Sujet de stage                       Esterline Souriau

a) - Report and attachments

- Here you can download the PDF version of my report.

- Here you can download the PDF version of my attachments.

- Here you can download the PDF version of my abstract.

Assessment of the course

This internship allowed me to discover the world of business. During this period, I gained autonomy in making use of the skills acquired during these two years at the IUT physical measurements of Le Mans.

I was given the opportunity to make many ancillary tests during the ten-week internship allowing me to assist laboratory technicians in relieving many urgent tests. My participation in the tests allowed me to get in touch with employees of other services, to familiarize myself a little more with the company's business Souriau. It is with great interest that I discovered the use of equipment, and I am faced with problems.

During this time, I had the chance to meet people who have given me their expertise and advice, whether technical or human advice. I understood the importance of the laboratory within the company and the important technicians who work there. I was able to develop my critical thinking skills, my ability to search for new solutions and analyze problems.

These ten weeks have been for me, a learning experience, which confirmed my career choice. The team spirit in the laboratory, the advice of my tutor, and technical tests were motivating factors in the choice of continuing my studies. This is an excellent industrial experience and business life.

c) - The adventure So 24! :             

Thanks to the company Souriau, official partner of Team 24 So! (Ginion Boutsen Racing Team), I had the opportunity as well as 30 other employees of the company to have my photo displayed on the race car SO24!

As a member we were invited to the official presentation evening car and crew who run the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It has also been revealed to us in preview the car decorated with the colors of SO24!

On this occasion, members were present Ginion Boutsen Racing Team and Team manager Oliver LAINE.

Sarthe Objectif 24! was born in June 2011 at the initiative of pilots and Sarthe companies in order to initiate a 100% Sarthe in Le Mans 24 Hours. The association is given three years to get there. This year, at least two pilots Sarthe should start.

Pilots, Bastien Brière and Thomas Dagoneau with their partner first time Dominique Payen (President OPTI FINANCE) are behind this project. This is a business venture around the "all Sarthe!" The primary purpose of this project is that all the Sarthe, appropriate project.

Included in this adventure the same values in endurance passion, collective investment, exchange and team spirit. Indeed, the team makes it stronger, both on the track and in economic life.

Today there is a strong desire of Sarthe economic actors and local opinion leaders to come together around a common project: 24 HOURS OF LE MANS 2013. MEDEF Sarthe and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Le Mans support this project and accompany the process of the Sarthe to the general public and TPE-PME.

Site officiel de So 24! : ici