bluestar.gif (929 octets)Plans and lessonsbluestar.gif (929 octets)


LETSNet--Michigan State University
The Learning Exchange for Teachers and Students through the InterNet project is being developed by a collaborative team in the College of Education and the Communication Technology Laboratory at Michigan State University. The mission of the site is to facilitate an integration of the Internet into the K-12 curriculum. This still-developing site features lesson plans on topics from Ellis Island to the Worm Bin Project to Architectural Landscapes. Visitors can choose from a range of access options including 10 Big Ideas, Subjects, and Teachers. Lessons are clearly organized within the general subjects; links to specific topics are also provided. Real-world examples from practicing teachers give authority to these lesson plans. [JR]

Ask ERIC (INNOV> [I.T.] December 4, 1999)
Lesson plans on various topics in the Language Arts brought to you here in easy to navigate categories.
[ des idées d'activités pour collège et secondes. Voir 'listening' :
-->   ]

English Exercises Online (INNOV> [I.T.] December 4, 1999)
Over 70 resources covering activities and ready to use hand-outs on vocabulary, reading, writing and more.
[ un site orienté 'business', mais avec des exercices utilisables par des élèves de lycée:
fiches d'exercices:
exercices en ligne:
note: le site n'est pas encore au point en ce qui concerne les fichiers audio]

Exploring the Web (INNOV> [I.T.] December 4, 1999)
Set up to offer guidance in using the WWW in the English classroom;
appropriate for new users of the Internet.
[ le remarquable travail de notre collègue Lucy Georges est aussi apprécié outre-atlantique!
Voyez aussi le site 'innovative teaching' qu'elle recommande:
et en particulier la page sur les webquests:
-->   ]

For Teachers of English (INNOV> [I.T.] December 4, 1999)
Links, classroom activities, Computer Aided Language Learning, publishers,
online dictionaries; all related to English.
[une page de ressources proposée par une collègue espagnole]

Pop-Up Grammar (INNOV> [I.T.] December 4, 1999)
Online English quiz site where students can test their mastery of the
English language through JAVA script interaction; developed by Durk Elliot
Brownlee, the site requires participants to login for free to practice
topics such as diction, mechanics, phrases...
[ des exercices intéressants avec une bonne gestion des erreurs, mais  trop de pubs!] (COOL> Cool Web Sightings - Issue #52)
The FunBrain website calls itself the Internet's #1 education site for K-8
teachers and kids. The site has approximately 30 educational games that
kids will enjoy playing. Each combines educational content such as
counting, spelling, and creative writing with fun-to-play games. All games
are online and accessible. Subject areas include: math, grammar, science,
spelling, history, logic, and other.
[ pour collège, voyez ce petit exercice sur 'be' :
-->   ]

Information Literacy Tutorial (TEACHER> TeachersFirst Update - December 6, 1999)
We're always on the lookout for Internet tutorials, and the Texas
Information Literacy Tutorial is a great resource for both teachers and
students. Designed to improve students' use of the web for academic
purposes, the tutorial can also provide hesitant teachers with a good
Internet introduction while teaching students the finer points of citing
Internet resources in their work. The narration and animation will hold
students' attention. The tutorial is listed on TeachersFirst's TechTopics page:
[Parmi les ressources, j'ai trouvé Quia (déjà recommandé dans Infonews l'an
dernier) , un site pour fabriquer de petits exercices interactifs en ligne.
Idéal pour primaire et collège, facile à utiliser.]

The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) (The Scout Report December 17)
Announced on December 9 by US Secretary of Education Richard W.
Riley, the newly redesigned GEM site (originally reviewed in the June
12, 1998 _Scout Report_) is still a one-stop resource for K-12
educational materials. At the site, teachers, parents, and students
can search for lessons, instruction units, and other resources by
topic and grade level from over 140 Websites. Users can also browse
the more than 7,000 items by subject and keyword. Annotated entries
in the database include a link to the resource, an indication of
grade level(s), and a link to the full description, which offers GEM
subjects, audience, resource type, format, publisher, and rights
management information. Additional features at the site include a
list of Hot Topics Pages and a new resources listing. [MD]
[ un excellent portail! Dans 'language arts' 'phonics' j'ai retenu ce site
de la BBC pour travailler la prononciation à travers un poème et des
exercices interactifs en ligne :
pour collège]

LESSON PLANNING (Blue Web'n Update 12/14/99)
Earth Inc. --- A Service-Learning Lesson Plan By Gary Hopkins
A well-planned service-learning project should include stated academic and
service goals, strategies for assessment, and opportunities for reflection.
As an example, the Social Studies Education Consortium (SSEC) offers a
template for a model service project --- and teachers from Desert Sky
Middle School offer their project. Included: Cross-curriculum goals,
activities, and more!
[ avec ce site et celui qui suit, vous avez de quoi explorer pendant toutes
les vacances. Des idées et des ressources pour tous niveaux
--> ]

Instant lessons based on Reuters news (from "English To Go Team"
The Library of Past Lessons is paying, but they provide one free lesson weekly at:

L'anglais sur le site de ac-nancy-metz (from <>)
Lucy Georges vous a concocté un sujet de bac à :
et un site sur l'exploitation d'un film, depuis le roman et le script
jusqu'à un travail très visuel sur l'affiche. superbe!
et Alain Nowak a mis de nouveaux liens sur King, (dont la chanson de Stevie
paroles seulement, mais le fichier midi doit être trouvable), 18 janvier
oblige (MLK Day), à :

The Nobel Channel (Blue Web'n Update 1/22/99)
Based on Nobel Prize achievements, this site offers resources and
historical references with compelling interactive media. Included is an
Interactive Learning Studio of lesson plans based on the Nobel Prize
themes: Peace, Physics, Chemistry, and Literature. Exercises contain
multimedia elements, references, resources, and Teacher Bulletin Boards.(NOTE: For optimum viewing, a minimum Internet access speed of 56KB or greater is recommended.)
[voir en particulier 'lesson bank', niveau élevé, mais le travail autour d'
Elie Wiesel peut être intéressant en liaison avec un cours d'histoire]

SCIENCE COMES ALIVE (USA Ed.Net Briefs, January 18, 1999)
Science courses from Computer Curriculum Corporation (CCC) actively engage students with real-world explorations in biology, chemistry, earth and space, and physics. Students solve problems, test hypotheses and publish their findings with Multimedia Science Classroom(tm), Tangible Science(tm), Amazonia(tm), Virtual BioPark(tm) and Science Discovery(tm).
[see the 'reading' lessons, I found them particularly useful to teach global comprehension]
-->   [reading activities]

The EFL/ESL Net Guide (recommanded by Jean Sahai)
    Une liste de sites intéressants : games, quizzes, et surtout skills.
Certains sites sont des pubs pour des cd. Parmi les autres, j'ai sélectionné:
pour lycées, les pages pour préparer et évaluer une présentation orale
(avec Power Point comme outil, voir ci-dessous le tutorial dans 'computer literacy'):
dès la 3ème, des quizzes de vocabulaire, voir en particulier les racines
françaises , pour s'entrainer à comprendre une définition et définir un mot:
dès la 4ème, un exercice de conversation interactif :
pour collèges, des quizzes sur les expressions avec des noms d'amimaux :

FREE LESSON PLANS (Ed.Net Briefs 11.8.99)
The Lesson Plans Page is a collection of free lesson plans for teachers to
use in their classrooms. The site has been around for a while, but has
really started to grow recently in terms of both users and content.
The Lesson Plans Page offers numerous features and benefits a wide range of
users. Three years ago the site was started by Kyle Yamnitz, then a student
in the College of Education at the University of Missouri. It was
developed with the intent to allow educators to share resources and ideas
and to make their teaching easier. While it was started with only a few
lesson plans, it has grown to house more than 450. Last month alone, over
100 new lesson plans were added. Currently, The Lesson Plans Page offers
lesson plans in the more common subjects, which include math, science,
social studies, art, language arts, music, physical education, and
computers and the Internet. The site is easy to navigate with lesson plans
organized by subject and grade level. [Thanks to Kyle Yamnitz
( for the information in this brief.]
[des idées simples et originales. Voir par exemple 'Bying a car'
-->   ]

    Words and Pictures is a fun packed site for 5-7 year olds with poems,
games and activities to help with reading and writing.
    Words and Pictures supports the Literacy Hour and is aligned to the BBC
Education Schools TV series Words and Pictures.
    Words and Pictures trumpets the arrival of a brand new module featuring
Shockwave games, activity sheets and poems that focus on short vowel sounds
and CVC words.(Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words).
    Jim (from the Words and Pictures Plus TV series) has arrived on the
website with a new machine that makes words - the 'Crankophone'. Can you
tell which sound is in the middle of each word?
[ pour primaires et 6èmes sans ordinateurs, voir 'print and do' :des cartes
et jeux à imprimer:
pour primaires et 6èmes avec des machines et une connexion rapides, des exercices de discrémination phonétique :

nouveautes utiles pour vos eleves sur ZdC (from:
Trois nouveautes utiles pour vos eleves sur ZdC !
- Courriel@school : s'inscrire, chercher et trouver des correspondants à
travers le monde dans notre base de données. Plusieurs clés de recherche
possibles : langue, âge, affinités...
- Le salon de thé : utilisez librement cet espace chat-room pour donner
rendez-vous à vos correspondants et dialoguer en direct avec eux.
Rapide, souple, toujours disponible. De nombreuses options.
- Interactive Story : le récit que vous allez découvrir est un récit
interactif écrit par VOUS, lecteurs. Chaque page que vous lisez raconte
une péripétie de l'histoire. A la fin de chaque épisode, deux choix vous
sont proposés. Cliquez sur l'un des deux liens pour découvrir la suite
du récit... Lorsque vous atteignez la fin (provisoire) du récit, il est
temps de vous jeter à l'eau : il vous est proposé d'écrire à votre tour
une nouvelle page de notre-votre récit !
Zéro de conduite !est un serveur pédagogique expérimental. Il présente des
projets et des travaux d'élèves liés aux TICE, mais aussi un panel de pages ludiques : jeux
virtuels, boutique de cadeaux virtuels, récits interactifs Vous y trouverez
également une logithèque, deux modules d'actualité en ligne, une foule
d'exercices interactifs en EFL, FFL et pour de nombreuses matières.
[un site à consulter régulièrement, surtout pour le collège] (Blue Web'n Update 10/19/99)
Created by teacher/author Jim Burke, this site is designed to help
English teachers find materials and ideas they can use in the classroom.
Included are links to daily poems, words, and history; literary and
grant resources; links to English conversation sites; and tools for teachers.
[Tous niveaux. Voir les ressources :
j'ai aimé le projet de comparaison de magazines ou journaux:
et le projet individuel de l'élève avec un guide pour l'évaluation:

------------------------------------------- is an education search engine with information on
homeschooling, traditional or distance learning university degrees, college
scholarship assistance, K-12, homework help, teacher resources,
references, electronic libraries, continuing education,
professional re-training, fun learning, and more. offers
opportunities for training in all areas of life, including homeschooling,
university degrees via traditional or distance learning avenues (over 300
distance learning programs, including Duke), help finding college
scholarships uniquely suited to the individual, college test preparation,
K-12 teacher resources, homework help, continuing education for everyone
from medical doctors to insurance agents, professional re-training for
corporate people looking for that competitive edge, career counseling,
employment opportunities, reference library resources, fun learning and much more. Press Release.
[ J'ai utilisé ce site pour rebondir et j'ai trouvé ce site d'un collègue d'Asie:
voir en particulier cette page : une aide précieuse pour les élèves de
lycée qui cherchent de l'aide pour leurs productions écrites :
-->    ]

Ideas to teach differently (from
    J'ai trouvé ce site d'idées pour le cours, utilisables plutôt en collège
mais adaptables au lycée :
Voyez en particulier cette leçon de vocabulaire :

**The Educational CyberPlayGround ( from learn-net)
The Educational CyberPlayGround provides teachers, parents, librarians,
home schoolers and regular folks a "webliography" of links to educational
resources in a wide range of subjects. With a cool choice of site maps to
browse from.
[ à partir de ce site j'ai trouvé une foule d'idées dans la catégorie music:
dont Schoolhouse Rock que vous connaissez sûrement déjà : des paroles sur
un sujet grammatical ou historique, et le son. Idéal en collège!
-->   ]

**TWEENIES (BBC EON 15/10/1999 : Education Online Newsletter)
'Bravo BBC! This is a great website for our children's' development. It
makes learning easy for parents to set up at home and great fun for the
children. I have noticed that since printing out the activities and doing
them with my child, my daughter has become a happier, more confident and
better-behaved child . Thanks Tweenies and keep those activities coming!'
[ pour primaire et collège, des chansons avec musique et paroles. Voir par
exemple 'the Old Duke of York'
-->   ]

Thursday's Classroom (The Scout Report for Science & Engineering --
October 13)
Every Thursday, this NASA-created learning resource presents a new
topic with the aim of providing "a lasting connection between NASA's
latest research and the classroom environment." Prior lesson topics
have included the recent solar eclipse, the Mars Polar Lander, and
organisms that survive in extreme conditions and their implications
for the possibility of extraterrestrial life. For each lesson, there
are links to news reports and a range of lesson plans and activity
sheets designed for different age groups. The site also contains an
archive/ schedule of prior and future lessons. [KR]
[ pour lycée]