Step61: Entering High School


On september 1992 I entered an high school named E.S.I.E.E (Superior school of Electronic). It was in Noisy le Grand, east of Paris, near Euro Disney Land.

It was a 5 year school. The building look like a computer keyboard. the gym is the mouse.

And guess what, there was an Amiga club!!! (The second year I became president of the club).

We had unix computers. And we learned Pascal (not C or C++). Too bad, because I never used Pascal programming langage.

We discovered internet and email! That was so great.

Video of the school

The School & Amiga Club

Inside the building there is a long open space all along the building. It is called «the street».

Here are some photos of the room of Amiga Club. We first had an Amiga 2000. Then I brougth my A1200.

Here is the photo of the first year in the club. Bottom right is Thibaut, the first president. Left Ly Hong and Stéphane. Top right, Daniel, me and Sylvain.


The first week we were asked to be always dressed as superman. So here are some photo of me before going to the school. It was a cool week, we had lot of fun.

Some more pictures of the school

Step60 Step62