Elton DEAN
Albums Vinyles

Elton DEAN the cheque is in the mail   EDQ Elton DEAN QUARTET they all be on this old road   Elton DEAN QUINTET boundaries
Elton DEAN'S NINESENSE oh! for the edge   Elton DEAN'S NINESENSE happy daze   SOFT HEAP
Hopper - Dean - Gowen - Sheen rogue element   HOPPER, DEAN, TIPPETT, GALLIVAN cruel but fair   Hugh HOPPER monster band
SOFT MACHINE The Soft Machine   SOFT MACHINE third   SOFT MACHINE fourth
SOFT MACHINE Fifth   Keith TIPPETT'S ARK Frames (music for an imaginary film)

Albums CD

SOFT HEAP a veritable centaur  Elton DEAN Headless Quartet