INFONEWS n° 54 du 06/11/99

    Cette semaine, des activités 'déclencheur de parole', des pistes pour des
discussions sur les autres et leurs différences, et un site sur le cinéma
qui vous permettra de rebondir vers toutes sortes d'activités sur les
médias; des sites pour rechercher un job d'été ou un stage d'un an et des
conseils pour formuler sa demande; et des sites pour les scientifiques et
les fans de baseball.
Bonne semaine à tous!


Resources and activities
Rock or Feather: A Critical-Thinking Activity (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 32)
Children's Literature WebGuide (from Curt Davis on [learn-net])
Ten Great Web Sites Every Middle School Educator Should Know! (Education World Newsletter)
Looking at Ourselves and Others (CLN> CLN UPDATE for Monday, October 25)
Study Guides for Various Works (LII> [LIIWEEK] October 25)
History of Film Theme Page (CLN> CLN UPDATE for Monday, October 25)
Internet tools
Invisible Web (from Curt Davis on [learn-net])
Job search
Creative Job Search (CLN> CLN UPDATE for Monday, October 25)
Summer jobs
Science and technology
EXPLORATORIUM SNACK SCIENCE (Friday, October 22, Library Hot Five)
NASA ROBOTS! (CLASSROOM FLYER, Thursday, October 21st)
Baseball Links: Rules and Umpiring (Friday, October 22, Library Hot Five)
The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum (Friday, October 22, Library Hot Five)

Resources and activities
Rock or Feather: A Critical-Thinking Activity (Education World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 32)
A simple activity can reveal much about the students you work with each
day. Students make and defend their choices in this activity, called Rock
or Feather? Included: Comments from teachers who've used the activity --
and a printable activity sheet! (By Gary Hopkins)
[dès la 4ème. Une activité qui incite à la prise de parole, au
développement d'un raisonnement logique et qui peut servir de base à un débat.
J'ai aussi aimé, à la fin de la page, le lien vers 'Ten Activities to
Improve Students' Self-Concepts', d'autres activités du même type:
-->   ]

Children's Literature WebGuide (from Curt Davis on [learn-net])
The Children's Literature WebGuide (CLWG) has Internet resources
related to books for children and young adults. CLWG includes a
Library of Links with Top Sites in children's literature, Authors
Online and Stories on the Web. Also included are Lots of lists,
discussion boards and lots more children's literature links too:
[un site très riche, où vous trouverez des textes, des listes de discussion
sur des livres. J'ai retenu leur liste de liens pour profs:
et en particulier un site d'idées de leçons pour tous niveaux:
parmi lesquelles j'ai retenu 'Reading; learning propaganda techniques
through advertisements (5-12)' , une activité intéressante et créatrice à partir de publicités:

Ten Great Web Sites Every Middle School Educator Should Know! (Education
World Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 32)
Major sites, and smaller teacher-created sites too ... they're all here ---
ten sites that every middle level educator should know about and explore!
These sites represent some of the best resources the Web has to offer, a
virtual survival kit for middle level educators. (Are there others we
should know about? This week, Education World offers a special message
board so teachers can share sites that might not appear on our list.) Join
us as we briefly explore ten great sites.(By Gary Hopkins)
[ une page d'adresses utiles : des sites et des leçons, des projets et des pistes pour monter des projets ou trouver des partenaires.]

Looking at Ourselves and Others (CLN> CLN UPDATE for Monday, October 25)
This global education web site is offered by World Wise Schools, a project
sponsored by the US Peace Corps. Its intent is to help students define
culture, develop global perspectives, and challenge assumptions. Lesson
plans are organized by grade level (3-5, 6-9, and 10-12) and, within each
grade level, there are several lessons targeted on each of the three
objectives. Lesson plans contain an estimate of class time needed,
materials, a statement of objectives, step-by-step procedures, debriefing
exercises, and suggestions for extending the activity.
[ des activités pour prendre conscience des préjugés et les combattre:
- pour le collège, voir les deux activités pour grade 3- 5 : utlisables dès
la 5ème, pour l'utilisation du présent comme caractéristique du sujet, la
minipulation des formes affirmatives, interrogative et négatives et des
adverbes de fréquence. Ces activités permettent de donner une dimension
socio-culturelle à des exercices en général centrés sur les personnages du
manuel ou les élèves de la classe.
- pour le lycée, voir les activités pour grade 10 -12 : des documents pour
réfléchir, des bases pour une discussion. ]

Study Guides for Various Works (LII> [LIIWEEK] October 25)
A collection of study guides for a wide range of literature including works
of science fiction; 19th and 20th century European classics; love poetry;
world literature in English
of India, Africa, and the Caribbean; and the Bible as Literature.
Bibliographies and related links are provided for some of the authors.
These guides are prepared by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington
State University, Pullman, for classes he teaches. - dl
[ pour lycée, section L et étudiants]

History of Film Theme Page (CLN> CLN UPDATE for Monday, October 25)
Here's a page for all you media teachers looking for resources for a
History of Cinema/Film unit. There are over a dozen links to sites that
will give your students the necessary background on early cinematic
developments, important people, milestone movies, film genres, etc. There
are also a couple of film databases (get the plot and cast for hundred and
hundreds of movies as well as a teaching unit.
You can go to this theme page directly with the above button, or find it
within our Media Literacy curriculum at :
[ Pour lycées. A partir de cette page, j'ai trouvé, en plus des deux adresses ci-dessus:
'violence in the media' :
une page de sites sur l'étude des medias:
une autre page de liens :

Internet tools
With this free application, you can create multiple choice examinations
online. Step-by-step instruction takes you through the process.
[ pour créer vos questionnaires interactifs en ligne. Rapide et efficace]

Invisible Web (from Curt Davis on [learn-net])
The InvisibleWeb consists of searchable information resources
whose contents cannot be indexed by traditional search engines.
These include databases, archived material, and interactive tools
such as calculators and dictionaries. Since these resources
are embedded within thousands of individual Web sites, they are
not “visible” to the search engines of today. Even if a site
containing a database is retrieved, the search engine is unlikely to
take you to the database itself, requiring you to surf the site to
find it. Beyond the scope of even the most popular search engines,
this incredible wealth of information has been largely unexplored,  until now.
[ un moteur de recherche qui me semble plus efficace que les autres. Vous
entrez vos mots clés, puis, lorsque vous accédez à un site, un nouveau
moteur vous permet de rechercher un mot précis dans le site. J'y ai trouvé
ce que je cherchais depuis longtemps, un accès à '100 engineering e-journals ' au UK:
et 'mechanical engineering magazine' aux US:
où j'ai trouvé un article sur la place de la technique chez Disney : 'the fantastical meets the practical' :   ]

Job search
Creative Job Search (CLN> CLN UPDATE for Monday, October 25)
The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has a comprehensive online
guide with lessons, tips, and advice in eight sections: Transition, Job
Search Preparation, Skills Identification, Resumes and Cover Letters, Job
Search Tools, Job Search Process, The Job Interview, and Finishing Touches.
Included within the site are downloadable worksheets.
[ pour lycées, LP, Post-bac. Tout sur les CV et la recherche d'emploi. pour
ceux qui vont quitter l'é ceux qui cherchent un job d'été ou un stage en entreprise.]

Summer jobs
    des jobs aux USA pour américains et étrangers, un vaste choix dans diverses branches et états.
Voyez la page de commentaires:

Science and technology
EXPLORATORIUM SNACK SCIENCE (Friday, October 22, Library Hot Five)
I admit that not all of these experiments build or revolve around machines. But--they all set
out to build devices and mechanisms of some kind, all extremely brilliant! and providing a
wide variety of FUN learning experiences!
[ dès la 4éme. Interdisciplinaire. Des expériences à construire avec le collègue de physique]

We all know that Leonardo da Vinci was a genius with the paintbrush, but
did you also know that he was the first to systematically define machine
parts and write explanations of how they function? He also tried to combine
various machine parts to create a more complex or improved machine. Read
about his works here, and have your students try the classroom activity:
Sketching Gadget Anatomy. After completing this assignment, they
will be ready for the challenge of Be Inventive! where they can design and
create machines for specific challenges.
[ pour lycées et LP. Voir 'be inventive' un concours pour inventer des gadgets]

NASA ROBOTS! (CLASSROOM FLYER, Thursday, October 21st)
This site offers a series of lesson plans on that fascinating subject,
robots! There are many activities to try here, along with the why what how
explanations. The try-its go way beyond the pulleys and gears to
understanding how robots are now programmed, and how this helps researchers such as NASA.
[ pour tester la logique des scientifiques. Un document de base pour
réfléchir et discuter de la complexité de la programmation des robots]

Baseball Links: Rules and Umpiring (Friday, October 22, Library Hot Five)
Are the umpires doing their job? Visit this site to learn the rules of baseball.
[ pour lycée]

The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum (Friday, October 22, Library Hot Five)
Visit this site to learn how, when, and where, baseball was invented.
Cooperstown, New York is home to some of baseball's greatest players!
[ pour lycée, une approche historique, avec des pubs d'époque, des articles...]


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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