Canne de Combat


      The Canne de combat has always been practised along with Savate.

It is one of the sports associate with Savate within the French Savate Federation.

Savate is a fighting system using fists and feet as weapons. La Canne, also known as the French stick fighting is using a 90cm long wooden stick to strike the opponent.


Striking techniques are limited and have very strict definition.

To have a touch point during a contest, the moves have to be perfect.

The sport can be practise by every ones and can be very acrobatic when practised at a high level.

Agility, acuracy, flexibility and grace will be improve while practicing la Canne.

La Canne Chausson combine la Canne techniques with the foot strikes of Savate.



          Horaires et lieu des cours

  Lundi de 19h00 à 20h00

Gymnase Notary

Avenue du Jaïzquibel

64200 Biarritz (Plan d'accès)




Mardi et vendredi de 15h30 à 17h00

Salle A.E.L.

8 rue Jean Bart 64200 Biarritz (Plan d'accès)

Design Studcrea © 2002 pour Kitgrafik

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