Pork kidney "à la douaisienne"

This recipe may be lost in a near future! At first because it was passed on traditionally from mother to daughter and that the girls do not learn any more how to cook from their mother, then because pork kidneys that can be found now are not convenient for this recipe.

This "douaisienne" kidneys must be stuffed before being cooked in a pot. Unfortunately most of the pork kidneys that can be found nowadays are cut, allegedly for sanitary reasons!


Per person:
1 pork kidney
Garlic (smoked garlic from Arleux of course)

Making :

Kidneys should be cleaned carefully to avoid any unpleasant taste.

Prepare the stuffing by dipping the breadcrumb into the beaten egg mixed with milk. Incorporate the chopped garlic and parsley in the preparation (in reasonable quantity). The stuffing should be wet but keep a good consistence.

Stuff kidneys and tie them up.

In a pot, brown the kidneys in butter on strong fire, then they may be flambé in Cognac (it is optional) and, without forgetting either the salt or the pepper, pour enough stock (or even water) to obtain an averagely thick sauce (that can be thickened with flour). This sauce will later be used as dressing on the boiled potatoes that will be served as vegetables. Do not hesitate to cook the remaining stuffing in the sauce. Slow cook for half an hour.

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