Infonews n°94 du 08/10/2000

A la une cette semaine, les conflits en Israël, et comment se font les
informations. Pour les thèmes du mois, vous trouverez le 11 novembre,
halloween, et 'fire prevention week' dans la rubrique 'technology'. Et
aussi de nombreuses ressources, un site sur l'environement, d'autres sur
les jeux olympiques, pour conclure vos séquences sur le sujet, des sites
sur les élections américaines, quelques découvertes internet et une
citation pour bien commencer la semaine.
Bonne lecture!


A la Une
Violence in Israel (ETNI -   )
violence in NYtimes (read on )
October Themes
VETERAN'S DAY GUIDE (The Classroom Flyer 10/06/00)
Halloween activity page (KINDER> Thursday's Kinder Klicks!)
Resources for teachers
5 MINUTE ACTIVITIES AND GAMES (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00) Europe (The Scout Report -- October 6)
Dictionary Plus (STUFF> Teacher Stuff - October 6)
TELLING TIME ONLINE GAME (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
Bureau of Justice Statistics 2000: At a Glance (The Scout Report -- October 6)
Physical Education Resources (The Scout Report -- October 6)
New Additions to ERIC Digests Database (The Scout Report -- October 6)
a history of Harlem jazz (TEACHER> TeachersFirst Update - October 2)
Cadbury Land (KIDZ> [KidzOnParade] Welcome!)
history detective (read on Etni by Christine Guerin)
THE MAJESTIC TAJ MAHAL (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
Publiez des histoires (KIDZ> [KidzOnParade] Welcome!)
Oliver Twist (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
EPA Fuel Economy Site 2001 Update (The Scout Report -- October 6)
Olympic Games
A Wild Race ("English To Go Team" <>)
How Olympic Coaching Works (What's New at How Stuff Works, 10/02/00)
American Elections
American Elections (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
The :30 Second Candidate (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
Exploring Presidential Debates (NYT Monday's Lesson Plan)
Science and technology
The K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook (STUFF> Teacher Stuff - October 6)
FIRE PREVENTION WEEK (EDU> EduHound Weekly for October 5)
The Great Escape
building challenges (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
TICE (lu sur EDUFRANCAIS/ signets de mjt, 02-10-00)
Hot potatoes (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
EASY TYPE (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
QUOTE OF THE DAY (The Classroom Flyer 10/05/00)


A la Une
Violence in Israel (ETNI - )
We have just put up a lesson plan on the ETNI site sent in by Rachel
Rakovsky -
"Violence Sweeps Israel and The Territories"
[ Pour lycée, avec bon niveau d'anglais. Voyez cette page surtout pour les
liens vers des journaux en ligne de diverses obédiences, pour permettre aux
élèves de se construire une opinion. ]

violence in NYtimes (read on )
This might be a good place to discuss with our students the importance of
accurate reporting (among other things)
[ au delà du côté polémique, cette page montre comment, même
non-intentionellement, une information peut être déformée. Un bon point de
départ pour parler des conflits, du travail de reporter de guerre, ou de la
varacité des informations. ]

October Themes
VETERAN'S DAY GUIDE (The Classroom Flyer 10/06/00)
Use this guide to help your students understand the origins of
Veteran's Day and to learn the story of the American Flag, as
well as proper flag protocol.
[ l'Armistice de 1918 est commémoré aux US, sous le nom de 'Veteran's Day'
le 4ème lundi d'octobre. Voyez cette explication dans le site ci-dessus:
Au Royaume Uni, elle est commémorée le 11 novembre sous le nom de Poppy
Day. Le Canada et l'Australie utilisent plutôt le nom de 'Rememberance Day']

Halloween activity page (KINDER> Thursday's Kinder Klicks!)
(voyez en particulier les chansons, paroles et musique]

Resources for teachers
Want some ideas to occupy those last five minutes of class? Here are
numerous fun and creative activities that allow you to utilize all of those
valuable educational minutes.
[ de bonnes idées pour des activités rapides et originales]

5 MINUTE ACTIVITIES AND GAMES (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
Lessons are done, desks are clean, and everything has been
put away--and you have a good 5 minutes left before the bell
rings. Try this site for some great, creative filler activites. Europe (The Scout Report -- October 6)
Recently launched, this new CNN site offers users interested or
living in Europe easy and quick access to headlines and news stories
from the region. In addition to the major political news, the page
supplies regional weather and European sports and business news.
Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Spanish versions of the site
are also available. [MD]
[ une nouvelle version de CNN. Vous y trouverez comme d'habitude des textes
et des vidéos. Parmi les sujets en ligne aujourd'hui, voyez cette page sur
Harry Potter:
vous pourrez entendre des extraits des livres, et visiter le site des fans:   ]

Dictionary Plus (STUFF> Teacher Stuff - October 6)
No word challenge is too tough for Discovery School's Dictionary Plus.
Enter a word and find everything you would expect from a standard
dictionary plus similar words, synonyms, and much more
[ un dictionnaire intéressant, avec des exemples d'usage pour chaque

TELLING TIME ONLINE GAME (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
Click on stop, then choose the correct answer to identify
the right time.
[pour primaire et 6èmes. Jeu interactif sympa, mais l'heure est donnée à
2h10= ten after two or two ten
14h50= ten to two or two fifty ]

Bureau of Justice Statistics 2000: At a Glance (The Scout Report -- October 6)
Recently placed online by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau
of Justice Statistics (BJS), this 42-page report offers a useful and
concise overview of recent and forthcoming reports from the BJS. Also
included are descriptions of data collection programs, findings of
major statistical series, and a summary of state and local justice
statistics programs. The full text of the report is available in .pdf
or text format. [MD]
[ Pour lycée. Vous êtes nombreux à m'avoir demandé des documents récents
sur l'état de la justice aux US. Voici un document qui vous sera utile.]

Physical Education Resources (The Scout Report -- October 6)
Sports Media
Physical Education Lesson Plans
Ayden Elementary School Physical Education
These two sites, the first based in Belgium, the other in North
Carolina, offer a helpful collection of resources, especially lesson
plans, for Physical Education teachers. Sports Media is more of a
portal, containing links to various lesson plans posted off-site.
These are browsed via an alphabetical index. Other content at the
site includes links to coaching and training resources, information
on several international P.E. associations, and a free mailing list.
The second site is constructed and maintained by John Williams, a
Physical Education Specialist at the Ayden Elementary School in
Greenville, North Carolina. The site features over 100 user-submitted
Physical Education lesson plans, organized by category (tag games,
throwing/catching, assessments, etc.). As would be expected, the
detail and quality of the submitted plans vary. All are accessed via
pull-down menus, and a few are located off-site. Williams's main page
offers over 400 (unannotated) links to health and PhysEd resources,
organized by topic. [MD]
[ un site sur lequel vos élèves pourront trouver les pages qu'ils
recherchent sur un sport. Voyez par exemple cette page très complète sur
'soccer' , pleine de conseils, qui aidera les passionnés de foot à
s'intéresser à l'anglais:  ]

New Additions to ERIC Digests Database (The Scout Report -- October 6)
ERIC Digests Index Page
The latest update to the ERIC (Educational Resources Information
Center) Digest database (last described in the May 26, 2000 _Scout
Report_) features 58 full-text short reports aimed at education
professionals and the broader education community. Each report
provides an overview of an education topic of current interest and
offers references for further information. Sample titles include
"Teaching Students with Autism," "Accessible Web Design," "Reflective
Thought, Critical Thinking," and "Effective Teaching in Distance
Education." Users can search the entire ERIC Digests database from
the index page. ERIC, part of the National Library of Education
(NLE), is a nationwide education information system sponsored by the
US Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and
Improvement (OERI). [MD]
[ to keep teachers and students teachers up to date with the latest trends
in teaching practice....]

a history of Harlem jazz (TEACHER> TeachersFirst Update - October 2)
[ un site très complet sur les artistes, classés par noms, instruments ou
style. un site de référence, extrait de:
une page de liens et d'activités autour de la musique classique]

Cadbury Land (KIDZ> [KidzOnParade] Welcome!)
Get ready for some funny sounds and even funnier clicking on this
interactive site featuring games, recipes, computer tips and more!
[ Dès le collège. Un peu long à charger à cause des animations Flash, mais
vous pourrez ensuite accéder aux recettes au quoi motiver
vos élèves! ]

history detective (read on Etni by Christine Guerin)
I don't know how interested our pupils are in American history, but the
detective game I followed is amazing...
[ pour lycée. Vos élèves pourront découvrir la vie d'une famille au milieu
du 18ème siècle au Connecticut.]

THE MAJESTIC TAJ MAHAL (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
The Year was 1678. . .
and after 22 years of construction, the Taj Majal in India was
finally completed.
To visit this magnificent monument and learn something of its
history, visit the student project at the following site:
[un bel exemple de production d'élève de qualité]

Publiez des histoires (KIDZ> [KidzOnParade] Welcome!)
The Scary, Scary Story/Art/Poem Contest
Sponsored by THE WRITING CHILD. Deadline October 25, 2000
[ les enfants jusqu'à 15 ans peuvent publier leurs oeuvres sur ce site. Les
meilleures reçoivent un prix, et toutes les contributions publiées sont
rémunérées! De quoi valoriser le travail de vos élèves!]

Oliver Twist (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
learn more about Charles Dickens, explore life
in Victorian England, and test your knowledge of Oliver Twist.
[ à partir de ce site, vous accéderez à la page de liens vers des sites sur
Oliver Twist, Victorian England, Poor Laws, etc... de quoi constituer un
dossier complet autour du roman.   ]

EPA Fuel Economy Site 2001 Update (The Scout Report -- October 6)
This week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its
26th annual Miles Per Gallon rankings for passenger vehicles and the
release of its updated interactive fuel economy Website (originally
reviewed in the October 8, 1999 _Scout Report_). This year, Honda's
Insight, a hybrid car, topped the rankings with an average 61 miles
per gallon (mpg). Coming in dead last was the Ferrari 550 Maranello,
with a 8/13 city/highway mpg average (though it seems unlikely that
many Maranello owners had fuel economy in mind when making their
purchase). At the updated EPA site, users can download a .pdf version
of the agency's 2001 Model Year Fuel Economy Guide, find and compare
the mpg of 1985-2001 model year cars and trucks, read about fuel
economy and future technologies, and learn about hybrid and
alternative fuel vehicles. [MD]
[ pour techniciens. vous pouvez comparer les coûts en carburant de deux
voitures, découvrir que plus de 60% du carburant ne sert pas à faire
fonctionner la voiture, lire des textes à propos des 'future technologies'
. Un site très complet pour parler des économies de carburant....un sujet
dans l'air du temps!]

Olympic Games
A Wild Race ("English To Go Team" <>)
This week's free lesson is an Upper-Intermediate Instant Lesson called "A
Wild Race". This is about this year's Eco-Challenge, billed as the world's
toughest expedition race. Forget the Olympics... this is a REAL challenge!
[ Dès la 3ème. Un texte qui part des qualités d'un champion olympique, pour
les transférer à des exploits sportifs dans des courses et des expéditions.
Pour glisser en douceur vers un autre thème....
Note: ce texte n'est accessible que cette semaine. Pensez à l'enregistrer!]

How Olympic Coaching Works (What's New at How Stuff Works, 10/02/00)
At the Olympics this year, thousands of athletes are competing,
as are thousands of coaches. Trevor Graham is one of those
coaches. Learn how coaches work behind the scenes to turn
athletes like Marion Jones into Olympic champions!
[How Stuff Works a un nouveau look, et de plus en plus de sujet non
technologiques. Cet article présente un entraineur olympique, un document
utile dans un dossier sur les JO, qui permet de refléchir sur les qualités
que l'on attend d'un athlète ]

American Elections
American Elections (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
learn more about the candidates with extended
video interviews with college roommates, the political inner-circles
and the families, take quizzes to reveal what type of voter you are and
which candidate you prefer, get daily reports from the campaign trail,
access a teacher's guide and more.
[ pour lycée et étudiants. Un site très (trop?) complet sur les deux
principaux candidats, et les interviews pour vous aider à faire votre choix.]

The :30 Second Candidate (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
explore a timeline of political advertising,
investigate the admaking process, and hear what the experts have to say
about political ads.
[ ce site, plus accessible car plus visuel (mais il faut pouvori montrer
les vidéos), propose de démonter les différentes étapes d'une vidéo de
propagande, et comme l'addition de sons, musique, commentaires ou éléments
scripto-visuels peut orienter l'impression du spectateur]

Exploring Presidential Debates (NYT Monday's Lesson Plan)
JOINING THE DEBATE CLUB: Exploring Presidential Debates
"Gore's Debate 'Advisers' Include Voices From the Campaign Trail ", By
KEVIN SACK , September 29, 2000
[ pour étudiants et lycéens de bon niveau]

Science and technology
The K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook (STUFF> Teacher Stuff - October 6)
Learning resources for teachers, students, and enthusiasts interested in
aeronautics including an online textbook, lesson plans, interactive
activities, curriculum bridges to
other subjects.
[ pour lycée. des explications simples, un livre en ligne pour les
passionnés d'aeronautique. Pour inciter les élèves à faire un dossier en
anglais sur un sujet qui les passionne]

FIRE PREVENTION WEEK (EDU> EduHound Weekly for October 5)
This year, Fire Prevention Week is October 8-14.
The theme of this year's Fire Prevention Week campaign is "Fire Drills:
The Great Escape!" This year's "The Great Escape" (a.k.a. the world's
largest fire drill) will take place on Wednesday, October 11, at 7:00
p.m. (local times may vary). "The Great Escape" is a fun,
family-oriented activity that gets the public actively involved in home
fire planning and practice.
Over the past two years, NFPA has documented 58 lives saved as a direct
result of this campaign. With help from fire safety advocates throughout
the United States and Canada, our goal is to make sure more families are
truly prepared to survive a home fire than ever before.
Fire Prevention Week 2000
[ voyez cet article avec des statistiques et des graphiques:   ]

The Great Escape
[ Plus ludique: ce site vous propose des images interactives avec des
indications des gestes à faire en cas de feu dans une maison ou un

building challenges (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
At the companion site, develop a "hands-on" understanding of the basic
principles that underlie all built structures, solve building
challenges, search a database of profiles of the real-life structures
featured throughout the program, as well as other notable engineering
milestones. Plus, access an extensive educator's guide.
[ pour techniciens, un site bien illustré, sur les différentes étapes de la construction]

TICE (lu sur EDUFRANCAIS/ signets de mjt, 02-10-00)
Technologies de l'information et de la communication en éducation
Site contenant une foule d'informations utiles à l'Enseignant.
ClarisWorks, diaporama, numériseur.
[ ce site vous permet de retrouver ou d'apprendre des techniques que vous
ne connaissez pas. J'ai trouvé la rubrique sur la numérisation d'images particulièrement utile:   ]

Hot potatoes (PBS Teacher Previews: October 2-8)
Site en français avec tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour utiliser ce logiciel
générateur de test interactif dans internet. Le logiciel est gratuit pour
les écoles
[ enfin un site en français...c'est quand même plus pratique...!]

EASY TYPE (The Classroom Flyer 10/03/00)
Easy Type is a free, comprehensive typing program for children,
teens, and adults. Better yet, it has a troubleshooting page
(under FAQ), and best of all--it's free! Requires Flash.
[ si comme moi vous ne savez toujours pas taper selon les règles, ce
programme pourra peut-être vous décider à apprendre!]

QUOTE OF THE DAY (The Classroom Flyer 10/05/00)
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
- Michelangelo


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Une compilation réalisée par :
Christine Reymond
lycée Blaise Pascal, Rouen, France

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