Info MorphVectrex

 Name : Vectrex game system Emulator
Author:  Wante Guillaume
Version : 0.2.0
Requires : Morphos+PowerSDL 11.6
Date : 2007-03-09


      MorphVectrex is a Vectrex game system Emulator with a simple MUI interface.
  With the MUI interface, you can choose :
  keys uses to play is :
Keyboard          Vectrex
F1             -->      1
F2             -->      2
 F3            -->      3
 F4            -->      4
UP arrows    -->      UP
Down arrows    -->      Down
Left arrows    -->      Left
Right arrows    -->      Right

You can play also with your gamepad (it's the first gamepad that will be use)

There are a screen that describe the game selected.

      Overlays are six .bmp image files. Files .over, 1.over and  2.over is the overlay files with true colors (330x410, 495x630 and 660x820).
  Files .opaq, 1.opaq and 2.opad is the overlay where the transparent color has been replaced by white

      In Future, I'll try to performe sound emulation and increase the speed emulator.