dijon et au CRDP de Dijon du mardi 26 au jeudi 28 août 2008. Il s'intitule cette année « TICE et langues : de l'expérimentation à la généralisation» et concerne comme toujours toutes les langues vivantes.
La coordinatrice de cette année est Elisabeth Prévost-Kaboré ( )
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au samedi 7 juin 2008 minuit à cette adresse:
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Venez nombreux !

Ceci est un message de la LISTE INFONEWS
réalisé par Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France
Les commentaires et réflexions entre [ ] ne reflètent que mon opinion personnelle.
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