The presence of wild orchids has little to do with chance; it depends on several factors like the period of the year, the composition of the ground, its richness, its percentage of moisture. All are important parameters favouring the presence of certain orchids or make impossible the growth of others. Altitude, light and latitude are also to take into account. |
To find flowering orchids, it is first necessary to choose the season of observation, April to June is the most favourable period, however, the period of flowering can be different according to latitude and altitude. Then the nature of the ground should be studied, if it is calcareous, open and located rather at the south, and then the probability of finding orchids is particularly high! Indeed most of the orchids like limestone and sun. In a wet mountain meadow, the chance to discover a high number of species is rather strong particularly Dactylorhiza. |
Littoral meadow in Corsica with Anacamptis morio and papilionacea |
Some general parameters influencing orchid populations. Climate and latitude.
France comprises various climatic areas according to latitude, ocean proximity or presence of relief (cf climatic chart). In general, orchid density increases towards the south; factors such as temperature and sun are probably responsible for this gradient. The greatest density is located around the Mediterranean sea with lots of Ophrys such as O. arachnitiformis, O. aurelia, O. bombyliflora, O. catalaunica, O. ciliata, O. drumana, O. incubacea, O. magniflora, O. provincialis, O. tenthredinifera, or such as Orchis olbiensis and Himantoglossum robertianum that even grows close to Lyon. Finally Anacamptis champagneuxii and papilionacea as well as Serapias neglecta and olbia are also to include in the Mediterranean species. |
Climates of France Pseudorchis albida in mountain (04) |
Calcareous meadow in Vercors with Orchis mascula (26) |
Sun and light. Most of orchids prefer a high light level, therefore they grow in open sites. These orchids, also called heliophilous, are mainly Ophrys, Gymnadenia, Anacamptis an most of Dactylorhiza. Himantoglossum robertianum, Chamorchis alpina, Traunsteinera globosa are also avid of light. At the opposite, certain Epipactis, in particular E. purpurata, as well as Corralorhiza trifida, Listera cordata, Epipogium aphylum, Goodyera repens and Neottia nidus-avis have a clear preference for the shady areas. Epipactis helleborine or distans or even Orchis olbiensis, provincialis or spitzelii are generally found in scattered woods. Thus in badly maintained areas, where shrubs and bushes grow, orchid population decreases overall. The regular mowing allows to maintain the populations of heliophilous orchids. It is a simple and effective mean of protection. |
Altitude obviously involves a reduction of average temperature as well as an increase in the rainfall. However relief can affect the wind pattern and create particular conditions of shelter as well as wet or dry conditions according to their position with regard to the sea (cf the French relief map). |
French relief map |
Calcareous terraces at St Georges de Luzençon (12) |
The ground.
Most of orchids are present on rather poor or oligotrophic substrates. If the ground becomes richer (eutrophication), after fertilizing for example, orchids lose their selective advantage and are quickly replaced. However certain species such as, for example, some Epipactis and Listera ovata are more tolerant and can be found even in humus of shady woods. |
Importance of water.
Although arid environments are poor in orchids, a rather great number of species can be found in the dry areas. It is noteworthy that low rainfall years are not favourable to observation. The majority of Ophrys and Orchis and also Spiranthes spiralis and Himantoglossum hircinum like dry places very much. |
Anacamptis palustris close to water (38) |
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