Out-of-Order Computing on a Parallelizing Processor

Local/Global ILP shows how local and global Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) can be increased.
Exploiting ILP shows hardware techniques to exploit ILP and increase the number of Instructions run Per Cycle (IPC).
Concurrency vs OoO shows the differences between concurrent and out-of-order executions.
Deterministic OpenMP is a deterministic implementation proposal of a subset of OpenMP.
PISC (Parallelizing Instruction Set Computer) is an extension of a RISC ISA with new parallelizing machine instructions.
RISCV X_PAR is the PISC extension ISA proposal for the RISCV ISA.
LBP (The Little Big Processor) is a 64-core microarchitecture implementing X_PAR.

An OpenMP program is compiled into a PISC code run on a LBP-like processor giving a deterministic result by PISC definition.
Synchronizations are implicit in the software and automatically handled by the hardware to simplify programming and ensure correctness.
A run is divided into ordered harts (hardware threads) to ensure a deterministic placement and behaviour.


Deterministic OpenMP Simplifies Parallel Programming

Deterministic OpenMP is a deterministic implementation of an OpenMP subset to run codes on a PISC ISA based manycore processor. A Deterministic OpenMP program is divided at runtime into an ordered set of harts. These harts have an implicit placement on cores related to a referential sequential order. The ordering and the controlled placement of the harts simplifies the producer/consumer software synchronization which is implicit and optimizes the hardware communication delays which are mostly proportional to neighbor core distances.


PISC Extends RISC to Parallelization

PISC is an extension to RISC Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). It provides machine instructions to fork the computation and send/receive registers to/from neighbor cores. It provides new call/return machine instructions with parallelizing capabilities and synchronized joins.


LBP is a Manycore Implementing PISC

LBP is a 64-core processor. The cores are organized on a line topology (no NoC). Each core is as simple as possible to favour a maximum density of cores, i.e. scalar (one scalar instruction fetched, one scalar instruction issued per cycle, no vector unit), multithreaded (4 harts per core), non interruptible and runs out-of-order non speculatively (no branch predictor). Each core has a local instruction memory and a local data memory. The processor provides a shared global memory distributed along the cores (one bank per core). The coherence is ensured by software (through ordered accesses synchronized by the hardware).