Step69: Les Shadock Demo

Work in Progress. This article is currently being written. You can check out other articles; some that come after this one are fully written.

TODO Photo grouppe. Oriens Jobo Tebirod Ukko (Rahow ?), Kuma, Sharp ? Rico pour la board.

Version party differente

Oriens (Me) – Coder

Jobo – Coder

Tebirod – Musician

Gfx by Ukko, Rahow.

And some few additionnal coding from our friends Kuma and Sharp.

« Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ? » (94)(Download it) 400Ko Dentro. The title means « Why do it simple when you can do it complex ». This is the main production of « Les Shadock ». It shows the real Shadock Power… ; – ) It features the first Doom-like effect ever made on Amiga with circular walls. The whole thing was only 64Kb (the party release). Final version contains a nicer module from Tebirod (« Dog eat Dog »)


Saturne Party 1994

3rd Intro 64Ko competition

Reuploader video.

Cobalt by Paradox & The Frog Buds :

Jobo & Ukko :  » Ivory : Bizing » (92) Dentro.


Here is a cool video about the « doom » like games on amiga through years. Our demo was clearly a reference to doom.


Step68 Step70