Step49: Micro Kids – Dec 1991


In France, we had a TV show talking about video games. In 1991, the show also started showing demos at the end of the show. Each week a different demo. As far as I know, this have been the only TV show showing demo scene productions.

I sent our demo Earth’s sorrows and we’ve been selected. Our demo have been shown at the end of one TV shows. They choosed to show the 3D part which was the most impressive, I understand, but not a part I’ve programmed bouhhhhhhh :).

Sadly, I did not find the emission where our demo have been shown, but I’m still looking at it. I also have somewhere a VHS tape with the emission, I should take time to numerize it.

The end generic

The presenter was Jean michel blottière which was famous for leading TILT the first and best magazine on video game in France.

You can read all TILT magazines on this website:

So I started a quest to find the TV show. But not all were numerized.

Micro kids, show verified:


  • Emission (1991) 38 – 18 Septembre 1991. No demo
  • Emission (1991) 39 – 25 septembre 1991. No demo (but interview of Philip Ulrich, author of Capatin blood)
  • Emission (1991) 40 – 2 octobre 1991. No demo
  • Emission (1991) 41 – 9 octobre 1991. No demos
  • Emission (1991) 42 – 16 octobre 1991. (Demo 9) Syntex (Amiga), Inner Circle (AtariST) (but not at end)
  • Emission (1991) 43 – 23 octobre 1991. No demos
  • Emission (1991) 44 - 30 octobre 1991. (Demo 11) Dentro Silents France. (Demo 12) Cooperation Demo / Nework Flash production (Amiga)
  • Emission (1991) 45 – 6 novembre 1991. (Demo 13) Vodka demo / Equinox (Atari ST).

  • Earth's sorrows released here.

  • Emission (1992) 02 – 8 janvier 1992. Demo KGB
  • Emission (1992) 03 – 15 janvier 1992. Demo DELTA FORCE (Atari ST)
  • Missing 22 Janv, 29 Janv, 5 Feb, 12 Feb.
  • Emission (1992) 08 – 19 février 1992. Demo
  • Missing 26 Feb.
  • Emission (1992) 14 – 1 avril 1992
  • Emission (1992) 15 – 8 Avril 1992
  • Emission (1992) 16 – 15 avril 1992
  • Emission (1992) 18 – 29 avril 1992
  • Emission (1992) 19 – 3 mai 1992
  • Emission (1992) 20 – 10 mai 1992
  • Emission (1992) 21 – 17 mai 1992
  • Emission (1992) 22 – 24 mai 1992
  • Emission (1992) 23 – 31 mai 1992
  • Emission (1992) 35 – 6 Septembre 1992. No demo.
  • Emission (1992) 37 – 20 Septembre 1992
  • Emission (1992) 39 – 4 octobre 1992. Vegetables (AtariST)
  • Emission (1992) 38 – 27 Septembre 1992. Not in
  • Emission (1992) 40 – 11 octobre 1992. Not in
  • Compilation of 1992 emission : (our demo is not in there)

    Interactive TV Shows

    As a side part, here are some interactive TV shows I remember on the French channels.

    Le Grand Labyrinthe (1985)

    "The big Labyrinth". I was 11 so surely very impressed by that show. Two teams had to move into a kind of video labyrinth. I can remember a factory with pipes.

    Sadly no video can be found on the internet today (2024).

    Hugo Delire (1992)

    This was a TV show were people had to interact using the phone keys. The game used was an Amiga game named Hugo. It seems that that character come from Danmark, same for the TV show. Skærmtrolden Hugo. On internet we can find a C64 game. Not sure if that version was used for a TV show.

    In France, a french singer presented the show : Karen Cheryl.

    I think the Amiga game was used for the show, or maybe it was a special version running on a more powerful machine.

    On the danish version, we can see a Commodore Amiga 1084 monitor on stage, so sure that an Amiga was running the game.

    Cool demo of that time

    Silents Crionics hardwired (december 1991)

    Great 3d inside.

    Step48 Step50