After pollination, flowers wither, ovaries swell becoming a dry capsule from where thousands of seeds escape by longitudinal slits. |
Clones |
Hammarbya paludosa can reproduce from bulbils located at the leave edge. Visual mimicry of Ophrys insectifera is obvious! |
Zygaena pollinating Gymnadenia rhellicani. A pollinia is stuck on its right forelimb. A bumblebee bearing pollinias on Dactylorhiza fuchsii Ophrys sulcata ready to be pollinated! |
Epipactis distans offering nectar to visiting insects Orchids attract insects and spiders know about it! |
* : Pouyanne, A. 1917 - La fécondation des Ophrys par les insectes. |
Colletes attempting to mate with the lip of Ophrys occidentalis Pollinias of Ophrys apifera lean forward while withering. Thus they can reach the stigma where self-pollination will occur. |
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