Step70: Saturne Demo party 1994

Saturne Demo Party II – 1994


As I was studying 5 Km from the city of «Chelles», I went to that nice demo party.

Infos from demozoo: «Saturne Party 1994 was held at Centre Culturel de Chelles in Chelles, France by Saturne for the Amiga, Atari Falcon and PC scenes. It was the 2nd Saturne Party. Entrance fee was 100 FF. The invitation claimed the room could hold 1000 people; about 750 people showed up. Heinz was one of the organizers. The Amiga compo machine was an A500 with 512mb fast mem expansion, but it was a requirement that entries would also run on A1200. Graphics entries were limited to 640×512 pixels and 256 colors, and music format was ProTracker or executable file. There were 32 entries in the Amiga demo competition, 18 in amiga 64k, 80 (!) in gfx and 22 in music. It would be two years before the next Saturne party, in 1996.»

We competed in the Intro 64K compo with our demo «Why do it simple when you can do it complex ?». There were 10 entries and we were ranked 3rd. Honestly our intro had more work that the two that «beat» us. Surely because it was paradox and melon design (so friendship votes).

First intro was Cobalt – Calimero’s Return by Paradox

Second Intro was Where Is My Conscience? by Melon Dezign

Demo compo

The winning demo was Real by Complex.
Nice Aga demo with 3D and texture mapping.
Code: Gengis Music: Clawz Graphics: Eloy, Hof, Titan


Step69 Step71