Infonews n°339 from 14/09/2008
A picture
Short and clear information
how it works
Lesson plan
Rap song
Articles and special reports
What can you do ?
Collaborative project
*** Colors by Kira Willey
Phonetics and pronunciation
American Elections
Branding American
How geothermal energy works
Podcasts from the IPRR
Annales de CRPE
Le congrès de l'AILA
Cyber-langues 2008
Supression de l’épreuve orale au bac STG
The LHC started working last Thursday. Most people agree that it is a great scientific step forward, but some people are afraid, and it also raises the issue of creationism. So here are some documents to discover it and deal with it in class.
A picture
Short and clear information
A site from the CERN with simple explanation
including E=MC2, how an accelerator works, and a
clear diagram of the project. For scientists level A2.
How it works
How stuff works features several pages with videos to explain everything.
An interactive game from the CREN in four languages.
On the BBC, you can hear the audio report of the
Today reporter who was there, and read the article:
Here is a long (10mn) but very good video from
Videoscpan (with Spanish subtitles). Not too
scientific so easier to understand. And opens on
anti-matter and primordial matter, string theory
and time travel…and finally the interest of
research. Well made and informative, for science
students level A2+ minimum. (and you can capture it with downloadhelper : 24K)
Lesson plan
On BBC Learning English, the BBc provides us with
a ready to use lesson, with the lesson plan, the
audio file and the transcript, plus some vocabulary explained in English.
Rap song
For advanced science students, here is the Large
Hadron rap. It is a bit long, there is no
transcript and it is difficult to understand if
you’re not familiar with this technology..
A cartoon by Peter Brookes for Times Online (how to start/end life)
Articles and special reports
CNN and Time magazine are much more on the alarmist side :
see CNN’s “LHC fired up in “God” particle hunt
and Time mag’s “Collider triggers end-of-world fears”,8599,1838947,00.html
On the official site of the European Day of
Languages and on the site of the European
Commission, you can find logos, posters and
brochures to download, and also many ideas of
activities in several languages, including a “how to start” guide.
What can you do ?
First, remember that several languages must be
included in your project, which means not only
English, German and Spanish, but also languages
that then students don’t know at all like
Swedish, Finnish, Romanian, Polish, etc.
If you school has a relation with other
countries, in a Comenius for example, put the
emphasis on the presentation of the partners,
encourage the students to organize an exhibition
with the flags, the maps, information sheets and
a few basic words and phrases in the foreign language.
You can decorate your room and the school with
flags and posters, plan an international meal
with dishes from several countries (Greek salad,
paella, crumble…) and study the recipe in class,
encourage your students to prepare presentations
of different countries and show them to other classes, etc.
On this site, students can see a map of all the
countries in the EU, with their flags and a short
information sheet about each country that they
can read in French, English and the local
language. Even students level A1 can work on these pages on their own.
On the list InterLangues, our colleague Françoise
Varillon recommends those resources that you can
download in 22 languages. The students can
explore the booklets online in their native
language, and then read it in English or another
foreign language and take notes to share the
content with the class or to write a report.
- What we do : this section of “panorama of the
EU” features short simple and clear sections that
can answer questions like : what countries use
the Euro? What do we do for the environment? Etc. (level A2+)
- 12 lessons to discover Europe (level B1). For
example in section 9 : “a citizens’ Europe” they
can read about the various EU programmes
(Comenius and so on). You can download the brochure or read the content online.
- *** There is also a nice online brochure giving
figures and facts. Simple drawings fvor children,
but the facts are short and clear : you can use it with students level A2.
- and the travelling section also offers useful
resources to raise your students’ awareness of
what to see and do in Europe. You find the usual
sections about travel documents, the weather,
things to do, money and pets, etc.
- and don’t miss the last two sections :
communicating, where you can hear a text read in
the 23 official languages of the EU and the short
“if things go wrong” section giving the international EU emergency number : 112
- Europe Ensemble est le produit d’un Coménius :
vous y trouverez de courtes sequences audio pour
apprendre des phrases de base, niveau A1
- Europa Go is a programme for beginners in 7
languages, offering several games.
“You may choose from four different games:
Coins and countries, the banknote puzzle, Dive
and Count and the Euro quiz. One click away and
you will be diving for hidden treasures, piecing
together puzzles and seeing how much you know all
at the same time!” I especially like the flag
memory game which can enable students to memorise the european flags.
You can also play the quiz. The questions are
easy to understand, but the answers are difficult
to find if you don’t know Europe. So go first in
the “let’s explore Europe” section. You students can learn a lot from it!
- Intercomprehension is more based on the oral,
with videos and tips to make yourself understood
and interesting ways to raise language awareness
and explore the others’ culture through songs and stories.
Collaborative project
As they do every year, the CLEMI, centre de
liaison entre l'enseignement et les médias
d'information, invites secondary school students
of all levels and from all countries to
collaborate to publish an online multilingual
magazine. You must register as soon as possible
and send your productions in two languages between September 22nd and 26th.
On e-teach, Mireille Géraud shares with us those
links to documents level A1 that she found on the list TICE-INSTITS:
Colors by Kira Willey
On e-teach, Sophie Leray recommends this song
level A1+ to revise colours and rainbow. You can
also go on to associating colours and mood. Here is the song and the lyrics:
and Line Berthaud recommends this other version
with the lyrics written on the picture and
drawing showing the mood of the little girl.
Phonetics and pronunciation
Our colleague from Martinique, Laurence Bernard,
has created a page of commented links about
phonetics and pronunciation. You will find tables
of phonetic symbols, tips for pronouncing,
interactive pronunciation exercises for all
levels, from the pronunciation of minimal pairs
to limericks and a study of the Queen’s speech.
American Elections
The electoral system in the USA is very complex.
On e-teach, Sylvie Brod recommends this video : «
Electing a US president in plain English”
The system is explained simply and doesn’t go
into the difference between primaries (secret
ballot) and caucuses (the vote is public and can
be by hand or walking to a part of a room), and
the fact that in some states the voters vote only
for a candidate from the party they are
registered with (closed primaries). Those
differences can be dealt with if you happen to
have an assistant coming from the US, otherwise I find them too complex.
See here the voter registration form for New York state:
Pour une explication en français, Josiane Laval
vous recommande ce dossier de la documentation française. (info de eTeachNet)
Branding American
On e-teach, Florinda Fernandes signals this site
about brands, advertisement and consumerism.
[The site features a clickable map of the US,
with links to the most famous brands, how they
started and what they represent. The “teaching
ideas” and “resources” sections are interesting.
See especially the links at the end of the
resources page (additional resources), with links
to sites explaining how to analyse and
advertisement and a “how stuff works” site explaining how ad slogans work
In the same line, see those two articles level B1
from the women section of Times Online, about
giant shopping malls (do we really need them) and
the 50 things a British girl should have (British
style presented by an American editor, with
comments to discuss with your class of fashion orientated girls!)
How geothermal energy works
This flash animation show how a geothermal system
works. Excellent document for students interested
in technology and renewable energies level B1
You can read the Scout Report article about the site
Podcasts from the IPRR
The Scout Report recommends the podcasts from the
Institute for Public Policy Research (IPRR),
commenting recent policy decisions and societal
problems. Those documents can be very useful to
make students level C1 work on their audio comprehension skill.
Annales de CRPE
Dans eTeachNet, Muriel Hostaléry nous indique
cette page qui contient de nombreux textes pour
l’expression orale à l’epreuve de langues du
concours de professeur des ecoles. Ces textes
niveau B2+ peuvent aussi être utiles en lycée ou
pour l’entrainement à l’oral des classes de préparation aux grandes écoles.
Le congrès de l'AILA
Les enseignants, chercheurs et étudiants en
linguistique appliquée se rencontrent tous les
trois ans pour le congrès mondial de l’AILA
(Association Internationale de Linguistique
Appliquée) qui rassemble 1500 personnes pendant
cinq jours. Cette année le 15éme congrès s’est
déroulé à Essen (Allemagne) du 24 au 29 août.
Les participants ont pu assister à plus de mille
présentations, conférences et ateliers autour du
thème : Multilingualism, Challenges and
Opportunities. Les domaines sont très variés,
allant de l’acquisition d’une langue maternelle
ou seconde et son enseignement à des publics
divers, à la linguistique, la sociolinguistique,
la traduction, le multilinguisme, le
multiculturalisme, la communication
interculturelle et l’apprentissage autonome.
Cyber-langues 2008
I-pods, blogs, laboratoire de langues :
l'association Cyber-Langues a réuni durant trois
jours, du 26 au 28 août, à Dijon ses membres pour
échanger sur les usages des Tice dans
l'enseignement des langues. Trois journées très
riches, et des pa rticipants enthousiastes. Et le
prochain Cyber-langues se tiendra à Reims…
Supression de l’épreuve orale au bac STG
Le Journal Officiel n° 0204 du 2 septembre 2008
déclare que l’épreuve de langues vivantes 1 au
bac STG sera une épreuve de compréhension écrite
et expression écrite et une épreuve d’expression
orale. L’épeuve de compréhension orale qui avait
été testée pendant trois ans n’est finalement pas
généralisée mais purement et simplement supprimée.;jsessionid=FE5F834B1E6619D3FCC4B882E25719E4.tpdjo17v_1?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000019414827&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO
L’APLV lance une pétition pour protester contre
ce retrait et demander qu’une réflexion soit menée sur le sujet.
Lisez aussi la lettre du président de l’APLV
annonçant les modifications prévues pour cette
année, dont la réforme des concours de
recrutement qui se passeront maintenant à BAC+5.
et bien d’autres informations sur le site de
l’APLV, dont la parution des rapports de jury des concours 2008.
Ceci est un message de la LISTE INFONEWS
réalisé par Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France
Les commentaires et réflexions entre [ ] ne
reflètent que mon opinion personnelle.
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